Dictionary of the United States Congress: And the General Government |
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admitted adopted the profession Affairs appointed April Assembly ative Attorney Chargé d'Affaires chosen City Clerk Commissioner Committee Connecticut Constitution Continental Congress Convention County December Delaware Delegate died elected a Representative elected a Senator February Fortieth Congress George Georgia Governor graduated at Princeton graduated at Yale gress H.-He was born Hampshire Henry Illinois Indiana James James.-He January Jersey John John.-He Joseph Judge July June Kentucky Legislature March Maryland Massachusetts Militia Missouri mittee National Union Convention native North Carolina November October Ohio Pennsylvania Philadelphia Loyalists practice Presidential Elector Princeton College profession of law re-elected received removed Repre Representa Representative in Congress resentative resigned Rhode Island Samuel seat Senator in Congress sentative settled South Speaker studied law subsequently Supreme Court Tennessee term Territory Thirty-eighth Congress Thirty-seventh Congress Thirty-sixth Congress Thomas tion tive in Congress United States Senate Vermont Virginia vote Washington William Yale College York