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for contributions to chapel cases, whether by letter, or personally, be made to the managers of the affairs of the congregation for the time being, and not to the minister; or, if to the minister, only through him to the managers.


April 24, Rev. S. Allen was ordained over the Independent church at Chinnor, Oxon. Prayer and reading, Rev. B. Sugden, of Stoken Church. Introductory discourse, Rev. Mr. Howes, of Goring. Ordination prayer, Rev. P. Tyler, of Haddenham, (Baptist.) Charge to the minister, Rev. R. Stodhart, of London, from 1 Thess. i. 7. Sermon to the people, Rev. Joshua Harrison, of Wooburn, from 1 Thess. v. 12, 13. Rev. W. Harris, of Wallingford preached in the evening. Rev. Messrs. Terry, of Risborough, Tyler, Howes, &c. engaged in the other devotional parts of the service.

On Friday, June 20, the Rev. Robert Thornton, from Rotherham College, was ordained to the pastoral office over the church and congregation assembling in Salem Chapel, Monkwearmouth, Dur ham; the Rev. T. Matthews, from Hambro', introduced the service by reading and prayer; the Rev. James Matheson, from Durham, showed the nature of a Christian church; the Rev. W. Blackburn, from Whitby, asked the usual questions; the Rev. Mr. Davison offered up the ordination prayer; the Rev. S. Nicols gave the charge to the minister; and the Rev. W. H. Stowell, from North Shields, addressed the church and congregation; the devotional services were conducted by the Rev. Messrs. Chamberlain, Penrith, Pems, and Ferguson. The congregations were large, and all seemed deeply impressed with the solemnities of the occasion.

On Wednesday, the 5th of November, Mr. William Byrne was ordained to the pastoral charge of the Independent church, meeting in Kyrle Street, Ross, Herefordshire. Mr. Davies, of Hereford, stated the nature of a Gospel church, and received the confession of faith, the call of the church to Mr. Byrne, and his acceptance of it; Mr. Rees, of Huntington, offered the ordination prayer; Mr. Redford, of Worcester, gave the charge; and Mr. Welsford, of Tewksbury preached to the church. Mr. Rees, of Huntington, preached in the evening. The devotional parts of the service were performed by Messrs. Chapman, of Bromyard; Owen, of Chepstow; Borley, of Sutton; and Jones, of Hoarwithy. The cause of dissent in Ross originated with the labours of Mr. Anthony Collier, ejected from Morton-on-Leig, in this county, in 1662. He died pastor of this church in 1697. It is conjectured that the infant cause was principally supported by Colonel Kyrle, an old parliamentary officer in the immediate vicinity, as that gentleman is recorded by Calamy as a promoter of the dissenting interest. The following ministers became in succession the pastors of this church, Messrs. Drew, Pike, Dobson, Josiah Vaughan, Lewis Jones, William Lewelyn, Edward Williams, (afterwards of Rotherham,) Howell, Thomas King, William Miller, (now of Cheshunt, Bucks,) John Rogers, William George, and (a second time) Thomas King, who died here a few years ago, much respected for his piety and talents. To him Mr. Byrne succeeded as a supply, and, it is hoped that his union with the church will be followed by a revival of the cause of religion in this antient temple of Nonconformity. May the Lord bless his churches in this benighted and long-neglected county!


COMMUNICATIONS have been received during the past month from the Reverend Messrs. Thomas Durant-Thomas Harper - John Pain- D. Edwards-Thomas Ashton-Joshua Harrison--James Elborough--Algernon Wells-George RedfordC. N. Davies-J. A. James--J. Leifchild-J. Hoppus--W. Davis-W. Greenwood. Also from Messrs. Hutchinson--Storer--Lloyd --Carpenter--Collins--Z. Y.--B.Τ. V.--Βῆτα.-Ε. Α.

We have inserted several papers relating to the division among the American Quakers, with which we have been favoured by various correspondents. In our last number we hoped to have concluded the discussion; but since then we have received another long paper from Zeta, with an intimation, that it is to be followed by a second. Our correspondents must be aware, that we cannot open our pages to an interminable controversy on such a subject; but as we should be sorry that the Friends had not as full an opportunity to explain and vindicate, where we believe them to be unjustly aspersed, as we can afford: if Zeta will take back his paper, and condense it as much as possible, adding what else he has to say; we will insert the whole in our Supplement, which must terminate the subject.

Many notices of books and other matters are unavoidably deferred till the Supplement. :


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