The monies XX. And it is hereby enacted and declared by the authority arifing by this aforesaid, That all the monies arifing of or for the said several act, to be the fubfidies of tonnage and poundage, and of or for the said dugeneral fund, &c. and not to ties of coals, culm, and cynders, and the said several rates and be diverted, duties of excise by this act appointed to be paid into the receipt under penalty. of the Exchequer, from time to time, as aforesaid, together Sum to be raised. with the fum of two hundred and eighty thousand pounds, (part of the contribution-monies to be reserved and applied as is herein after mentioned) or so much of the said subsidies, rates, impositions, duties, and contribution-money, as shall be fufficient for answering the full and due payment of all the annuities to be purchased upon this act, from time to time, ac cording to the true meaning thereof, is, are, and shall be the general fund for payment of the fame, and shall be charged therewith, and liable thereunto, and shall not be diverted or divertible to any other use, intent, or purpose whatsoever, under the penalties, forfeitures, and disabilities in this act expressed. XXI. And for the raising any fum and sums of money, not exceeding in the whole the sum of two millions eight hundred fifty five thousand seven hundred fixty one pounds, fixteen shillings, and two pence, (that is to say) two millions five hundred seventy five thousand seven hundred fixty one pounds, fixteen How applied. shillings, and two pence thereof, for carrying on the present war, and other her Majesty's occafions, and two hundred and eighty thousand pounds, residue thereof, to be applied, together with the produce of the faid subsidy of tonnage and poundage, for or towards the making good or compleating the quarterly payments herein after mentioned, to incur and grow due on and before the five and twentieth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eight; it is hereby Any persons further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may advance may be lawful to and for any person or perfons, natives or fothe faid fum, reigners, bodies politick or corporate, to contribute, advance, and pay into the receipt of her Majesty's Exchequer, for her Majesty's use, at or before the respective days and times in this act limited in that behalf, any sum or fums of money not for purchasing exceeding in the whole, the faid fum of two millions eight annuities for hundred fifty five thousand seven hundred fixty one pounds, ninety nine fixteen thillings, and two pence, for purchasing any annuity or years, from annuities, to be paid and payable during the full term of ninety the twenty fifth of March nine years, to be reckoned from the five and twentieth day of 1706, at fif- March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred teen years and and fix, at the rate of fifteen years and an half's purchase, an half pur- which rate doth amount to the sum of one hundred fifty five chafe, 1551. for rol. per pounds for every such annuity of ten pounds per annum, and proportionably for any greater annuity; and the fame rate or confideration-money is hereby appointed to be paid into the faid receipt, at or before the respective days and times herein aftermentioned, (that is to say) one fourth part thereof, on or beMay, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fix; one other fourth part thereof, on or before annum. Purchase-mo ney how paid. fore the first day of The South Sea fore the first day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand By 6 Geo. 1. seven hundred and fix; one other fourth part thereof, on or be- c. 4. fect. 1. fore the one and thirtieth day of August, in the year of our company may Lord one thousand seven hundred and fix; and the remaining take in these fourth part thereof, on or before the first day of November, in annuities. the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fix: all Annuities not which annuities so to be purchased, shall not exceed in the 1842421. 145. whole, the sum of one hundred eighty four thousand two hun- per annum. dred forty two pounds, fourteen shillings per annum, and shall to exceed be paid and payable at the four most usual feasts, or days of Times of pay- XXII. And it is hereby enacted, That in the offices of the Contributors XXIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, The annuities That all and every the annuities whatsoever, which shall be how charged. purchased upon, or in pursuance of this present act, shall be, and are hereby charged upon, and shall be paid and payable from time to time in the first place, and with preference to all other payments whatsoever, out of the monies arising from time to time, of and for the frid several subsidies of tonnage and poundage, impositions upon coals, culm, and cynders, and the faid feveral rates and duties of excife, and all and every other duty and duties, sum and sums of money whatsoever, by this act appointed to be brought and paid into the receipt of Exchequer, as aforesaid, and every of them, and also out of the faid fum not exceeding two hundred and eighty thousand pounds by this act allowed to be contributed for or towards the making good or compleating the quarterly payments for the first two years, as aforesaid, and so much of the faid several subsidies, duties, impositions, rates, fum and sums of money so appointed by this act, to be brought or paid into the Exchequer, and so much of the said fum not exceeding two hundred and eighty thousand pounds, allowed by this act to be contributed for this purpose, as aforesaid, as are and shall be sufficient to fatisfy and discharge all the annuities to be purchased upon this act, according to the purport and true meaning of the same, are and shall be, by virtue of this act, appropriated and applied, to and for the fatisfying K 2 fatisfying and discharging of the fame annuities accordingly, and shall be issued, disposed, and applied to that use, and to no other use, intent, or purpose whatsoever; any thing in this or any other act of parliament contained, or any other matter or thing whatsoever to the contrary notwithstanding. Overplus-mo- XXIV. Provided always, That if at the end of the said first nies, if any, two years of the said term of ninety nine years, there shall be disposeable by an overplus remaining in the receipt of the Exchequer of the parliament. said duties and contribution-monies, or any of them, by this د Contributors to have fure eftates in the annuities pur chafed by them free from taxes. And to have tallies, &c. act appointed for the payment of the said annuities, which shall be more than what shall have been fufficient to discharge all the quarterly payments of the faid annuities, until, and for the quarter to end at Lady-day, one thousand seven hundred and eight; or if at the end of any subsequent year of the said term of ninety nine years, the monies brought into the Exchequer within such year of the said several subsidies, impositions, rates, duties, and monies by this act appropriated for payment of the said annuities, pursuant to this act, shall exceed all the monies then due for or upon the said annuities, and all arrearages thereof, then or at any time or times before that time incurred, so that there shall be an overplus remaining in the Exchequer, such overplus-monies shall be disposable from time to time for the publick use and service by authority of parliament, and not otherwife; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. XXV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all and every contributor and contributors upon this act, duly paying the confideration or purchase-money at the rate aforefaid, at or before the respective days and times in this act limited in that behalf, for any such annuity or annuities, as aforesaid, or such as he, she or they shall appoint, his, her, or their respective executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, shall have, receive, and enjoy, and be entitled, by virtue of this act, to have, receive, and enjoy the respective annuity and annuities so to be purchased out of the monies by this act appropriated or appointed for the payment thereof during the said whole term of ninety nine years, as is above-mentioned; and that all and every such purchasers, their executors, administrators, and affigns respectively, shall have good and fure estates and interests in the several annuities so by them to be purchased, according to the tenor and true meaning of this act; and that all the said annuities to be purchased upon this act, and every of them, during the term aforesaid, shall be free from all taxes, charges, and impositions whatsoever. XXVI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every contributor upon this act for any annuity or annuities, as aforesaid, his, her, or their executors, administrators, or affigns, upon payment of the confideration or purchasemoney for the fame, at the rate aforesaid, or any part or proportion thereof, within the time or times in this act limited in that behalf, shall immediately have one or more tally or tallies levied, : levied, importing the receipt of so much confideration-money as shall be so paid, and upon payment of all the purchase-money for any such annuity or annuities at the rate aforesaid, every such contributor, his or her executors, administrators, or affigns respectively, shall have an order for paying of the faid annuity and orders for and annuities, for and during the said term of ninety nine years; payment which order shall be signed by the treasurer and under treasurer of the Exchequer, or any three or more of the commissioners of the treasury for the time being, and after the signing thereof, the same shall be firm, good, valid, and effectual in the law, according to the purport and true meaning thereof, and of this act, and shall not be determinable by or upon the deaths or re-! moval of any treasurer or under treasurer of the Exchequer, or any commiffioner or commiffioners of the treasury, or by or upon the determination of the power, office, or offices of them, or any of them; nor shall any lord high treasurer of England, treasurer of the Exchequer, or any commiffioners of the trea- No lord treafurer, &c. to fury now or for the time being, have power to revoke, coun- revoke the termand or make void fuch orders so signed, as aforesaid, or fame. any of them. ment, to XXVII. And for the encouragement of the contributors to 61. per cent. advance and pay forthwith into the receipt of the Exchequer, allowed for the sums by them intended to be advanced upon this act, it is prompt payprovided and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every May, 1706. such contributor who shall advance and pay into the faid receipt of Exchequer, all or any part of the purchase-money payable for any fuch annuity or annuities, as aforesaid, before the faid first day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fix, his, her, or their executors, administrators, or affigns, shall be allowed and paid out of the contributionmoney arifing by this act, interest after the rate of fix pounds per centum per annum, for the prompt payment of the money so advanced, from the time of the actual advancing and paying the same, until the faid first day of May, one thousand feven hundred and fix. XXVIII. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may Annuities afbe lawful to and for any contributor or contributors, his, her, fignable, or their executors, administrators, or assigns, at any time or times, during the continuance of his, her, or their term, estate, or interest of and in any annuity to be purchased upon this act, by any writing under hand and feal, or by his or her last will in writing, to afsign or devise such annuity, or any part thereof, or any interest therein, to any person or persons whatsoever, and so toties quoties, and no such assignment to be revocable, fo as an entry or memorandum of such affignment or will be made and entry to in books to be kept for that purpose in the faid office of the auditor of the receipt, within the space of three months after such affignment or death of the devisor, and that upon producing fuch affignment or will, or probat thereof in the faid office of receipt, to be entred, as aforesaid, the party so producing the fame, shall bring therewith an affidavit taken before one or more be inade, &c. : Affidavits to be filed. of her Majesty's justices of the peace of the due execution of the said assignment or will; which affidavit shall be severally filed in the faid office, which said entry or memorandum, the In default of proper officers in the said receipt of Exchequer, are hereby redevise, inter- quired to make accordingly, and to file the said affidavits; and est to go to executors, &c. in default of fuch affignment or devise by deed or will, the interest of such contributor shall go to his or her executors or administrators. Guardians for infants, &c. XXIX. And it is hereby enacted, That it shall and may be may purchase lawful for any guardian or trustee, having the disposal of the money of any infant under the age of one and twenty years, for the use and benefit of fuch infant, to advance and pay the fum of one hundred fifty five pounds of the money of such infant, to purchase an annuity upon this act, for the benefit of such infant, and the said guardian or trustee, as to the said sum of one hundred fifty five pounds, so advanced, is hereby difcharged. A Exchequer XXX. And be it further enacted, for the better encourageofficers to take ment of persons to advance the monies on this act, That all no fee, on pe- receipts and issues, and all other things directed by this act to be nalty, &c. fourth be performed in the Exchequer, shall be done and performed by the officers there, without demanding or receiving, directly or indirectly, any fee, gratuity, or reward for the fame; and in cafe any of the officers of the Exchequer, shall take or demand any fuch fee or reward, or shall divert or misapply any of the monies of the faid duties, or monies hereby appropriated, or any part thereof, which should make good the payment of the said annuities, or shall pay or issue out the same otherwise than according to the intent of this act, or shall not keep books and registers, and make entries, and do and perform all other things, which by this act they are required to perform, every fuch officer thall forfeit his office, and be for the future uncapable of any office or place of trust, and shall answer and pay treble damages, with costs of fuit, to every contributor or perfon who shall be prejudiced thereby, to be recovered by action of debt, bill, plaint, or information, in any of her Majesty's courts of record at Westminster, wherein no essoin, protection, privilege of parliament, or other privilege, wager of law, injunction, order of restraint, or more than one imparlance shall be granted or allowed; and in the said action the plaintiff upon recovery, shall have his full costs; one third part of which fum to be recovered for damages, shall be to the use of her Majesty, her heirs and fuccessors; and the other two third parts, with the costs, shall be to the use of the profecutor; and in cafe there shall be any collusion, or faint profecution between the plaintiff and defendant in such action, it shall be lawful for any other contributor, his or her executors, administrators, or affigns, to bring another action, wherein he or she shall recover, as aforesaid, to the like uses, as aforesaid. XXXI. Provided always, That no person or persons whatfoever shall or may purchase or obtain, or be admitted to purchase |