VOL. I. 254 258 An ACT making further provision for the payment of the debts of the united states. An ACT to enable the officers and soldiers of the Virginia line on continental establishment, to obtain titles to certain lands lying north west of the river Ohio, between the Little Miami and Sciota. 257 An ACT authorizing the secretary of the treasury to finish the light-house on Portland-Head, in the district of Maine, An ACT to alter the times for holding the circuit courts of the united states in the districts of South-Carolina and Georgia, and providing that the district court of Pennsylvania, shall in future be held at the city of Philadelphia only. An ACT making provision for the reduction of the public 268 278 281 • debt. An ACT declaring the consent of congress, that a new state be formed within the jurisdiction of the commonwealth of Virginia, and admitted into this union, by the name of the state of Kentucky. An ACT for the admission of the state of Vermont into this union. 283 An ACT to incorporate the subscribers to the bank of the 297 299 339 340 united states. An ACT giving effect to the laws of the united states within the state of Vermont. An ACT to explain and amend an act, entitled, "An act making further provision for the payment of the debts of the united states." An ACT to amend "An act, for establishing the temporary and permanent seat of the government of the united states." An ACT supplemental to the act" establishing the treasury department," and for a farther compensation to certain officers. $43 An ACT in addition to an act, entitled, “An a& for establishing the salaries of the executive officers of govern ment, with their assistants and clerks." 345 An ACT to continue in force the act therein mentioned, and to make further provision for the payment of pensions to invalids, and for the support of light-houses, beacons, buoys and public piers. 347 An ACT supplementary to the act, making provision for the reduction of the public debt. 359 271 An ACT for establishing an executive department, to be denominated the department of foreign affairs, A RESOLUTION directing the publication of treaties. 357 A RESOLUTION authorizing the marshals of districts to provide temporary jails when necessary. 662 362 A RESOLUTION recommending to the state legislatures to pass laws for the safe keeping of the prisoners of the united states. A RESOLUTION making it the duty of the secretary of state to procure the statutes of the several statęs. VOL. II. Page 15 An ACT concerning certain fisheries of the united states, and for the regulation and government of the fishermen employed therein. $2 27 An ACT relative to the election of a president and vice president of the united states, and declaring the officer who shall act as president in case of vacancies in the offices both of president and vice president. An ACT to provide for the settlement of the claims of widows and orphans barred by the limitations heretofore established and to regulate the claims to invalid pensions. 36 An ACT for finishing the light-house on Baldhead at the mouth of Cape Fear-river in the state of North-Carolina, 37 An ACT establishing a mint, and regulating the coins of the united states. 47 48 49 50 51 An ACT supplementary to the act for the establishment and support of light-houses, beacons, buoys and public piers, An ACT to erect a light-house on Montok point in the state of New-York. An ACT for ascertaining the bounds of a tract of land purchased by John Cleves Symmes. An ACT for fixing the compensations of the door keepers of the senate and house of representatives in congress. An ACT for altering the times of holding the circuit courts, in certain districts of the united states, and for other purposes. 56 An ACT concerning consuls and vice consuls. 63 48 An ACT authorizing the grant and conveyance of certain lands to the Ohio company of associates. An ACT for raising a farther sum of money for the protec- 80 An ACT authorizing the grant and conveyance of certain 92 102 110 115 united states. An ACT for regulating processes in the courts of the united states, and providing compensation for the officers of the said courts, and for jurors and witnesses. An ACT making alterations in the treasury and war departments. An ACT supplementary to the act making provision for the debt of the united states. 120 An ACT to provide for a copper coinage. 125 131 153 161 An ACT respecting the government of the territories of the An ACT to amend an act, entitled "An act establishing a An ACT regulating foreign coins, and for other purposes. VOL. II. Page 165 168 198 An ACT respecting fugitives from justice, and persons escaping from the service of their masters. An ACT for enrolling and licensing ships or vessels to be employed in the coasting trade and fisheries, and for regulating the same. An ACT providing compensation to the president and vice president of the united states. 200 An ACT to promote the progress of useful arts; and to repeal the act heretofore made for that purpose. 225 An ACT in addition to the act, entitled, "An act to establish the judicial courts of the united states." 238 An ACT supplementary to the act for the establishment and support of light-houses, beacons, buoys and public piers. 243 An ACT making addition to the compensation of certain public officers. 128 A RESOLUTION directing the secretary of the treasury to furnish the several collectors with printed clearances, stating the accounts of the methods that have been used to obtain fresh water from salt water, &c. VOL. 7 18 22 28 30 31 36 61 III. An ACT making an alteration in the flag of the united states. An ACT in alteration of the act establishing a mint, and regulating the coins of the united states. An ACT to provide for the defence of certain ports and harbors in the united states. An ACT to prohibit the carrying on the slave trade from the united states to any foreign place or country. An ACT to provide for the erecting and repairing of arsenals and magazines, and for other purposes. An ACT to authorize the president of the united states, in certain cases, to alter the place for holding a session of congress. An ACT to provide for placing buoys on certain rocks off the harbor of New-Londen, and in Providence river, and other places. An ACT to establish the post office and post roads within the united states. An ACT supplementary to "An act to provide for the defence of certain ports and harbors in the united states." 63 An ACT to erect a light-house on the head-land of Cape Hatteras; and a lighted beacon on Shell Castle-Island, in the harbor of Occacock in the state of North-Carolina. 66 An ACT for ereding a light-house on the Island of Seguin in the district of Maine, and for erecting a beacon and placing three buoys at the entrance of Saint Mary's river, in the state of Georgia. 67 An ACT further to authorize the adjournment of circuit courts. VOL. III. Page 69 An ACT making provision for the payment of the interest on the balances due to certain states, upon a final settlement of the accounts between the united states and the individual states. 88 An ACT in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the united states. 106 An ACT in addition to the "Act for making further and more effectual provision for the protection of the frontiers of the united states." 107 An ACT laying additional duties on goods, wares and merchandise imported into the united states. 115 An ACT to amend the act, entitled, "An act to enable the officers and soldiers of the Virginia line on continental establishment, to obtain titles to certain lands lying north west of the river Ohio, between the little Miami and Sciota. 119 An ACT making certain alterations in the act for establishing the judicial courts, and altering the time and place of holding certain courts. 136 An ACT to amend and explain the twenty-second section of "the act establishing the judicial courts of the united states." 147 An ACT to regulate the pay of the non-commissioned officers, musicians and privates of the militia of the united states, when called into actual service, and for other purposes. An ACT supplementary to the several acts imposing duties on goods, wares and merchandise imported into the united states. 166 An ACT to amend the act, entitled, "An act making alterations in the treasury and war departments." 174 An ACT authorizing the erection of a light-house near the entrance of George Town harbor, in the state of SouthCarolina. 175 177 187 188 193 An ACT to establish the office of purveyor of public supplies. An ACT relative to cessions of jurisdiction in places where 194 An ACT relative to the passing of coasting vessels between Long-Island and Rhode-Island. 204 An ACT making further provision for the support of public credit, and for the redemption of the public debt. 221 An ACT supplementary to the act, entitled, "An act esta, blishing a mint, and regulating the coins of the united states." VOL. III. Page 225 An ACT for the more effectual recovery of debts due from individuals to the united states. 230 244 256 257 272 278 279 280 287 290 293 316 318 322 353 356 358 An ACT for the more general promulgation of the laws of the united states. An ACT for:llowing compensation to the members of the senate, and house of representatives of the united states, and to certain officers of both houses. An ACT authorizing the erection of a light-house on Baker's Island, in the state of Massachusetts. An ACT for establishing trading houses with the Indian tribes. An ACT in addition to an act, entitled, "An act making further provision for the support of public credit, and for the redemption of the public debt." An ACT making an appropriation for defraying the expenses which may arise in carrying into effect,the treaty made between the united states, and the dey and regency of Algiers. An AC making appropriations for defraying the expenses which may arise in carrying into effect, a treaty made between the united states and certain indian tribes, north west of the river Ohio. An ACT authorizing a loan for the use of the city of Wash- An ACF allowing compensation for herses killed in battle An ACT providing for the sale of the lands of the united An ACT altering the compensation of the accountant to the war department. An ACT altering the sessions of the circuit courts in the districts of Vermont and Rhode-Island; and for other purposes. An ACT for the relief and protection of American seamen. An ACT making provision for the payment of certain debts of the united states. An ACT providing passports for the ships and vessels of the united states. An ACT regulating the grants of land appropriated for military services,and for the society of the united brethren, for propagating the gospel among the heathen. 361 An ACT for the admission of the state of Tennessce into the union. 378 379 An ACT giving effect to the laws of the united states, within the state of Tennessee. An ACT to augment the compensation of the attorney-general of the united states. |