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" No misnomer of the said corporation shall defeat or annul any gift, grant, devise, or bequest, to or from the said corporation, Provided the intent of the parties shall sufficiently appear upon the face of the gift, grant, will, or other writing, whereby... "
Acts of the General Assembly of the State of South-Carolina, from February ... - Page 199
by South Carolina - 1808
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Acts of the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey

New Jersey - Law - 1868 - 1378 pages
...such gift, grant, devise or bequest, shall sufficiently appear on the face of the deed, will, grant or other writing whereby any estate or interest was intended to pass to or for the said corporation. 4. And be it enacted, That any person or persons now holding or who may...
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At a General Assembly Begun at Dover, in the Delaware State ..., Volume 4

Delaware - Law - 1816 - 766 pages estate or interest was intended to pass to or from the said corporation ; nor shall any mis-user or non-user of the rights, liberties, privileges,...jurisdictions and authorities hereby granted to the said corporation, or any of them, create or cause a forfeiture thtrtof. ° Lin.P" authority to make all...
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Acts Passed at the First Session of the 1st Congress - 3d Session of the ...

United States - Law - 1796 - 576 pages
...corporation : Provided, J,r°"d The intent of the parties shall sufficiently appear upon the »pp« face of the gift, grant, will, or other writing, whereby any estate or interest was intended to pass to or from the said corporation. SECT. 9. And be it further enacted, That the constitution ть« of the...
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Laws Enacted in the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ...

Pennsylvania. Laws, statutes, etc - Law - 1803 - 728 pages
...ProvMed, The intent of . the v iltrc the in- parties shall sufficiently appear on the face of n"'ti'am" the gift, grant, will or other writing, whereby any estate or interest was intended to pass to and disuser or or from the said corporation, nor shall any i'°Jir 'privihr- disuser or nonuser of...
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Laws Enacted in the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ...

Pennsylvania. Laws, statutes, etc - Law - 1808 - 520 pages
...: J^1*ta<J,r ""'ft Provided, the intent of the parties shall sufficiently appear on the grant, &c. face of the gift, grant, will or other writing, whereby any estate Nor ai or interest was intended to pass to, or from the said corporation, (0 work a nor shall any disuser...
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Laws Enacted in the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ...

Pennsylvania. Laws, statutes, etc - Law - 1810 - 264 pages
...the same, No m'sn<>where the intent of the party or parties shall sufficiently appear on J^| *° l *^ the face of the gift, grant, will, or other writing whereby any es- &c. t° cause a granted to saidacade?jy applied! b6 Nonuser not tate or other interest was intended...
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Laws Enacted in the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ...

Pennsylvania. Laws, statutes, etc - Law - 1811 - 300 pages
...devise or bequest to the same where the intent of the party or parties shall sufficiently appear on the face of the gift, grant, will or other writing whereby any estate or other interest shall have been intended to pass to the said corporation; nor shall any nonuser of the...
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Proceedings of the Baptist Convention for Missionary Purposes: Held in ...

American Baptist Foreign Mission Society - Baptists - 1814 - 502 pages
...grant, devise, or bequest, to or from the said corporation, provided the intent of the parties shall sufficiently appear upon the face of the gift, grant, will, or other writing, whereby any estate or Ínteres; was intended to pass to or from the said Corporation. June 18th, 1821. REPORT OK THE COMMITTEE...
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At a General Assembly Begun at Dover, in the Delaware State ..., Volume 3

Delaware - Session laws - 1816 - 446 pages
...favour*. '. to or from the said corporation; provided .the in- bl-v- , , tent of the parties shall sufficiently appear upon the face of the gift, grant,...whereby any estate or interest was intended to pass to or from the said corporation, nor shall any misuscr or nonuserof the rights, liberties, privileges,...
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Minutes - United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.

United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. General Assembly - 1816 - 860 pages
...the intent of the party or parties shall sufficiently appear upon the face of the gift, will, grant, or other writing, whereby any estate or interest was intended to pass to or for the said corporation. 3. And be it enacted, That the said corporation and their successors,...
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