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In undertaking the duties of your presiding officer, I feel sensibly a want of that legislative experience and knowledge of parliamentary rules requisite to a correct and prompt discharge of those duties.

I can claim no natural aptitude to supply this deficiency. I promise, however, to do all in my power, by industry and impartiality, to merit your kind forbearance and cordial co-operation and support

We have much to do-nearly half a million people being interested in our work, it is of great consequence that it be well done. The time in which we expect to perform this work is very brief. This is the first session of the Legislature under our present constitution, when forty days only are allowed at the public expense to transact all the ordinary business of legislation for the period of two years.

When we reflect that heretofore more than double this time has usually been occupied every year in legislation in this State, we shall be impressed with the idea, that any waste or misapplication of time, misdirection of our energies, or want of the exercise of a proper spirit of concession in conducting our deliberations, will leave us at the end of our allotted time in the midst of duties unperformed.

In conclusion, permit me to say—I am sensible, that without your kind aid, I shall be unable to discharge the duties incumbent upon the chair with necessary accuracy or dispatch. Confidently relying upon this, I now enter upon those duties.

On motion of Mr. Griswold,

The rules of the last Senate were adopted until otherwise ordered. Mr. Griswold also introduced a concurrent resolution relative to the joint rules of the two Houses, and rules in joint convention which was adopted.

On motion of Mr. Snow,

The Senate proceeded to the election of permanent officers,
The vote for Secretary resulted rs follows:


Senators Arzeno, Clarke, Fralick, Goodrich, Gould, Griswold, Hall, Har ngton, Harris, Hickok, Hixon, Johnson, Kent, Leonard, Lyon, Moore, McCauley, Newberry, Russell, Snow, Smith, Stevens, Stowell, Twombly, Wright.-25.


Senators Beeson, Curtenius, Dickey, Gardner, McNaughton, Paddock, Pierce.-7.

Whereupon the President declared that Oliver W. Moore, of Washtenaw county having received a majority of all the votes, was duly elected Secretary.

The vote for Engrossing and Enrolling Clerk resulted as follows:


Senators Clarke, Fralick, Goodrich, Gould, Griswold, Hall, Harrington, Harris, Hickok, Hixon, Johnson, Kent, Leonard, Lyon, Moore, McCauley, Newberry, Russell, Snow, Smith, Stevens, Stowell, Twombly, Wright-25.


Senators Beeson, Curtenius, Dickey, Gardiner, McNaughton, Paddock, Pierce-7.

Whereupon the President declared that George B. Sherwood of Van Buren county having received a majority of all the votes, was duly elected Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk.

The vote for Sergeant-at-Arms, resulted as follows:


Senators Arzeno, Clarke, Fralick, Goodrich, Gould, Griswold, Hall, Harrington, Harris, Hickok, Hixson, Johnson, Kent, Leonard, Lyon, Moore, McCauley, Newberry, Russell, Snow, Smith, Stevens, Stowell, Twombly, Wright-25.


Senators Beeson, Curtenius, Dickey, Gardner, McNaughton, Paddock, Pierce-7.

Whereupon, the President declared that Robert M. Collins, having received a majority of all the votes, was duly elected Sergeantat-Arms.

Mr. Snow offered the following resolution :

Resolved, That the President be, and he is hereby authorized to

appoint four messengers of the Senate for the present session.

Mr. Dickey moved to strike out "four" and insert two.


Mr. Fralick moved to strike out "four" and insert three.

The resolution was then adopted.

On motion of Mr. Hixson,

The Senate adjourned until 2 o'clock, P. M.

Afternoon Session.

The Senate was called to order by the President.
Roll called; a quorum present.

2 o'clock.

The permanent officers of the Senate elected during the morning session came forward, and severally subscribing the constitutional oath of office, entered upon the discharge of their respective duties.

On motion, a committee of two, consisting of Senators Griswold and Dickey was appointed to inform the House that the Senate was organized and ready to proceed to business; which committee, after a short absence, reported a performance of their duty and were discharged.

A committee, consisting of Messrs. Mitchell and Worden, was announced from the House, who informed the Senate that the House was organized and ready to proceed to business.

On motion, a committee was appointed on the part of the Senate, consisting of Senators Harrington and Pierce, to join a like committee on the part of the House, to wait upon the Governor and inform him that the two Houses were organized and ready to receive any communication he might be pleased to make.

The following message was announced from the House:
Lansing, Junuary 5, 1853.

To the President of the Senate:


SIR-I am instructed by the House of Representatives to respectfully inform the Senate that the House have appointed Messrs Ely and Ellsworth a committee on the part of the House, to act with the like committee on the part of the Senate, to wait on the Governor and inform him that the two Houses are organized and ready to receive any communication he may be pleased to make.

Very Respectfully,

Clerk House of Reps.

The committee on the part of the Senate, soon reported a performance of their duty, and that they had received for answer that the Governor would soon communicate with the two Houses in writing. Mr. Snow offered the following resolution :

Resolved, That each member of the Senate be allowed five dollars for stationery and newspapers, and that the committee on supplies be authorized to furnish the President, Secretary, and Engrossing and Enrolling Clerk such amount of stationery as may be necessary.

Mr. Griswold moved to add at the end, "and to the chairman of the several committees."


The resolution was then adopted.

A communication was announced from the Executive, at the hands of P. J. Loranger, his private secretary, transmitting his annual message the same was being read by the Secretary, when Mr. Dickey moved that its further reading be dispensed with, which prevailed.

Mr. Griswold moved that the message be laid on the table, and 1000 copies thereof be ordered printed for the use of the Senate. Mr. Goodrich moved to amend by adding 500 copies in the French, and 500 copies in the Dutch languages, which prevailed.

The motion as amended then prevailed.

Mr. Griswold then moved that 500 copies of the documents accompanying the message be printed for the use of the Senate.


Mr. Griswold gave notice that he would on some future day ask leave to introduce

A bill to provide for the construction of a ship canal around the Falls of St. Mary's; also,

A bill ceding the jurisdiction over certain lands to the United States.

Mr. Griswold, on leave, introduced a joint resolution relative to postage, which was read twice, and the rule having been suspended was read the third time and passed.

On motion of Mr. Johnson,

Resolved, That the daily session of the Senate commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., until otherwise ordered.

Mr. Stowell offered the following resolution :

Resolved, That John N. Ingersoll be and he is hereby appointed Reporter to the Senate for the present session, whose duty it shall be to furnish to the Tri weekly State Journal, and to the Sentinel, sketches of the debates of this body.

Mr. Gould moved to lay the same on the table.


The resolution was then adopted.

On motion of Mr. Snow,

Resolved, That the committee on printing (when appointed) employ some person or persons to translate the Governor's message into the French and Dutch languages.

On motion of Mr. Wright,

Resolved, That the committee on printing order 300 copies of the daily journals for the use of the Senate.

On motion of Mr. Dickey,

The rules of the Senate were referred to the committee on printing (when appointed) and that they report such amendments thereto as they may deem necessary.

The following message was announced:

To the President of the Senate:

Lansing, January 5, 1853.

SIR-I am instructed by the House of Representatives to return to the Senate concurrent resolutions relative to joint rules, and rules in joint convention, and to respectfully inform the Senate that the House concur therein.

[blocks in formation]

The Senate was called to order by the President.

Roll called; a quorum present.

The journal of preceding day read and approved.

The President announced the standing committees of the Senate, as follows:

On Supplies and Expenses-Senators Wright, Stowell and Beeson,
On Claims-Senators Smith, Fralick and Kent.

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