A Readable Edition of Coke Upon Littleton |
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A Readable Edition of Coke Upon Littleton Thomas Coventry,Thomas Littleton,Edward Coke No preview available - 2018 |
A Readable Edition of Coke Upon Littleton Thomas Coventry,Thomas Littleton,Edward Coke No preview available - 2018 |
Common terms and phrases
acres action of waste adjudged advowson aforesaid albeit alien annuity attorn attorney bishop chapter chattels claim common law coparceners copyhold court coverture curtesy custom daughter death deed indented deed poll descent devise discontinuance disseisee disseisin disseisor distrain diversity donor dower eldest enfeoff enter entry enure escheat escuage estate tail executors father fealty fee-simple fee-tail feoffee feoffment in fee feoffor forfeiture frankmarriage freehold gavelkind gift in tail grant a rent grantor guardian hath heirs hold holden homage indenture inheritance joint joint-tenants jointure king knight's fee lands or tenements lease lessee lessor Littleton livery of seisin lord manor ment moiety parceners partition pass person plead possession privity purchase reason recover release remedy rent charge rent service reserving a rent SECTION seised seised of lands serjeanty socage statute stranger tenant in tail tenants in common tender tenure term thereof thing villein void warranty words writ
Popular passages
Page S-152 - Homage is the most honourable service and most humble service of reverence that a frank tenant may do to his lord. For when the tenant shall make homage to his lord, he shall be ungirt and his head uncovered, and his lord shall sit and the tenant shall kneel before him on both his knees and hold his hands jointly together between the hands of his lord and shall say thus:— ' I become your man from this day forward, of life and limb and...
Page S-155 - ... know ye this, my lord, that I shall be faithful and true unto you, and faith to you shall bear for the lands which I claim to hold of you, and that I shall lawfully do to you the custom and services which I ought to do, at the terms assigned, so help me god and his saints; and he shall kiss the book.
Page xxvii - I shall not need, my lords, to speak any thing concerning the king, nor of the bounty and sweetness of his nature, whose thoughts are innocent, whose words are full of wisdom and learning, and whose works are full of honour ; although it be a true saying, Nunquam nimis, quod nunquam satis.
Page S-58 - And note, that none can be tenant in tail after the possibility of issue extinct, but one of the donees, or the donee in especial tail. For the donee in general tail cannot be said to be tenant in tail after possibility of issue extinct...
Page S-132 - Tenant at will is, where lands or tenements are let by one man to another, to have and to hold to him at the will of the lessor, by force of which lease the lessee is in possession.
Page S-338 - for avoiding of maintenance, suppression of right, and stirring up of suits ; and, therefore, nothing in action, entry or re-entry can be granted over...
Page S-132 - Yet if the lessee soweth the land, and the lessor, after it is sown and before the corn is ripe, put him out, yet the lessee shall have the corn, and shall have free entry, egress and regress to cut and carry away the corn, because he knew not at what time the lessor would enter upon him.
Page S-79 - Concerning the first, if a man make a feoffinent in fee of lands or tenements either before or after marriage to the use of the husband for life, and after to the use of A. for life, and then to the use of the wife for life in satisfaction of her dower, this is no jointure within the statute...
Page xxix - I want words sufficient to express thy viperous treasons. Raleigh. — I think you want words indeed, for you have spoken one thing half a dozen times. Attorney. — Thou art an odious fellow, thy name is hateful to all the realm of England for thy pride.
Page S-9 - And the field of Ephron which was in Machpelah, which was before Mamre, the field, and the cave which was therein, and all the trees that were in the field, that were in all the borders round about, were made sure unto Abraham for a possession in the presence of the children of Heth, before all that went in at the gate of his city.