Army of the U. S., Slavery protected by, Auction, a slave, Augusta Chronicle, Bangs, Dr., quotation from, Bible Arguments for Slavery answered,. Brown, E., quotation from, Burning a man alive, Camden, S. C., testimony from, Freedom of Speech and of the Press, Gaudaloupe, 126 105 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, Golden Rule, 25 Horrors of St. Domingo, Husbands and Wives protected among the He- brew Servants, Immediate Emancipation, Increase of Slaves, Internal Slave Trade, Instruction of Servants, Jefferson, quotation from, Jewish Servitude, unlike American Slavery, Johnson, his testimony, Jones, Rev. C. C., his testimony as to the Moral Kidnapping, 86 79 11 +95 Marriage prohibited to Slaves, Masters mentioned in the New Testament, Masters, duties of, 93 29 Measures of Abolitionists, Mental Instruction prohibited, Methodist Church in 1780, 121 13 58 Missionary Society of the S. C. Conference, Moral condition of the Enslaved, |