PUBLIC LIBRARY ASTOR, FENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS.. 1900. L THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY DUPLICATE SOLD لا WHEREAS the Legislature did, in their last session, pass an act to change the manner and form of keeping the public accounts of this state; and the propriety of a uniform mode of currency, throughout the United States, becoming every day more obvious, 16th, 17an's and with a wish to forward the same, as also for inducing our fellow citizens to follow the example in their different transactions 1796. How books in public offices 1. Be it ordained, That from and after the first day of February next, all accounts in the public offices of this city, shall be kept in dollars, cents, and mills; a are to be kept. cent the hundredth part of a dollar, a mill the thousandth part of a dollar. 2. That it shall be the duty of the City Treasurer, in compliance with the intent and meaning of this ordinance, to open a new sett of books, in dollars, cents, and mills; and in like manner keep a cash book, in dollars, cents and mills, in which shall be entered the daily receipts and expenditures of the treasury. 3. That from and after the first day of February next, all judgments obtained in the court of wardens,* of any nature whatsoever, shall in like manner be entered up in dollars, cents and mills, agreeable to the intent and meaning of this ordinance. * Now in the Inferior City Court. B |