The Statutes at Large;: Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia, from the First Session of the Legislature, in the Year 1619. : Published Pursuant to an Act of the General Assembly of Virginia, Passed on the Fifth Day of February One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eight. : Volume I[-XIII]., Volume 4editor, 1820 - Law |
From inside the book
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Page 24
... authority aforesaid , That if a debt , contracted by any person deceased , in tobacco , corn , wheat , beef , pork , or other kind of commodity , commodities shall be recovered by suit at law against his 24 LAWS OF VIRGINIA ,
... authority aforesaid , That if a debt , contracted by any person deceased , in tobacco , corn , wheat , beef , pork , or other kind of commodity , commodities shall be recovered by suit at law against his 24 LAWS OF VIRGINIA ,
Page 25
... recovered by suit at law against his or her tate , payable executor or executors , administrator or administra . in specific tors , and there shall not , at the time of such re- when to be covery , be so much of the commodities so con ...
... recovered by suit at law against his or her tate , payable executor or executors , administrator or administra . in specific tors , and there shall not , at the time of such re- when to be covery , be so much of the commodities so con ...
Page 44
... recovered be fore. Penalties ted . the same shall reside , at the time such forfeiture shall become due ; the other moiety to him or them whe will inform or sue for the same : Every of which for or spayed Proceedings 44 LAWS OF VIRGINIA ,
... recovered be fore. Penalties ted . the same shall reside , at the time such forfeiture shall become due ; the other moiety to him or them whe will inform or sue for the same : Every of which for or spayed Proceedings 44 LAWS OF VIRGINIA ,
Page 45
... recovered be fore one of her Majesty's justices of the peace . be read in VI . And be it further enacted , by the authority afore . This act to said , That this act shall be publicly read in all parish churches , churches and chappels ...
... recovered be fore one of her Majesty's justices of the peace . be read in VI . And be it further enacted , by the authority afore . This act to said , That this act shall be publicly read in all parish churches , churches and chappels ...
Page 52
... recovered by action of debt , or information , in any court of record , in this dominion ; wherein no essoin , protection , or wager of law shall be allow- ed . And if the said forfeiture shall be less than twen- ty shillings , to be ...
... recovered by action of debt , or information , in any court of record , in this dominion ; wherein no essoin , protection , or wager of law shall be allow- ed . And if the said forfeiture shall be less than twen- ty shillings , to be ...
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acres act of assembly allowed appointed authority afore authority aforesaid bill bond cask certificate CHAP charge chattels clerk collector colony and dominion constable copy thereof Coun Council county court court of record current money declared deed defendant directed duty entring execution executors fee simple fees feme covert forfeit and pay further enacted glebe governor granted hath hereafter hereby enacted hereby impowered hogshead hundred pounds Indian inspectors intituled John Holloway judgment justice King George county levy Lieutenant-Governor liquors Maj'ties majesty majesty's ment mentioned Nansemond county negro oath offence owner oyer and terminer paid paiment parish Penalty pence person or persons persons whatsoever plaintiff pounds of tobacco pounds per annum present General Assembly prison Provided quit-rents recovered reign respectively river Robert Carter seised sheriff shillings ship or vessel summoning surveior tenements therein Thomas Bray three pence tion tithables twenty vestry warehouse whereas witnesses writ