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GAWCOTT CHURCH. The church recently erected at Gawcott, could accummulate so as to admit of a near Buckingham, was opened on Wed- new erection, or to appeal to the libenesday, December 19th, when notwith- rality of the public. Mr. Scott deterstanding the very unfavourable state of mined on the latter, and was in conthe weather, a very respectable congre- sequence soon enabled to proceed gation assembled. The morning service in rebuilding his church. The work was read by the Incumbent the Rev. T. thus undertaken has proceeded with Scott, M. A. and the Rev. T. Webster rapidity, and has been completed in a preached fiom Haggai ii. 9. The glory substantial manner. The church is a of this latter house shall be greater than plain, simple, unadorned building; the of the former, saith the Lord of Hosts ; centre is occupied with open seats for and in this place will I give peace saith the poor, the side seats next the walls the Lord of Hosts. Mr. Scott preached are inclosed for those who can afford to in the afternoon from a part of Solomon's pay a small rent, which is intended to prayer, (1 Kings viii.) and took occasion accumulate as a fund for future reto advert to various interesting circum- pairs. There is a gallery at the West stances with reference to the former End for the Singers, Sunday School, &c. building and subsequent re-erection of the exterior is plain, but very neat ; the this church. For many years the ham- steeple rises about fifty feet from the let of Gawcott, about two miles from ground, and the whole is completed in Buckingham, had been entirely desti- a manner reflecting great credit on the tute of a place of worship, and in conse- skill of the Architect, and the Builder. quence the most lamentable ignorance Persons desirous of erecting places of and irreligion generally prevailed. About Worship in retired and neglected Viltwenty-five years since, a Mr. West, a lages, where a Church, accommodating person of plain habits, and who had comfortably about five or six hundred acquired property by diligence in busi- persons would be sufficient, would find ness, determined on erecting a place of this Church a model every way deseryworship for his neighbours; this he car- ing of their attention and imitation. ried into effect, and after encountering Nor is there any way in which the libemany difficulties, and expending about rality of the rich would be better emThree Thousand Pounds in purchasing ployed than in thus providing for the a site, building the church, and endow. spiritual wants of their poorer brethren. ing it with a stipend for the minister, The benefits recruiting from the pious had the satisfaction of seeing the place liberality of Mr. West, will endure for consecrated by the late Bishop Tomline. ages and generations, even till time

Owing however to some peculiarities shall be no more; and who shall calcuin Mr. W's character, which led him to late their eternal value? The subject entrust the erection of the building to is deserving of serious attention ;-the unskilful or unprincipled persons, all his example calls for imitation, and now pious purposes were nearly disappointed that the legislature has afforded increas-the chapel became speedily dilapid- ing facilities for building—facilities liated, and in little more than twenty mited indeed to TEN YEARS : we hope years, was found so defective, as not to many of our Merchants and Landholdadmit of repair. No alternative remain ers will devote some part of their proed, but to take it entirely down, and to perty for the spiritual benefit of their wait till either the minister's stipend fellow men.

IRELAND.-ENEAS M'DONNELL, ESQ.—THE REV. MR. MAGUIRE, The attention of the Irish public has Mr. Maguire, for the seduction of a recently been powerfully excited by farmers daughter.-Mr. M‘Donnell has the Trials of these two worthies, Mr. been convicted of the libel; but Mr. M'Donnell for a libel on the Hon. and Maguire was more fortunate, having obRev. Archdeacon French, in his account tained a verdict in his favour. A majoof the meeting of the Hibernian Societyrity of the jury were R. Catholics, and at Ballinasloe, when the Riot Act was yet were near an hour before they could read by the Archdeacon, and the rioters agree in their verdict. Great excesses expelled by the Police ;--and the Rev. were afterwards committed by the mob. AFRICA. The following extract of a letter from journey. The particulars of both, I one of the American settlers in Liberia, hope to be able to present to the Board on the Western Coast of Africa, appears by the next conveyance. In the mean in the African Repository published at time it may not be without interest to Washington in September 1827. If the observe, that we are situated within 50 account may be depended on, this dis leagues of a country in which a highly covery may lead to important results, improved agriculture prevails—where in both a religious and commercial point the horse is a common domestic animal of view. The same publication states -where extensive tracts of land are that all the Schools throughout the cleared and enclosed — where every Colony, have been re-organized on the article absolutely necessary to comLancasterian System, and placed under fortable life is produced by the soil, or the superintendance of the Rev. G. M. manufactured by the skill and industry Gill, from Baltimore.

of the inhabitants-where the Arabic is Caldwell, May 11, 1827. used as a written language in the ordiAn excursion of one of our people nary commerce of life-where regular into the interior, to the distance of about and abundant markets and fairs are 140 miles, has led to a discovery of kept; and where a degree of intelligence the populousness and comparative and practical refinement, distinguish the civilization of this district of Africa, inhabitants, little compatible with the never till within a few months even personal qualities attached, in the curconjectured by myself. The same in- rent notions of the age, to the people of dividual is now absent on a second Guinea.

TRIBUNALS OF HONOUR. We observe, in the Journals, that the angry passions, and to take away the plan of a law for Establishing Tribunals supposed necessity of men, of some of Honour, has been submitted to the pretensions, jeoparding their lives in Chamber of Deputies at Munich; the personal contests, with fools, knaves, object of which, is to produce an ami or bullies, as is, alas, too often the case cable arrangement in all cases where among ourselves. We are, however, hapindividuals conceive their honour to be py to hear that some discouragement insulted. It is obvious, that establish- is now given in our army to the abominments of this nature are well calculated able system of duelling, and we hope it to repress the sudden ebullition of the may ere long be effectually terminated.

POPERY IN CONNECTICUT.-North America. <TAERE are about 400 Irishmen at work of THIRTY DOLLARS (£6. 15s. sterling) on the canal at Enfield Falls. Most of the priest gave ABSOLUTION to the soul them are Romanists. A few days since, and body of the dead man, in the name of one of them died. He had no priest by the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the him to receive his confession, and give Virgin Mary, the holy Angels, and the him absolution before his death. Im- spirits of departed Saints!!! So ended mediately after his decease, three or four this scene of spiritual wickedness in of his countrymen engaged an inhabi. high places. And the surviving parties tant of Suffield to convey the body to returned, satisfied that the soul of their Albany, New York, where there was a friend was safe and happy.”—Episcopal Romish priest. These friends accom- Watchman, Nov. 5, 1827, published at panied the corpse in the same waggon. Hartford in Connecticut. On their arrival in Albany, for the sum

THE RECORD. A Newspaper, under the above title, is cession of interesting intelligence relaannounced for Publication on Tuesdays tive to the advancement of education, and Fridays, it is intended to follow civilization, and religion ;-and, without truth and justice, rather than party spi- forfeiting respectable claims to vigour rit in its politics :—to maintain the and intelligence, to exclude from its moderation becoming a Christian in the pages, whatever would render it an obdiscussion of controverted points ;-to jectionable guest in that sanctuary of mopresent, together with extensive informa- desty and refined feeling—the bosom tion of a general character, a large ac- of a well-regulated English Family.

REGISTER OF EVENTS. We cannot but feel deeply anxious at the commencement of the present year in contemplating the state of affairs, and the danger which exists lest the sword of war should again be drawn. Our readers are well aware that a contest has for some years been carrying on, in consequence of the Greeks having renounced their allegiance to the Turks, and endeavoured to cast off their yoke. Scenes of the most appalling cruelty have taken place. In different parts of Greece, and in some of the most fertile Grecian Islands the inhabitants have been most cruelly murdered by the Turkish troops, or subjected to calamities worse than death, and an awful spirit of retaliation has consequently arisen among the Greeks. The surrounding nations were at length aroused to make some efforts in order to terminate these evils. Great Britain, France, and Russia, entered into treaty with each other, and endeavoured to interpose with the Grand Signior. Their mediation, however, was disregarded, and at length the commanders of the combined fleets of these powers adopted measures calculated to put a stop to their cruelties and entered into an armistice with the Turkish commander at Navarino. This armistice having been violated, the combined fleet entered the harbour of Navarino, on the 20th of October, when a tremendous action took place which terminated in the entire destruction of the Turkish and Egyptian fleet, with an immense slaughter on both sides.

Intelligence of this action produced high indignation at Constantinople, and induced the Turkish government to adopt a menacing attitude. According to ordinary calculations the armies of the Grand Signior can avail little against the overwhelming power of the Russian empire, aided by the combined fleets of Great Britain and France. But on the other hand it may be doubted whether Austria will continue a quiet spectator of a contest which may very materially affect her interests; should that power engage sincerely in defence of Turkey, the flame of war would most probably be lighted up throughout Europe ;-should Austria remain in peace, and Russia succeed in possessing herself of European Turkey, considerable alarm would be excited for ihe safety of our East Indian possessions, and though the danger might not be very imminent, yet of course the difficulties of attacking our Eastern empire would be materially diminished. Under such circumstances we cannot but earnestly call upon all our readers to unite in fervent prayer to Almighty God to avert the dangers and calamities with which we are threatened ;-to preserve peace upon earth-to look with especial mercy on our highly favoured land, and to overrule all events for the promotion of his own glory, and the establishing of his kingdom throughout the world. Doubtless the time is fast approaching when both the Eastern and Western Antichrists shall be overthrown; and though the convulsions of that moral earthquake which shall overturn their detested empire may be most appalling, yet will it ever become us to remember that God is still the refuge and strength of his people, and that when he ariseth to execute his work, his strange work of judgment, in the earth, they shall be hid in the hollow of his hand, and at length be triumphant over every enemy and danger.

Meanwhile, affairs at home are far from being in a settled state. Nomerous reports are in circulation relating to, at least, a partial change of administration, and the financial and commercial difficulties of the country cannot be contemplated without considerable apprehension. The Lord's voice crieth to the city. The man of understanding will hear his words. The Christian, the only penitent, will feel himself called upon in such circumstances, fervently to intercede for a gutlty land ; and if once a spirit of penitence and prayer is poured out among us we need not fear, though the earth be removed, and the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.

Notices and Acknowledgments. Received :—QUERENS.--A FRIEND TO Gypsies.—ALPHA.-G. T.-J. H.G. B.

It is not customary to insert letters of departed ministers without either seeing the original or being supplied with the real name of the person by whom they are transmitted. We approve of the letter already sent, and when authenticated it shall appear.



Church of England Magazine.




[Continued from Page 10.) Perceiving on his entrance on the human obstinacy and party spirit, See that it was much over-rated as arose on the whole from Protestant to revenue, he procured an order feelings, subtilized above the general for the abatement of one hundred standard. He undertook therefore pounds to him and his successors, with extraordinary zeal the reforin the payment of first-fruits; and mation of these infringements of shortly after recovered from the the constitution, for which he had Queen, as part of the possessions the Queen's express orders, and for of the Archbishopric, Long-Beach whose execution he had been Wood, in Kent, containing above principally raised to the metropoa thousand acres, which had been litan dignity. With this view, on many years detained from his pre- the fifth of December 1583, he decessor by Sir James Croft, comp- moved for an ecclesiastical comtroller to her Majesty's housebold, mission, which was soon after as farming it of the Crown. In issued to him, with the Bishop of letting the leases of his impropria. London, and several others. For tions, on the other hand, he made the same purpose in 1584 he drew such diminution in the fines as up a form of examination contain. considerably alleviated the poorer ing twenty four articles, which he Vicarages.

sent to the Bishops of his province, But that which caused him more enjoining them to summon all such anxious thought, was the extensive clergy, as in their respective dioviolation of the act of uniformity, ceses were suspected of nonconwhich had been the result of so formity, and to require them to much deliberation on the part of answer those articles severally upon her Majesty's wisest counsellors oath, as well as subscribe to the and most distinguished prelates. Queen's Supremacy, the Book of A great body of puritan clergy, Common Prayer, and the thirtywho had not complied with the nine Articles of Religion. letter of that act, were yet possessed At the same time he held conof ecclesiastical benefices and pre- ferences with several of the Puritans, ferments, who were supported by and had the satisfaction of consome of the principal men at court, vincing some of the untenableness and had been treated with lenity of their positions, by his clear and by the kind and amiable Grindal, powerful argumentation on the as persons of ardent piety and questions in dispute ; but when sincere devotion, whose pon-com- others appealed from the ecclesiaspliance, though in some cases tical commission to the Council, he tinctured with the infirmity of resolutely asserted his jurisdiction,

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and vindicated his proceedings, even for the two ministers, viz. that they in some cases against the opinion of were peaceable, observed the book, Lord Burleigh, the Treasurer, his denied the things wherewith they intimate friend. Some ministers of were charged, and desired to be Ely, in particular, being suspended tried, the Archbishop demanded, for refusing to answer the examina- now they were to be tried, why tion, applied to the Council, who they did refuse it ? That the wrote a letter to the Archbishop in articles he administered unto them their favoùr ; to whom he sent an were framed by the most learned answer, in the conclusion of which in the laws, and who, be dared to he declared, “that rather than say, hated both the Romish docgrant them liberty to preach, he trine and Romish inquisition ; and would chuse to die, or live in prison that he ministered them to the inall the days of his life, rather than tent only that he might truly be an occasion thereof, or ever understand whether they were such consent unto it.” Burleigh, think- manner of men, or no, as they preing nevertheless that the ministers tended to be; especially, seeing by had been hardly treated, advised public fame they were noted of the them not to answer to the articles contrary, and one of them prein opposition to the dictates of their sented by the sworn men of his own consciences, and informed his Grace parish for his disorders, as he was that he had given such advice, not informed by his official there. That without some animadversion on the time would not serve him to write articles themselves, and the pro- much ; that he referred the rest to ceedings of the commission. This the report of the bearer, trusting nobleman became so warm on the his Lordship would consider of subject as to assert, “ that the things as they were, and not as articles were branched out into so they seemed to be, or as some many circumstances, that he thought would have them ; that he thought the Inquisitors of Spain used not so it high time to put those to silence many questions to trap others; and who were and had been the instruthat this critical sifting of ministers ments of such great discontentment was not to inform, but to ensnare: as was pretended ; that conscience but however, upon his request, he was no more excuse for them, than would leave them to his authority it was for the Papists or Anabap(which Whitgift had maintained tists, in whose steps they walked. against some objections of Sir He knew, he said, that he was Francis Knollys) and not thrust especially sought, and many threathis sickle into another man's ening words came to his ears to harvest.'

terrify him from proceeding; that The Archbishop hereupon thought the Bishop of Chester (Chadderton) proper to reply, that as touching had wrote to him of late, aud that the twenty-four articles which his in his letter a little paper was enLordship seemed so much to dis- closed, the copy whereof he sent like, as written in a Romish style, to his Lordship. You know (said and smelling of the Romish in the Archbishop) whom he knoweth; quisition, he marvelled at his Lord. but it moves me pot; he can do no ship's speeches, seeing it was the more than God will permit him. ordinary course in other courts, as It is strange to understand what in the star-chamber, the courts of devices have been used to move me the marches, and other places; and to be at some men's becks;' the that the objection of encouraging particulars of all which he would the papists by these courses, had one day declare to his Lordship, neither probability nor likelihood. and added, that he was content to That as to his Lordship's speeches be sacrificed in so good a cause,

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