for us in plenty. I will take a piece of the roof, and you shall have one of the windows." He stretched out his hand to help himself, and Gretel had already begun to nibble one of the windowpanes, when suddenly they heard a voice call from within : "Nibbly, nibbly, mouse! The children answered quickly "'Tis my Lady Wind that blows, As round about the house she goes." And then they went on eating as though nothing had happened, for the cake of which the roof was made just suited Hansel's taste, while the barley-sugar windowpanes were better than any sweetmeat Gretel had ever tasted before. All at once the door of the cottage flew wide open, and out came an old, old woman, leaning upon a crutch. The children were so frightened that they dropped their food and clung to each other. The old woman nodded her head to them, and said: "Who brought you here, my pets? Come inside, come inside; no one will hurt you." She took their hands and led them into the house, and set before them all kinds of delicious foods, milk, sugared pancakes, apples, and nuts. When they had finished their meal she showed them two cosey little white beds, and as Hansel and Gretel lay snugly tucked up in them, they thought to themselves that surely they had now found the most delightful place in the whole wide world. But the old woman had only pretended to be friendly and kind, for she was really a wicked old witch, who was always lying in wait to catch little children; indeed, she had built the little house of bread and cakes especially to entice them in. Whenever any one came into her power, she cooked and ate him, and thought what a fine feast she had had. Witches have red eyes and cannot see far, but they have keen scent, like animals, and can tell at once when a human being is near to them. As soon as Hansel and Gretel came into her neighborhood she laughed to herself and said, mockingly: "Ha, ha! they are mine already; they will not easily escape me." Early in the morning, before the children were awake, she stood beside them and admired their rosy cheeks and soft round limbs. "What nice titbits for me," murmured she. Then, seizing Hansel by the hand, she led him to a little stable, and, in spite of his cries and screams, shut him up and left him. Then she shook Gretel until she was awake, and bade her get up at once and carry food and drink to her brother, and it must be of the best, too, for she wished to fatten him. "When he is nice and plump, I shall eat him," said the cruel old witch. Gretel wept bitterly, but it was quite in vain, for she was obliged to do the witch's bid ding; and every day she cooked the choicest food for her brother, while she herself lived upon nothing but oyster-shells. Day by day the old woman visited the stable and called to Hansel to put his finger through the windowbars, that she might see if he were getting fat; but the little fellow held out a bone instead, and as her eyes were dim with age, she mistook the bone for the boy's finger, and thought how thin and lean he was. When a whole month had passed without Hansel becoming the least bit fatter, the old witch lost patience and declared she would wait no longer. "Hurry, Gretel," she said to the little girl, "fill the pot with water, for to-morrow, be he lean or fat, Hansel shall be cooked for my dinner." The tears chased each other down Gretel's cheeks as she carried in the water, and she sobbed aloud in her grief."Dear God," she cried, "we have no one to help us but Thou. Alas! if only the wild beasts in the wood had devoured us, at least we should have died together." "Cease your chattering," cried the old witch, angrily. "It will not help you, so you may as well be still." The next morning poor Gretel was forced to light the fire and hang the great pot of water over it, and then the witch said: "First we will bake. I have kneaded the dough, and heated the oven; you shall creep inside it to see if it is hot enough to bake the bread." But Gretel guessed that the old witch meant to shut the door upon her and roast her, so she pretended that she did not know how to get in. "The door is wide. could get inside it." "Silly goose," said the witch. enough, to be sure. Why, even I As she spoke, she popped her head into the oven. In a moment Gretel sprang toward her, pushed her inside, shut the iron door, and shot the bolt. Oh! how she squealed and shrieked, but Gretel ran off as fast as she could, and so there was an end of the cruel old witch. Quick as thought, Gretel ran to her brother. "We are saved, Hansel," she cried, opening the door of the stable; "the wicked old witch is dead." Hans flew from his prison as a bird from its cage, and the two happy little children kissed each other and jumped for joy. No longer afraid of the old witch, they entered the house, hand in hand, and then they saw that |