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An Act amendatory of an Act entitled an Act to regulate Proceedings in Civil Cases in the Courts of Justice of this State, passed April 29, 1851, and also amendatory of an Act entitled an Act amendatory of and supplementary to an Act entitled an Act to regulate Proceedings in Civil Cases in the Courts of Justice in this State, (passed April 29, 1851,) passed May 15, 1854.

An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act for the Government and Protection of Indians, passed April 22, 1850.

An Act supplementary to an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the City of Marysville, passed March 5, 1855.


EXECUTIVE Department,
Sacramento, April 30, 1855.


To the Senate of California:

I have this day approved the following Acts, which originated in the Senate, to wit:

An Act to provide for funding the Floating Debt of the City of Marysville, and for the Extinguishment thereof.

An Act concerning the Escape of Convicts from the State Prison.

An Act to discourage the Immigration to this State of Persons who cannot become Citizens thereof.

An Act to compensate Mrs. Sarah Staples, Teacher of the Pioneer School of the County of Tuolumne.

An Act for the Relief of Samuel Austin, by his Agent, B. S. Lippincott.

An Act supplementary to an Act entitled an Act to regulate Fees in Office. An Act to provide for the Payment of the Salary of the District Attorney of San Francisco

An Act amendatory of an Act entitled an Act dividing the State into Counties and establishing the Seats of Justice therein, approved April 25, 1851. An Act to authorize certain Chinese Companies to sell and convey certain Real Estate by their Superintendents.

An Act to provide for the Payment of State Prison Inspectors.

An Act to provide for funding the Outstanding Debt of the City of Oakland, and to prevent the creation of new Debts by said City.

An Act to punish Vagrants and Dangerous and Suspicious Persons.

An Act to authorize the Judges of the Supreme Court to employ a Secretary.



Sacramento, April 28, 1855.


To the Senate of California:

I have this day approved the following Acts, which originated in the Senate, viz:

An Act to prevent the Counterfeiting of Gold Dust and other species of Gold.

An Act appropriating Money for the Benefit of the Orphan Asylums of the City of San Francisco.

An Act supplemental to an Act to create a Board of Supervisors in the Counties of this State.

An Act amendatory of an Act entitled an Act to regulate Proceedings in Civil Cases in the Courts of Justice in this State, passed April 29, 1851, and also amendatory of an Act entitled an Act amendatory of and supplementary to an Act entitled an Act to regulate Proceedings in Civil Cases in the Courts of Justice of this State (passed April 29, 1851,) passed May 15, 1854.

An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act for the Government and Protection of the Indians, passed April 22, 1850.

An Act supplementary to an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the City of Marysville, passed March 5, 1855.



Sacramento, April 30, 1855.}

To the Senate of California:

George Simpton, John Nye, Amos Noyes and Thomas W. Brennan, have by me been appointed Port Wardens for the Port of San Francisco, subject to the approval of the Senate.

The appointments of W. H. Hoburg, as Liquor Guager, San Francisco, Edward McGowan, Commissioner of Emigrants, and R. N. Snowden as State Prison Inspector, made during the recess and reported at the commencement of the session, it is believed have not been acted upon by the Senate.


Mr. Moore moved to refer the message to a Committee of the whole Senate. Agreed to.

Mr. Heintzelman moved a call of the Senate.

Agreed to.

The following Senators were found absent without leave:

Messrs. De La Guerra, Scellen and Whiting.

On motion of Mr. Lippincott, further proceedings under the rule were dispensed with.

Mr. Leake moved to lay the whole subject matter on the table.

The ayes and noes were demanded by Messrs. Tuttle, Moore and Mahoney, with the following result:


Messrs. Burton, Crenshaw, French, Hawthorne, Heintzelman, Hook, Keene, Leake, Mandeville, McCoun, McGarry, Norman, Peck and Whiting-14.


Messrs. Day, De La Guerra, Flint, Gove, Hall, Hawks, Lippincott, Mahoney, McFarland, Moore, Rust and Tuttle-12.

On motion of Mr. Hook, the Senate took up Senate bill No. 133, An Act to provide for the purchase of sundry manuscript Maps therein named.

Mr. Leake moved that the bill be laid on the table.

Agreed to.

Mr. Keene moved to take up Senate resolution.

Resolved, That the Board of Examiners of War Claims be, and they are hereby directed to enter on their books a full settlement of the accounts of Major Wm. Rogers and A. W. Bee, officers in the El Dorado Expedition against the Indians and give them a clear receipt against the State; and to make settlements and give receipts in like manner to all other officers with whom they may be satisfied settlements have been made by the proper authorities.

Mr. Sprague moved that the word "directed" be stricken out and the word "authorized" substituted.

Agreed to.

Mr. Whiting offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Commissioners of War Claims be authorized to give full acquittance to William Rogers, and receipt in full satisfaction on the part of the State, for any and all claims of whatsoever character, which the State of California may have against him, growing out of alleged defalcations or deficiencies in the settlement of accounts originating in, and having reference to the El Dorado Indian War Expedition.


Mr. Tuttle offered the following proviso:

Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be considered as rendering the State of California liable to any private parties for services or supplies in said



The resolution offered by Mr. Keene was then adopted.

The following message was received from the Assembly:


Mr. President:

I am directed to inform the Senate that the Assembly this day passed a Concurrent Resolution, rescinding the resolution adjourning the Legislature sine die on the 30th of April, and agreeing to adjourn on Friday next, the 4th day of May, at 12 o'clock, M., in which the concurrence of the Senate is respectfully requested.

Respectfully submitted,


Clerk of Assembly.

Mr. Crenshaw moved that the Senate adopt Assembly resolution.
Mr. McFarland moved a call of the Senate.

Agreed to.

Messrs. Hawks and Scellen were found absent without leave.

Mr. Day moved that further proceedings under the call be dispensed with.

Mr. McCoun moved that proceedings under the call be dispensed with.

Mr. French moved to amend the Assembly Resolution by striking out Friday the 4th inst., and inserting Monday the 7th of May.

The ayes and noes were demanded by Messrs Burton, Sprague and Mandeville with the following result:


Messrs. Colby, Crenshaw, French, Gove, Hall, Hawthorne, Heintzelman, Hook, Keene, Kendall, Leake, May, McCoun, McGarry, Norman, Peck, Tuttle and Whiting-18.


Messrs. Burton, Day, De La Guerra, Flint, Hawks, Lippincott, Mahoney, McFarland, McNeil, Moore, Rust, Scellen and Sprague-13.

So the amendment was adopted.

Mr. Heintzelman offered the following amendment:

Except bills relating to the State Prison.


Mr. Mahoney offered the following amendment:

That no bills appropriating any of the public funds except the State Prison shall be acted upon.

Mr. Leake moved the previous question.


The question then being, shall the main question now be put?

Decided in the affirmative.

Upon the adoption of Mr. Mahoney's amendment, the ayes and noes were de manded by Messrs. Mahoney, Flint and Mandeville, with the following result:


Messrs. Burton, Flint, Hall, Lippincott, Mahoney, McNeil, Norman, Scellen and Sprague-9.


Messrs. Colby, Crenshaw, Day, French, Gove, Hawks, Hawthorne, Heintzelman, Hook, Keene, Kendall, Leake, May, McCoun, McGarry, Moore, Peck, Rust, Tuttle and Whiting-20.

On the passage of the resolution as amended, the ayes and noes were demanded by Messrs. Sprague, Heintzelman and Keene, with the following result :


Messrs. Colby, Crenshaw, French, Gove, Hawthorne, Heintzelman, Hook, Keene, Kendall, Leake, May, McCoun, McGarry, Peck and Whiting-15


Messrs. Burton, Day, De La Guerra, Flint, Hall, Lippincott, Mahoney, McFarland, Moore, Norman, Rust, Scellen, Sprague and Tuttle-14.

On motion of Mr. Crenshaw, the Senate took up Assembly bill No. 118, An Act to amend an Act concerning fraudulent Conveyances and Contracts, passed April 10, 1850.

Read second time,and referred to the Judiciary Committec.

Mr. Tuttle moved to re-consider the vote by which the bill was referred to the Judiciary Committee.


On motion of Mr. Whiting, the bill was re-committed to the Judiciary Committee, with instructions to report to-morrow morning.

Mr. Hook offered the following resolution :

Resolved, That the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate be allowed five days to arrange the business pertaining to his office, after the adjournment of the Legislature, at the per diem pay he is now receiving.


Mr. Whiting moved to print 1000 copies of the Act relative to Ferries and Toll Bridges.

Mr. Rust moved to amend by inserting the usual number of copies.

Upon the passage of the resolution as amended, the ayes and noes were demanded by Messrs. Whiting, Gove and Tuttle, with the following result:


Messrs. Colby, Day, French, Gove, Hall, Hawthorne, Hook, Rust, Sprague and Whiting-10.

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