OF- CASES ARGUED AND DETERMINED IN THE COURT OF KING'S BENCH, TOGETHER WITH SOME OTHER CASES, IN MICHAELMAS, HILARY, EASTER, AND TRINITY TERMS, BEING THE WHOLE OF THE FORTY-FIFTH YEAR OF THE REIGN WITH TABLES OF THE NAMES OF THE CASES AND OF THE BY JOHN PRINCE SMITH, ESQ. OF GRAY'S INN, BARRISTER AT LAW. VOL. II. LONDON: PRINTED FOR W. CLARKE AND SONS, LAW BOOKSELLERS, MURARY CF THE LAND STANKORD, JH., UNTHERE LAW DEPARTMENT. a.56344 JUL 15 1901 W. Flint, Printer, Old Bailey. ADVERTISEMENT. ON the publication of a second annual volume, the REPORTER cannot let slip the opportunity of returning thanks for the very kind assistance which he has received, as well from the officers of the court, as from the gentlemen who have been concerned in the cases reported. With respect to his mode of reporting, it is not necessary to repeat the design which he has had in view. He should, for his own part, consider that report as the best which details the case and the arguments in the most concise manner, and which conveys a clear and accurate, yet brief exposition of the judgment. He has, probably, not quite succeeded in attaining this end, and has, too many times, erred on what may be called the safer side; yet, he hopes, that there will be found, in the present publication, suffi |