and of all the peers of Scot land. One great feal. Seal in Scot. land. Privy feal, &c. continued. Regalia, records of parliament, &c. Laws inconfiftent, void. nours and dignities, fhall from and after the union, be peers of Great Britain, and have rank and precedency next and im 'mediately after the peers of the like orders and degrees in Eng⚫ land at the time of the union, and before all peers of Great • Britain of the like orders and degrees, who may be created 'after the union, and fhall be tried as peers of Great Britain, and fhall enjoy all privileges of peers, as fully as the peers of England do now, or as they, or any other peers of Great Bri'tain may hereafter enjoy the fame, except the right and privilege of fitting in the house of lords, and the privileges depending thereon, and particularly the right of fitting upon the • trials of peers.' ARTICLE XXIV. That from and after the union, there be one great feal for 'the united kingdom of Great Britain, which fhall be different 'from the great feal now used in either kingdom: and that the quartering the arms, and the rank and precedency of the lyon king of arms of the kingdom of Scotland, as may beft fuit the union, be left to her Majefty: and that in the mean time, the 'great feal of England be used as the great feal of the united kingdom, and that the great feal of the united kingdom be ufed for fealing writs to elect and fummon the parliament of "Great Britain, and for fealing all treaties with foreign princes and ftates, and all publick acts, inftruments and orders of ftate, which concern the whole united kingdom, and in all ' other matters relating to England, as the great feal of England ⚫ is now used: and that a seal in Scotland after the union be al ways kept and made ufe of in all things relating to private rights or grants, which have ufually paffed the great feal of Scotland, and which only concern offices, grants, commiffions, and private rights within that kingdom; and that until fuch feal fhall be appointed by her Majefty, the present great seal of Scotland fhall be ufed for fuch purposes; and that the privy feal, fignet, caffet, fignet of the jufticiary court, quarter seal, and feals of courts now used in Scotland be continued; but that the faid feals be altered and adapted to the state of the union, as her Majefty fhall think fit; and the faid feals, and all of them, and the keepers of them, shall be subject to fuch regu lations as the parliament of Great Britain fhall hereafter make: And that the crown, fcepter, and sword of state, the records of parliament, and all other records, rolls and registers whatfoever, both publick and private, general and particular, and ' warrants thereof, continue to be kept as they are within that ' part of the united kingdom now called Scotland; and that they Thall fo remain in all time coming, notwithstanding the union.' ARTICLE XXV. That all laws and ftatutes in either kingdom, fo far as they are contrary to, or inconfiftent with the terms of these articles, or any of them, thall, from and after the union, ceafe and • become ❝ become void, and shall be so declared to be, by the respective parliaments of the faid kingdoms.' As by the faid articles of union, ratified and approved by the faid act of parliament of Scotland, relation being thereunto had, may appear. And the tenor of the aforefaid act for fecuring the proteftant religion and prefbyterian church government within the kingdom of Scotland, is as follows: OUR II. UR fovereign Lady, and the eftates of parliament, Act for fecurconfidering that by the late act of parliament, for a ing the protreaty with England for an union of both kingdoms, it is pro teftant relivided, That the commiffioners for that treaty fhould not treat gion, and prefbyterian ⚫ of or concerning any alteration of the worship, difcipline, and church go. ⚫ government of the church of this kingdom as now by law efta- vernment in blifhed: which treaty being now reported to the parliament, Scotland, and it being reasonable and neceffary that the true proteftant religion, as prefently profeffed within this kingdom, with the worship, difcipline, and government of this church, should be effectually and unalterably fecured: therefore her Majesty, with advice and confent of the faid eftates of parliament, doth hereby establish and confirm the said true proteftant religion, and the worship, difcipline, and government of this church, to continue without any alteration to the people of this land in all fucceeding generations; and more especially her Majefty, with advice and confent aforefaid, ratifies, approves, and for ever confirms the fifth act of the first parliament of King William and Queen Mary, intituled, Act ratifying the confeffion of faith, and fettling prefbyterian church government; with all other acts of parliament relating thereto, in profecu❝tion of the declaration of the estates of this kingdom, containing the claim of right, bearing date the eleventh of April, one thousand fix hundred and eighty nine: and her Majesty, with advice and confent aforefaid, exprefly provides and declares, That the forefaid true proteftant religion, contained in the above mentioned confeffion of faith, with the form and purity of worship presently in ufe within this church, and its prefbyterian church government and difcipline (that is to fay) the government of the church by kirk feffions, prefbyteries, provincial fynods, and general affemblies, all established by the forefaid acts of parliament, pursuant to the claim of right, fhall remain and continue unalterable, and that the faid prefby⚫terian government fhall be the only government of the church within the kingdom of Scotland. Universities III. And further, for the greater fecurity of the forefaid • proteftant religion, and of the worship, difcipline, and govern'ment of this church, as above established, her Majefty, with advice and confent aforefaid, ftatutes and ordains, That the and colleges • univerfities and colleges of Saint Andrews, Glafgow, Aberdeen, to continue. and Edinburgh, as now eftablished by law, thall continue within this kingdom for ever; and that in all time coming, no ' profeffors, P 2 Subjects not liable to any oath inconfiftent with the faid church go vernment. profeffors, principals, regents, mafters, or others, bearing office in any univerfity, college, or school within this kingdom, be capable to be admitted, or allowed to continue in the exercise of their faid functions, but fuch as fhall own and ac'knowledge the civil government in manner prescribed or to be 'prescribed by the acts of parliament; as alfo, that before, or at their admiffions, they do and fhall acknowledge and profefs, and fhall fubfcribe to the forefaid confeffion of faith, as the confeffion of their faith, and that they will practife and 'conform themselves to the worship prefently in ufe in this 'church, and submit themselves to the government and dis'cipline thereof, and never endeavour directly or indirectly the 'prejudice or fubverfion of the fame, and that before the refpective prefbyteries of their bounds, by whatsoever gift, prefentation or provision they may be thereto provided. IV. And further, her Majefty, with advice aforefaid, exprefly declares, and ftatutes, That none of the fubjects of this kingdom fhall be liable to, but all and every one of them for ever free of any oath, teft or subscription within this kingdom, contrary to, or inconfiftent with the forefaid true proteftant religion, and prefbyterian church government, worship, and difcipline, as above established; and that the fame within the 'bounds of this church and kingdom, fhall never be imposed upon, or required of them, in any fort. And lastly, That after the decease of her present Majefty, (whom God long preferve) the fovereign fucceeding to her in the royal govern maintain thement of the kingdom of Great Britain, fhall in all time coming faine. at his or her acceffion to the crown, fwear and subscribe, that they fhall inviolably maintain and preferve the forefaid settlement of the true proteftant religion, with the government, worship, difcipline, right, and privileges of this church, as above established by the laws of this kingdom in profecution of the claim of right.' Queen's fuccellors to A&t to be for ever obferv'd as an effential part of any treaty, &c. between the kingdoms. V. And it is hereby ftatute and ordained, That this act of parliament, with the establishment therein contained, fhall be 'held and obferved in all time coming, as a fundamental and ⚫ effential condition of any treaty or union to be concluded betwixt the two kingdoms, without any alteration thereof, or derogation thereto in any sort for ever: as alfo, That this act of parliament, and fettlement therein contain'd, fhall be infert and repeated in any act of parliament that shall pass for agreeing and concluding the forefaid treaty or union betwixt the two kingdoms; and that the fame fhall be therein exprefly declared to be a fundamental and effential condition of the faid treaty or union in all time coming: which articles of union, and act immediately above-written, her Majefty, with advice and confent aforefaid, ftatutes, enacts, and ordains to be and continue, in all time coming, the fure and perpetual foundation of a compleat and entire union of the two kingdoms of Scotland and England, under the exprefs condition and provifion, that this approbation and ratification of the fore ⚫ faid articles and act fhall be no ways binding on this kingdom, < until the faid articles and act be ratified, approved, and confirmed by her Majefty, with and by the authority of the parliament of England, as they are now agreed to, approved and confirmed by her Majefty, with and by the authority of the Parliament of parliament of Scotland; declaring nevertheless, that the par- England may liament of England may provide for the fecurity of the church provide for feof England as they think expedient, to take place within the church of ⚫ bounds of the faid kingdom of England, and not derogating England, &c. from the fecurity above provided for establishing of the church ' of Scotland within the bounds of this kingdom; as alfo the faid parliament of England may extend the additions and other provifions contained in the articles of union, as above infert, in favours of the fubjects of Scotland, to and in favours of the 'fubjects of England; which fhall not fufpend or derogate from the force and effect of this prefent ratification, but fhall be understood as herein included, without the neceffity of any 'new ratification in the parliament of Scotland." , VI. And lastly, her Majefty enacts and declares, That all All laws, &c, 'laws and ftatutes in this kingdom, fo far as they are contrary inconfiftent to, or inconfiftent with, the terms of these articles, as above- with articles mentioned, fhall from and after the union cease and become of union, to ' void.' cease. VII. And whereas an act hath paffed in this prefent feffion 5 Annæ, c. 5. of parliament, intituled, An act for fecuring the church of Eng land as by law established; the teñor whereof follows: W recited. HEREAS by an act made in the feffion of parliament Act for fecurheld in the third and fourth year of her Majefty's ing the church reign, whereby her Majefty was impowered to appoint com- of England, miffioners, under the great feal of England, to treat with commiffioners to be authorized by the parliament of Scotland, concerning an union of the kingdoms of England and Scotland, it is provided and enacted, That the commiffioners to be ' named in pursuance of the said act should not treat of or concerning any alteration of the liturgy, rites, ceremonies, difcipline, or government of the church as by law established. within this realm: and whereas certain commiffioners appointed by her Majefty in pursuance of the faid act, and also other commiffioners nominated by her Majesty by the authority of the parliament of Scotland, have met and agreed upon a treaty of union of the faid kingdoms; which treaty is now ⚫ under the confideration of this prefent parliament: and whereas the faid treaty (with fome alterations therein made) is rati'fied and approved by act of parliament in Scotland; and the faid act of ratification is, by her Majefty's royal command, laid before the parliament of this kingdom: and whereas it is reasonable and neceffary, that the true proteftant religion ← professed and established by law in the church of England, and the doctrine, worship, difcipline, and government thereof, • should be effectually and unalterably fecured; be it enacted by P3 • the if Eliz. C. 12. 'the Queen's moft excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and the commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by authority of the fame, That an act made in the thirteenth year " of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, of famous memory, intituled, An act for the minifters of the church to be of found religion; and also another act made in the thirteenth year of the reign of 13 & 14 Car. 2. the late King Charles the Second, intituled, An act for the uniformity of the publick prayers and adminiftration of facraments, and other rites and ceremonies, and for eftablishing the form of making, ordaining, and confecrating bishops, priests, and deacons in the church of England (other than fuch claufes in the said acts, or either of them, as have been repealed or altered by any fubfequent act or acts of parliament) and all and fingular other acts of parliament now in force for the establishment and pre⚫ fervation of the church of England, and the doctrine, worship, 'difcipline, and government thereof, fhall remain and be in 'full force for ever.' C. 4. Queen's fuccellors to take an oath, to maintain the church of England. A&t to be an of any treaty, &c. VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That after the demife of her Majefty (whom God long pre'ferve) the fovereign next fucceeding to her Majefty in the ' royal government of the kingdom of Great Britain, and fo for ever hereafter, every King or Queen fucceeding and coming to the royal government of the kingdom of Great Britain, at his or her coronation, fhall in the prefence of all perfons who shall be attending, affifting, or otherwise then and there prefent, take and fubfcribe an oath to maintain and preserve inviolably the said settlement of the church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established within the kingdoms of England and Ireland, ⚫ the dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick upon Tweed, and the territories thereunto belonging.' IX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, effential part That this act, and all and every the matters and things therein contained, be, and fhall for ever be holden and adjudged to be a fundamental and effential part of any treaty of union to be concluded between the faid two kingdoms; and also that this act fhall be inferted in exprefs terms in any act of parliament which shall be made for fettling and ratifying any fuch treaty of union, and thall be therein declared to be an effential and fundamental part thereof.' Articles of union, and the act for eftablishing prefbyterian church go X. May it therefore please your most excellent Majesty, that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the Queen's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That all vernment, &c. and every the faid articles of union as ratified and approved by the faid act of parliament of Scotland, as aforefaid, and herein before particularly mentioned and inferted; and alfo the faid act of parliament of Scotland for eftablishing the protestant reli ratified and confirmed. |