79. SECT. V. The mayor of the city shall be appointed, annually, by the president of the united states: He must be a citizen of the united states, and a resident of the city, prior to his appointment. 80. SECT. VI. The city council shall hold their sessions in the city hall, or, until such building is erected, in such place as the mayor may provide for that purpose, on the second Monday in June, in every year; but the mayor may convene them oftner, if the public good require their deliberations. Three-fourths of the members of each council may be a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day: They may compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner, and under such penalties, as they may, by ordinance provide; they shall appoint their respective presidents, who shall preside during their sessions, and shall vote on all questions where there is an equal division; they shall settle their rules of proceedings, appoint their own officers, regulate their respective fees, and remove them at pleasure; they shall judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of their own members; and may, with the concurrence of threefourths of the whole, expel any member for disorderly behavior, or mal-conduct in office, but not a second time for the same offence; they shall keep a journal of their proceedings, and enter the yeas and nays on any question, resolve or ordinance, at the request of any member, and their deliberations shall be public. The mayor shall appoint to all offices under the corporation. All ordinances or acis passed by the city council shall be sent to the mayor, for his approbation, and when approved by him, shall then be obligatory as such. But if the said mayor shall not approve of such ordinance or act, he shall return the sanie within five days, with his reasons in writing therefor; and if three-fourths of both branches of the city council, on re-consideration thereof, approve of the same, it shall be in force, in like manner as if he had approved it, unless the city council, by their adjournment, pre vent its return. 81. SECT. VII. The corporation aforesaid, shall have full power and authority to pass all bye-laws and ordinances; to prevent and remove nuisances; to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases within the city; to establish night watches or patroles, and erect lamps; to regulate the stationing, anchorage and mooring of vessels; to provide for licensing and regulating auctions, retail rs of liquors, hackney carriages, waggons, carts and drays, and pawn brokers within the city; to restrain or prohibit gambling, and to provide for licensing, regulating or restraining theatrical or other public amusements within the city; to regulate and establish markets; to erect and repair bridges; to keep in repair, all necessary streets, avenues, drains and sewers, and to pass regulations necessary for the preservation of the same, agreeably to the plan of the said city; to provide for the safe keeping of the standard of weights and measures ixed by congress, and for the regu lation of all weights and measures used in the city; to provide for the licensing and regulating the sweeping of chimies, and fixing the rates thereof; to establish and regulate fire wards and fire companies; to regulate and establish the size of bricks that are to be made and used in the city, to sink wells, and creet and repair pumps in the strects; to impose and appropriate fines, penalties and forfeitures for breach of their or dinances; to lay and collect taxes; to enact bye laws for the prevention and extinguishment of fire; and to pass all ordinances necessary to give effet and operation to all the powers vested in the corporation of the city of Washington: Provided, That the bye laws or ordinances of the said corporation, shall be in no wise, obligatory upon the persons of non-residents of the said city, unless in cases of intentional violation of bye laws or ordinances previously promulgated: All the fines, penalties and forfeitures imposed by the corporation of the city of Washington, if not exceeding twenty dollars, shall be recovered before a single magistrate, as small debts are, by law recoverable; and if such fines, penalties and forfeitures exceed the sum of twenty dollars, the same shall be recovered by action of debt in the district court of Columbia for the county of Washington, in the name of the corporation, and for the use of the city of Washington. 82. SECT. VIII. The person or persons appointed to collect any tax imposed in virtue of the powers granted by this act, shall have authority to collect the same by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the person chargeable therewith: No sale shall be made unless ten days previous notice thereof be given; no law shall be passed by the city council, subjecting vacant or unimproved city lots, or parts of lots, to be sold for taxes. 83. SECT. IX. The city council shall provide for the support of the poor, infirm and diseased of the city. [See antea 67.] 84. SECT. X. Provided always, That no tax shall be imposed by the city council on real property in the said city, at any higher rate than three quarters of one per centum on the assessment valuation of such property. SECT. XI. Limits this act to two years, from the passing thereof, and from thence to the end of the next session of congress, thereafter, and no Longer. ACT of May 31, 1790. (Vol. I. p. 118.) 1. SECT. 1. From and after the passing of this act, the author and authors of any map, chart, book or books already printed within these united states, being a citizen or citizens thereof, or resident within the same, lis or their executors, administrators or assigns, who hath or have not transferred to any other person the copy-right of such map, chart, book or books, share or shares thereof; and any other person or persons, being a citizen or citizens of these united states, or residents therein, his or their executors, administrators or assigns, who hath or have purchased or legally acquired the copy-right of any such map, chart, book or books, in order to print, reprint, publish or vend the same, shall have the sole right and liberty of printing, reprinting, publishing and vending such map, chart, book or books, for the term of fourteen years from the recording the title thereof in the clerk's office, as is herein alter directed: And the author and authors of any map, chart, book or books already made and composed, and not printed or published, or that shall hereafter be made and composed, being a citizen or citizens of these united states, or resident therein, and his or their executors, administrators or assigns, shall have the sole right and liberty of printing, reprinting, publishing and vending such map, chart, book or books, for the like term of fourteen years from the time of recording the title thereof in the clerk's office as aforesaid. And if, at the expiration of the said term, the author or authors, or any of them, be living, and a citizen or citizens of these united states, or resident therein, the same exclusive right shall be continued to him or them, his or their executors, administrators or assigns, for the further term of fourteen years: Provided, he or they shall cause the title thereof to be a second time recorded and published in the same manner as is berein after directed, and that within six months before the expiration of the first term of fourteen years aforesaid. 2. SECT. II. If any other person or persons, from and after the recording the title of any map, chart, book or books, and publishing the same as aforesaid, and within the times limited and granted by this act, shall print, reprint, publish, or import, or cause to be printed, reprinted, published, or imported from any foreign kingdom or state, any copy or copies of such map, chart, book or books, without the consent of the author or proprietor thereof, first had and obtained in writing, signed in the presence of two or more credible witnesses; or knowing the same to be so printed, reprinted, or imported, shall publish, sell, or expose to sale, or cause to be published, sold, or exposed to sale, any copy of such map, chart, book or books, without such consent first had and obtained in writing as aforesaid, then such offender or offenders shall forfeit all and every copy and copies of such map, chart, book or books, and all and every sheet and sheets, being part of the same, or either of them, to the author or proprietor of such map, chart, book or books, who shall forthwith destroy the same: And every such offender and offenders shall also forfeit and pay the sum of fifty cents for every sheet which shall be found in his or their possession, either printed or printing, published, imported or exposed to sale, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, the one moiety thereof to the author or proprietor of such map, chart, book or books who shall sue for the same, and the other moiety thereof, to and for the use of the united states, to be recovered by action of debt in any court of record in the united states, wherein the same is cognizable. Provided always, That such action be commenced within one year after the cause of action shali arise, and not afterwards. [See postea 11.] 3. SECT. III. No person shall be entitled to the benefit of this act, in cases where any map, chart, book or books, hath or have been already printed and published, unless he shall first deposit, and in all other cases, unless he shall before publication deposit a printed copy of the title of such map, chart, book or books, in the clerk's office of the district court where the author or proprietor shall reside: And the clerk of such court is hereby directed and required to record the same forthwith, in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, in the words following, (giving a copy thereof to the said author or proprietor, under the seal of the court, if he shall require the same.) "District of to wit: Be it remembered, That on the day of in the year of the independence of the united states of America, A. B. of the said district, hath deposited in this office the title of a map, chart, book or books, (as the case may be) the right whereof he claims as author or proprietor, (as the case may be) in the words following, to wit: [here insert the title] in conformity to the act of the congress of the united states, entitled, "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned." C. D. clerk of the district of ." For which the said clerk shall be entitled to receive sixty cents from the said author or proprietor, and sixty cents for every copy under seal actually given to such author or proprietor as aforesaid. And such author or proprietor shall, within two months from the date thereof, cause a copy of the said record to be published in one or more of the newspapers printed in the united states, for the space of four weeks. [See postea 8.] 4. SECT. IV. The author or proprietor of any such map, chart, book or books, shall, within six months after the publishing thereof, deliver, or cause to be delivered to the secretary of state a copy of the same, to be preserved in his office. [See postea 8.] 5. SECT. V. Nothing in this act shall be construed to extend to prohibit the importation or vending, re-printing or publishing within the united states, of any map, chart, book or books, written, printed, or published by any person not a citizen of the united states, in foreign parts or places without the jurisdiction of the united states. 6. SECT. VI. Any person or persons who shall print or publish any manuscript, without the consent and approbation of the author or proprietor thereof, first had and obtained as aforesaid, (if such author or proprietor be a citizen of, or resident in these united states) shall be liable to suffer and pay to the said author or proprietor all damages occasioned by such injury, to be recovered by a special action on the case founded upon this act, in any court having cognizance thereof. 7. SECT. VII. If any person or persons shall be sued or prosecuted for any matter, act or thing done under or by virtue of this act, he or they may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence. ACT of April 29, 1802. (Vol. VI. p. 114.) 8. SECT. I. Every person who shall, from and after the first day of January next, claim to be the author or proprietor of any maps, charts, book or books, and shall thereafter seek to obtain a copy-right of the same agreeable to the rules prescribed by law, before he shall be entitled to the benefit of the act, entitled "An act for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the time therein mentioned," he shall, in addition to the requisites enjoined in the third and fourth sections of said act, if a book or books, give information by causing the copy of the record, which, by said act he is required to publish in one or more of the newspapers, to be inserted at full length in the title page or in the page immediately following the title of every such book or books; and if a map or chart, shall cause the following words to be impressed on the face thereof, viz. "Entered according to act of congress the day of 18 [here insert the date when the same was deposited in the office] by A. B. of the state of [here insert the author's or proprietor's name and the state in which he resides.] [See antea 3, 4.] 9. SECT. II. From and after the first day of January next, every person being a citizen of the united states, or resident within the same, who shall invent and design, engrave, etch or work, or from his own works and inventions, shall cause to be designed and engraved, etched or worked, any historical or other print or prints, shall have the sole right and liberty of printing, re-printing, publishing and vending such print or prints, for the term of fourteen years from the recording the title thereof in the clerk's office, as prescribed by law for maps, charts, book or books: Provided, he shall perform all the requisites in relation to such print or prints, as are directed in relation to maps, charts, book or books, in the third and fourth sections of the act to which this is a supplement, and shall moreover cause the same entry to be truly engraved on such plate, with the name of the proprietor, and printed on every such print or prints as is herein before required to be made on maps or charts. [See antea 3, 4.] 10. SECT. 3. If any print seller or other person whatsoever, from and after the said first day of January next, within the time limited by this act, shall engrave, etch or work, as aforesaid, or in any other manner copy or sell, or cause to be engraved, etched, copied or sold, in the whole or in part, by varying, adding to, or diminishing from the main design, or shall print, re-print, or import for sale, or cause to be printed, re-printed, or imported for sale, any such print or prints, or any parts thereof, without the consent of the proprietor or proprietors thereof, first had and obtained, in writing, signed by him or them respectively, in the presence of two or more creditable witnesses; or knowing the same to be so printed or re-printed, without the consent of the proprietor or proprietors, shall publish, sell, or expose to sale or otherwise, or in any other manner dispose of any such print or prints, without such consent first had and obtained, as aforesaid, then such offender or offenders shall forfeit the plate or plates on which such print or prints are or shall be copied, and all and every sheet or sheets (being |