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shall be then incurred or grown due, as well for and upon the faid annual sums after the rate of three pounds per centum per annum, as also for and upon all the said annuities to be purchased upon this act, shall be applied and disposed of to and for the publick use and service, and not otherwise.

at 15 years

IX. And for the raising any sum or fums of money, not exceeding one million eighteen thousand eight hundred fixty and seven pounds, eighteen shillings, and fix pence; that is to say, nine hundred thousand pounds thereof for carrying on the present war, and other her Majesty's occafions, and one hundred and eighteen thousand eight hundred fixty and seven pounds, eighteen shillings, and fix pence, refidue thereof, for making good the quarterly payments herein after mentioned, to incur and grow due on and before the said five and twentieth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and five; it is hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall Persons may and may be lawful to and for any person or persons, natives advance or foreigners, to contribute, advance and pay into the receipt of 1,018,8671. her Majesty's Exchequer, for her Majesty's use, at or before the 18s. 6d. for purchafing respective days and times by this act limited in that behalf, annuities for any fum or fums of money for or towards the faid sum of 99 years. one million eighteen thousand eight hundred fixty and seven pounds, eighteen shillings, and fix pence, for purchasing any annuity or annuities, to be satisfied as in this act is mentioned, for and during the full term of ninety nine years ye to be reckoned from the five and twentieth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and four, at the rate of purchase, fifteen years purchase; which rate doth amount to the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds for every fuch annuity of ten pounds per annum, and proportionably for any greater to be paid into annuity: and the same rate or confideration-money is hereby the Excheappointed to be paid into the faid receipt, at or before the quer, one third part on 1 May, respective days and times herein after mentioned, that is to fay, 1704. one оone third part thereof on or before the first day of May, in ther third the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and four; part on 24 one other third part thereof on or before the four and twentieth June, 1704. day of June, in the said year of our Lord one thousand seven third part on and four; and the remaining third part thereof, on or before 29 Sept. 1704. the nine and twentieth day of September, in the said year of annuities fo Lord one thousand seven hundred and four. And the said purchasedbow annuities so to be purchased, and every of them, shall be paid be paid. and payable, from time to time, at the four most usual feasts of By 6 Geo. 1. the year, that is to say, the feast of the nativity of Saint John c. 4. f. 1. the Baptist, Saint Michael the archangel, the birth of our Lord South Sea company may Chrift, and the annunciation of the blessed virgin Mary, by take in thefe even and equal portions, the first payment thereof to be made annuities. at or for the feast of the nativity of Saint John Baptist, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and four; which faid annuities shall, for the first year, and three quarters of a year, of the said term of ninety nine years, be fatisfied and paid out of the monies to be advanced in pursuance of this act,

B 3

and the other

and when to

act, whereof fufficient shall be reserved for that purpose; and for all the rest and refidue of the said term of ninety nine years, the said annuities, and every of them, shall be paid and fatisfied out of the monies arifing by the weekly payments of excise money before mentioned.

X. And for the raising any further sum and sums of money, not exceeding three hundred thousand pounds, for carrying on the said war, and other her Majesty's occafions, and also for raising such monies as shall be necessary to difcharge the quarterly payments, which during one year and three quarters of a year, to be reckoned from the said five and twentieth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and four, shall or may grow due upon the other annuities to be purchased, as is herein

For raising a after mentioned; it is hereby further enacted by the authority further fum of aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any 300,0001. person or persons, natives or foreigners, to contribute, advance, Perfons may and pay into the faid receipt of her Majesty's Exchequer, for purchase annuities for one her Majesty's use, at or before the respective days and times, life at 9 years and by fuch proportions, as are before in this act appointed purchafe, for for payment of the purchase monies for the annuities first

two lives at

1 years pur

chafe, three

lives at 12

years pur

chafe, or for 99 years at 15

years purchafe.

Annuities to


above mentioned, any fum and sums of money for purchasing any annuity or annuities for one life, at the rate of nine years purchase, or for two lives, at the rate of eleven years purchase, or for three lives, at the rate of twelve years purchase, or for fuch a certain term of ninety nine years, as aforesaid, at the rate of fifteen years purchase, at the election of such purchasers respectively; which faid rates do amount to the fum of ninety pounds for an annuity of ten pounds per annum for one life, and to the sum of one hundred and ten pounds for an annuity of ten pounds per annum for two lives, and the fum of one hundred and twenty pounds for an annuity of ten pounds per annum for three lives, and to the fum of one hundred and fifty pounds for an annuity of ten pounds per annum for the certain term of ninety nine years before mentioned, and proportionably for any greater annuities fo to be purchased for fuch estates or interests respectively.

XI. And it is hereby enacted, That all the said annuities so to be purchased for life, lives, or years, at the election of the from 25 Mar. purchafer, as aforesaid, shall likewife commence from the said five and twentieth day of March, in the year of our Lord one be paid quar- thousand feven hundred and four, and shall be paid and payable

1704. and to


at the faid receipt of Exchequer, at the four usual feasts before mentioned, by even and equal portions, the first payment thereof to be also made at or for the said feast of the nativity of Saint John Baptist, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and four.

How the quar. XII. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That terly payments all the quarterly payments which shall or may incur er grow from 25 1704. to 25 due for or upon the annuities last mentioned, within the faid Dec. 1705. time of one year, and three quarters of a year, to be reckoned shall be paid, from the faid five and twentieth day of March, one thousand


seven hundred and four, until and for the said five and twentieth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and five, shall be fatisfied and paid out of the monies to be advanced for purchasing the fame annuities upon this act, whereof fufficient shall be reserved for that purpose; and all quarterly payments which shall incur and grow due for or upon the fame annuities last mentioned, and every of them, from and after the faid five and twentieth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and five, during the continuance of the respective terms and estates so to be purchased therein, shall be paid and satisfied out of the monies arifing by the weekly payments of excise money before mentioned.

&c. no more

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

XIII. Provided always, That when the contributions upon When the this act shall amount in the whole to one million two hundred contributions: thousand pounds, for carrying on the said war, and her shall amount Majesty's occafions, and to so much more as shall or may be to 1,200,000l. necessary to discharge all the said annuities, until the five shall be receivand twentieth day of December, one thousand seven hundred ed at the Exand five inclusively, then no further contributions shall be chequer. received at the said Exchequer for purchasing annuities upon this act.

of the

shall be


XIV. And it is hereby further enacted, That where any Contributor contributor shall advance money, at the respective rate aforefaid, for one life for an estate for one life, as aforesaid, every fuch contributor, may name the his executors, administrators or assigns, shall and may name to famecontributhe auditor of the receipt, and clerk of the pells, for the time tor, or any being, or to either of them, the life of the same contributor, or other, who any other life (at his or her election) during which, every talentitled fuch contributor, or such as he or she shall appoint, his, her, ty. or their executors, administrators, and affigns respectively, shall be intitled to every fuch annuity, according to the true meaning of this act; and that where any contributor shall advance money at the respective rate aforesaid, for an estate for two lives, every fuch contributor, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns shall and may name to the faid auditor of the receipt and clerk of the pells for the time being, or either of them, two persons or nominees (whereof himself or herself, if he or the thinks fit, may be one) during whose lives, and Contributor the life of the furvivor of them, every such contributor, or fuch advancing for as he or she shall appoint, his, her, or their executors, adminif two lives, may name trators, and affigns respectively, shall be intitled to every such two nomincés, annuity, according to the true meaning of this act; and that &c. and for where any contributor shall advance money at the respective three lives, rate aforesaid, for an estate for three lives, every fuch contribu- three nomi.... nees, &c. tor, his or her executors, administrators, or assigns, shall and may name to the said auditor of the receipt, and clerk of the pells, for the time being, or either of them, three persons or nominees (whereof himself or herself, if he or she think fit, may be one) during the lives of which nominees, and of the furvivors and furvivor of them, every fuch contributor, or fuch as he or the shall appoint, his, her, and their executors, adminif

B 4



Lives to be

administrators, and assigns respectively, shall be intitled to every such annuity, according to the tenor and true meaning of this act.

XV. Provided always, That all the faid lives shall be named by the named by the several contributors, their executors or admicontributors, nistrators, or such as shall be employed by them to pay in the by 1 May,


Contributors names, &c. to be entred in

the offices of the auditor

faid purchase-monies, on or before the faid first day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and four.

XVÍ. And it is hereby enacted, That in the offices of the said auditor of the receipt, and clerk of the pells severally, there. shall be provided and kept a book or books, in which shall be fairly entred the names of all who shall be contributors, and of all persons by whose hands the said contributors shall pay in any of the faid sums, and also the several fums so paid, and the times when the same are respectively paid, and the several inspected with nominees for whose lives respectively the faid annuities for life

and clerk of the pells. Books to be

out fee.

or lives are to continue; to which book it shall be lawful for the respective contributors, their executors, administrators, and afsigns, from time to time, and at all seasonable times, to have refort, and to inspect the same without fee or reward; and as well the said several contributors for life, lives, or years, as the faid nominees for life or lives, shall be described in the said books by their christian and furnames, additions, and places of abode, and other descriptions which shall best ascertain the perfons.

Contributors XVII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, paying their That all and every contributor and contributors upon this purchase-mo- act, duly paying the confideration or purchase-money after hey, to enjoy the respective rates aforesaid, at or before the respective days

so purchased, and times in this act before limited in that behalf, for any annuity or annuities for such term of years, or estate for life or lives, as aforesaid, according to the true meaning of this act, or such as he, she, or they shall appoint, his, her, or their respective executors, administrators, and affigns, shall have, receive, and enjoy, and be intitled, by virtue of this act, to have, receive, and enjoy the respective annuity and annuities so to be purchased, out of the monies arifing and to arise, as aforesaid, for and during all and every such term of years, for life, or lives refpectively, and that all the annuities to be purchased on this act, for any term, estate, or interest whatsoever, shall be free from all taxes, charges, and impositions whatsoever, XVIII. And be it further enacted by the authority afore

free from taxes;

and shall have

tallies for the said, That every contributor upon any part of this act for fame, any of the annuities aforesaid, his, her, or their executors, administrators, or affigns, upon payment of the confideration or purchase-money for the fame, at the respective rates in this act before appointed, or any part or proportion thereof, within the time or times by this act limited in that behalf, shall immediately have one or more talley or tallies levied, importing the receipt of so much confideration-money as shall be so paid for or in part of the faid respective sums to be raised, as aforefaid,


said, and upon payment of all the purchase-money for any such annuity or annuities, as aforesaid, at the rate by this act appointed, every fuch contributor respectively, his or her respective executors, administrators, or assigns, shall have an order for payment of fuch annuity and annuities, for and during and orders for such respective term, estate, or interest, as he, she, or they shall repayment. or ought to have therein, as aforesaid; which order shall be figned by the treasurer and under treasurer of the Exchequer, or any three or more of the commissioners of the treasury for the time being; and after the signing thereof, the same shall be firm, good, valid, and effectual in law, according to the purport and true meaning thereof, and of this act, and shall not be determinable by or upon the deaths or removal of any treasurer or under treasurer of the Exchequer, or any commiffioner or commissioners of the treasury, or by or upon No lord treathe determination of the power, office or offices of them or furer, &c. to any of them, nor shall any lord high treasurer of England, revok treasurer of the Exchequer, or any commissioners of the treasury, now or for the time being, have power to revoke, countermand, or make void such orders so signed, as aforesaid, or any of them.

revoke the

XIX. And for the encouragement of the contributors to advance and pay forthwith into the receipt of the Exchequer, the sums by them intended to be advanced upon any of the terms aforesaid, it is provided and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every fuch contributor, who shall advance and Contributors pay into the said receipt of Exchequer, all or any part of to be allowed the purchase-money payable for any such annuity or annuities, sl. per cent, as aforesaid, before the said first day of May, in the year of our interest for Lord one thousand seven hundred and four, his, her, or prompt paytheir executors, administrators, or assigns, shall be allowed and paid, out of the contribution-money arifing by this act, interest after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum, for the prompt payment of the money so advanced, from the time of the actual advancing and paying the fame, until the said first day of May, one thousand seven hundred and four.


until May, 1704.

XX. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be Annuities may lawful to and for any contributor, his or her executors, be affigned or administrators, or assigns, at any time or times, during the devised. continuance of his or her term, estate, or interest, of and in any annuity to be purchased upon this act, by any writing under hand and feal, or by his or her last will in writing, to affign or devise such annuity and annuities, or any part thereof, or any interest therein, to any person or persons whatsoever, and fo toties quoties; and no such affignment to be revokable, so as an entry or memorandum of affignment or will be made in books to be kept for that purpose in the faid office of the auditor Entry thereof of the receipt, within the space of two months after such affidavit. assignment or death of the devisor, and that upon the producing such affignment, or will, or probate thereof, in the faid office of receipt, to be entred as aforesaid, the party so producing the fame,

to be made on

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