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" The judicial power shall be vested in such superior and inferior courts of law and equity, as the legislature shall, from time to time, direct and establish. "
Acts of the General Assembly of the State of South-Carolina, from February ... - Page 29
by South Carolina - 1808
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The Constitutions of the United States: According to the Latest Amendments ...

Constitutions - 1804 - 372 pages
...indictment, trial, judgment, and. punishment, according to law ARTICLE V. I. The judicial power of this State shall be vested in such superior and inferior Courts of law and equity, us the Legislature shall, from time to time, direct und establish. II. The General Assembly shall by...
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An Alphabetical Digest of the Public Statute Law of South-Carolina, Volume 1

South Carolina, Joseph Brevard - 1814 - 620 pages
...By the state constitution of 1790, Art. 3. § 1. the judicial power shall be vested in such superior courts of law and equity as the legislature shall from time to time direct and establish. The judges shall hold their commissions during good behaviour. And in Art. 6. § 1. of the same instrument,...
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Travels Through Canada, and the United States of North America, in ..., Volume 2

John Lambert - Boston (Mass.) - 1814 - 556 pages
...eligible again until the term of four years after they have served in that capacity. The judicial power is vested in such superior and inferior courts of law and equity as the legislature may from time to time direct and establish. At present the courts of this state consist of a court...
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Reports of Cases Determined in the Constitutional Court of South ..., Volume 2

South Carolina. Constitutional Court of Appeals, Henry Junius Nott, David James McCord - Law reports, digests, etc - 1821 - 648 pages
...tribunal thus constituted. By the first stetion of the third article of the Constitution it is provided " that the judicial power shall be vested in such superior...shall from time to time direct and establish ;" and the 1st section, 6th article, provides in respect to the judiciary, u that the Judges of the superior...
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The Geography, History, and Statistics, of America, and the West Indies ...

Henry Charles Carey, J. Lea - America - 1823 - 532 pages
...lieutenant-governor is chosen for the same time, and must have the same qualifications. The judicial power is vested in such superior and inferior courts of law and equity as the legislature from time to time direct and establish. The judges of each hold their commissions during good behaviour,...
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Reports of Judicial Decisions in the Constitutional Court, of the ..., Volume 2

South Carolina. Constitutional Court of Appeals - Law reports, digests, etc - 1823 - 500 pages
...his commisssion is void. The words of the constitution which have relation to this subject, are, " The judicial power shall be " vested in such superior and inferior courts oflaw " and equity, as the Legislature shall from time to " time direct and establish ; the judges...
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A General Abridgment and Digest of American Law: With Occasional ..., Volume 7

Nathan Dane - Law - 1824 - 726 pages
...provides also, for judges of the supreme courts of law and equity. That of South Carolina provides, that " the judicial power shall be vested in such...courts of law and equity as the legislature shall" establish. This was the second constitution of South Carolina, adopted after the Federal constitution...
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The American's Guide: Comprising the Declaration of Independence : the ...

Constitutions - 1828 - 494 pages
...Judicial Department. § 1. The judicial power of this state shall he vested in cue supreme court, and such superior and inferior courts of law and equity, as the legislature may, from time to time, direct and estahlish. Courts, who shall receive for their services a compensation,...
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A New Family Encyclopedia; Or, Compendium of Universal Knowledge ...

Charles Augustus Goodrich - Cyclopaedias - 1831 - 486 pages
...resignation, or absence of the Governor. He is president of the Senate. Judiciary. One supreme court, and such superior and inferior courts of law and equity, as the Legislature may from time to time establish. Number of the supreme and superior courts not less than four, nor...
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The American Almanac and Respository of useful knowledge for the year 1830

Gray and Bowen - 1831 - 366 pages
...and residence, has paid a state or county tax. The judicial power is vested in a Supreme Court, and such superior and inferior courts of law and equity, as the legislature may, from time to time, establish. The judges of the several courts are elected by the General Assembly,...
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