A treatise on the principles of pleading in civil actions |
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Common terms and phrases
A. B. hath A. B. says absque hoc aforesaid action afterwards alleged answer appear Appendix appurtenances assumpsit attorney bill Bract called Chitty colour comes and defends confession and avoidance county aforesaid course court covenant damages debt declaration deed defendant pleaded defends the wrong demise demurrer denial detinue example fendant GEORGE the Fourth imparlance indenture issue in fact issue in law judges King's Bench laid latitat Litt Lord the King maintain his aforesaid manner and form matter ment nisi prius non est factum NOTE objection original writ plaintiff Pleader pleas in abatement possession pounds practice prays judgment proceeding quod ready to verify record reign replevin replication respect rule Salk Saund seised seisin shew special traverse statute sufficient suit summoned tender tenements term thereof Tidd tion trespass trial by jury venue verdict Vide suprà writ of error writ of right
Popular passages
Page 167 - With respect to the former case it is to be observed, that where there is any defect, imperfection, or omission in any pleading, whether in substance or form, which would have been a fatal objection upon demurrer ; yet if the issue joined be such as necessarily required on the trial proof of the facts so defectively or imperfectly stated or omitted, and without which it is not to be presumed that either the judge would direct the jury to give, or the jury would have given the verdict, such defect,...
Page 63 - Chester is, and, from time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary, hath been a...
Page 7 - Edw. 1, c. 24, it was provided, " that as often as it shall happen in the chancery that in one case a writ is found, and in a like case (in consimili casu) falling under the same right, and requiring like remedy, no writ is to be found, the clerks of the chancery shall agree in making a writ, or adjourn the complaint till the next parliament, and write the cases in which they cannot agree, and refer them to the next parliament, &c.
Page 396 - ... in that plea alleged, ought not to be barred from having and maintaining his aforesaid action thereof against the defendant, because he saith, that, the said defendant at the said time when, etc.
Page 290 - ... it shall be lawful for any defendant, or tenant in any action or suit, or for any plaintiff in replevin, in any Court of record, with the leave of the Court, to plead as many several matters thereto as he shall think necessary for his defence...
Page 249 - AB as for his costs and charges by him, about his suit in that behalf expended...
Page 37 - AB, was seised of the tenements aforesaid, with the appurtenances in his demesne, as of fee and right in the time of peace, in the time of the Lord George the Third, late King of Great Britain, to wit, •within sixty years now last past, by taking the esplees thereof to the value, &c.
Page 275 - This qualification of the rule against duplicity, applies not only to pleadings in confession and avoidance, but to traverses also; so that a man may deny as well as affirm, in pleading, any number of circumstances that together form but a single point or proposition.
Page 166 - Where a matter is so essentially necessary to be proved, that had it not been given in evidence, the jury could not have given such a verdict, there the want of stating that matter in express terms in a declaration, provided it contains terms sufficiently general to comprehend it in fair and reasonable intendment, will be cured by a verdict...
Page 344 - The defendant pleaded that the plaintiff had been illegally, fraudulently, and dishonestly concerned and connected with, and was one of, a gang of swindlers and common informers, and had also been guilty of deceiving and defrauding divers persons, with whom he had had dealings and transactions, wherefore he printed and published, &c.