Rock-Landing on the said river Oconee, and thence proceed to ascertain the said head or source of the main south branch of the said river, at the place where it shall be intersected by the line aforesaid, to be drawn from the Currahee mountain. And in order that the said boundary shall be rendered distinct and well known, it shall be marked by a line of felled trees at least twenty feet wide, and the trees chopped on each side from the said Currahee mountain, to the head or source of the said main south branch of the Oconee river, and thence down the margin of the said main south branch and river Oconee for the distance of twenty miles, or as much farther as may be necessary to mark distinétly the said boundary. And in order to extinguish forever all claims of the Creek nation, or any part thereof, to any of the land lying to the northward and eastward of the boundary herein described, it is hereby agreed, in addition to the considerations heretofore made for the said land, that the United States will cause certain valuable Indian goods now in the state of Georgia, to be delivered to the said Creek nation; and the said United States will also cause the sum of one thousand and five hundred dollars to be paid annually to the said Creek nation. And the kings, chiefs and warriors, do hereby for themselves and the whole Creek nation, their heirs and descendants, for the considerations abovementioned, release, quit claim, relinquish and cede, all the land to the northward and eastward of the boundary herein described. ARTICLE V. The United States isolemnly guarantee to the Creek nation, all their lands within the limits of the United States to the westward and south, ward of the boundary described in the preceding article. ARTICLE VI. If any citizen of the United States, or other person not being an Indian, shall attempt to settle on any of the Creeks lands, such person shall forfeit the protection of the United States, and the Creeks may punish him or not, as they please. ARTICLE VII. No citizen or inhabitant of the United States shall attempt to hunt or destroy the game on the Creek lands: Nor shall any such citizen or iahabitant go into the Creek country, without a passport first obtained from the governor of some one of the United States, or the officer of the troops of the United States commanding at the nearest military post on the frontiers, or such other person as the president of the United States may, from time to time, authorize to grant the same. ARTICLE VIII. If any Creek Indian or Indians, or person residing among them, o who shall take refuge in their nation, shall commit a robbery or murder, or other capital crime, on any of the citizens or inhabitants of the United States, the Creek nation, or town, or tribe to which such offender or offenders may belong, shall be bound to deliver him or them up, to be punished according to the laws of the United States. ARTICLE IX. If any citizen or inhabitant of the United States, or of either of the territorial districts of the United States, shall go into any town, settlement or territory belonging to the Creek nation of Indians, and shall there commit any crime upon, or trespass against the person or pio. perty of any peaceable and friendly Indian or Indians, which if committed within the jurisdiction of any state, or within the jurisdiction of either of the said districts, against a citizen or white inhabitant thereof, would be punishable by the laws of such state or district, such offender or offenders shall be subject to the same punishment, and shall be proceeded against in the same manner, as if the offence had been committed within the jurisdiction of the state or district to which he or they may belong, against a citizen or white inhabitant thereof. ARTICLE X. In cases of violence on the persons or property of the individuals of either party, neither retaliation nor reprisal shall be committed by the other, until satisfaction shall have been demanded of the party, of which the aggressor is, and shall have been refused. ARTICLE XI. The Creeks shall give notice to the citizens of the United States of any designs, which they may know or suspect to be formed in any neighboring tribe, or by any person whatever, against the peace and interests of the United States. ARTICLE XII. That the Creek nation may be led to a greater degree of civilization, and to become herdsmen and cultivators, instead of remaining in a state of hunters, the United States will from time to time furnish gratuitously the said nation with useful domestic animals and implements of husbandry. And further to assist the said nation in so desirable a pursuit, and at the same time to establish a certain mode of communication, the United States will send such, and so many persons to reside in said nation as they may judge proper, and not exceeding four in number, who shall qualify themselves to act as interpreters. These persons shall have lands assigned them by the Creeks for cultivation, for themselves and their successors in office; but they shall be precluded exercising any kind of traffic. ARTICLE XIII. All animosities for past grievances shall henceforth cease; and the contracting parties will carry the foregoing treaty into full execution with all good faith and sincerity. ARTICLE XIV. This treaty shall take effect and be obligatory on the contracting parties, as soon as the same shall have been ratified by the president of the United States, with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States. A Treaty of Peace and Friendship, Made and concluded at Colerain, the twenty-ninth day of June, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six, between the President of the United States of America, on the one part, and the Kings, Chiefs and Warriors of the Creek Nation of Indians, on the other part. THE HE parties being desirous of establishing permanent peace and friendship between the United States and the said Creek nation, and the citizens and members thereof; and to remove the causes of wer, by ascertaining their limits, and making other necessary, jutaid friendly a rangements; the president of the United States, by Benja nin Hawkins, George Clymer and Andrew Pickens, commissioners whom he hath constituted with powers for these purposes, by and with the advice and consent of the Senete; and the Creek nation of Indians. by the kings, chiefs and warriors, representing the whole Creek nation, have agreed to the following articles: ARTICLE I. The treaty entered into, at New-York, between the parties on the 7th day of August, 1790, is, and shall remain obligatory on the cofe tratting parties, according to the terms of it, except as herein provided for. ARTICLE II. The boundary line from the Currahee mountain, to the head, or source of the main south branch of the Oconce river, called by the white people, Appalatchee, and by the Indians, Tulapocka, and down the midale of the same, shall be clearly ascertained, and marked, at such time, and in such manner, as the president shall direct. And the Indians will, on being informed of the determination of the president, send as many of their old chiefs, as he may require, to see the line ascertained and marked. ARTICLE HII. The president of the United States of America shall have full powers, whenever he may deem it advisable, to establish a trading or military post on the south side of the Alatamaha, on the bluff, about one mil above Beard's bluff; or any where from thence down the said river on the lands of the Indians, to garrison the same with any part of the nilitary force of the United States, to protect the posts, and to prevent the violation of any of the provisions or regulations subsisting between the partics: And the Indians do hereby annex to the post aforesaid, a tract of land of five miles square, bordering one side on the river; which post and the lands annexed thereto, are hereby ceded to, and shail be to the use, and under the government of the United States of America. ARTICLE IV. As soon as the president of the United States has determined on the time and manner of running the line from the Currahee mountain, to the head or source of the main south branch of the Oconee, and notified the chiefs of the Creek land of the same, a suitable number of persons on their part shall attend to see the same completed: And if the pres sident should deem it proper, then to fix on any place or places adjoining the river, and on the Indian lands for military or trading posts; the Creeks who attend there, will concur in fixing the same, according to the wishes of the president. And to cach post, the Indians shall conex a tract of land of five miles square, bordering one side on the river. And the said lands shall be to the use and under the government of the United States of America. Provided always, that whenever any of the trading or military posts mentioned in this treaty, shall, in the opinion of the president of the United States of America, be no longer necessary for the purposes intended by this cession, the same shall revert to, and become a part of the Indian lands. ARTICLE !. Whenever the president of the United States of America, and the king of Spain, may deem it advisable to mark the boundaries which separate their territories, the president shall give notice thereof to the Creek chiefs, who will furnish two principal chiefs, and twenty hunters to accompany the persons employed on this business, as hunters and guides from the Choctaw country, to the head of St. Mary's. The chiefs shall receive each half a dollar per day, and the hunters one quarter of a dollar each per day, and ammunition, and a reasonable value for the meat delivered by them for the use of the persons on this service. ARTICLE VI. The treaties of Hopewell, between the United States and the Choctaws and Chickasaws, and at Holston between the Cherokees and the United States, mark the boundaries of those tribes of Indians. And the Creek nation do hereby relinquish all claims to any part of the territory inhabited or claimed by the citizens of the United States, in conformity with the said treaties. ARTICLE VII. The Creek nation shall deliver, as soon as practicable, to the super intendant of Indian affairs, at such place as he may direct, all citizens of the United States, white inhabitants and negroes, who are now prisoners in any part of the said nation, agreeable to the treaty at NewYork, and also all citizens, white inhabitants, negroes and property taken since the signing of that treaty. And if any such prisoners, negroes or property should not be delivered, on or before the first day of January next, the governor of Georgia may empower three persons to repair to the said nation, in order to claim and receive such prisoners, negroes and property, under the direction of the president of the United States. ARTICLE VIII. In consideration of the friendly disposition of the Creek nation to wards the government of the United States, evidenced by the stipulations in the present treaty, and particularly the leaving it in the discretion of the president to establish trading or military posts on their lands; the commissioners of the United States on behalf of the said states, give to the said nation, goods to the value of six thousand dollars, and stipulate to send to the Indian nation, two blacksmiths, with strikers, to be employed for the upper and lower Creeks with the necessary tools. ARTICLE IX. All animosities for past grievances shall henceforth cease; and the contracting parties will carry the foregoing treaty into full execution, with all good faith and sincerity. Provided nevertheless, That persons now under arrest, in the state of Georgia, for a violation of the treaty at NewYork, are not to be included in this amnesty, but are to abide the deci sion of law. ARTICLE X. This treaty shall take effect and be obligatory on the contracting parties, as soon as the same shall have been ratified by the president of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. NOTE. This treaty was ratified by the president and senate on condition, That nothing in The 3d & 4th articles should be construed to affect any claim of the state of Georgia to the right of pre-emption in the land therein set apart for military or trading posts; or in give to the U. States without the consent of the said state, any right to the soil, or to the exclusive legislation over the same, or any other right than that of establishing, maintaining, and exclusively governing military and trading posts within the Indian territory mentioned in the said articles, as long as the froncier Georgia may require these establishments. A Treaty Between Timothy Pickering, agent for the United States, and the Chiefs of the Oneida, Tuscorora, and Stockbridge Indians, dwelling in the Country of the Oneidas, concluded at Oneida the second day of December, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. W HEREAS, in the late war between Great-Britain and the United States of America, a body of the Oneida and Tuscorora and the Stockbridge Indians adhered faithfully to the United States, and assisted them with their warriors; and in consequence of this adherence and assistance, the Oneidas and Tuscororas, at an unfortunate period of the war, were driven from their homes, and their houses were burnt and their property destroyed: And as the United States in the time of their distress, acknowledged their obligations to these faithful friends, and promised to reward them: And the United States being now in a condition to fulfil the promises then made, the following articles are stipulated by the respective parties for that purpose; to be in force when ratified by the President and Senate. ARTICLE I The United States will pay the sum of five thousand dollars, to be distributed among individuals of the Oneida and Tuscorora nations, as a compensation for their individual losses and services during the late war between Great-Britain and the United States. The only man of the Kaughnawaugas now remaining in the Oneida country, as well as some few very meritorious persons of the Stockbridge Indians, will be considered in the distribution. ARTICLE II. For the general accommodation of these Indian nations, residing in the country of the Oneidas, the United States will cause to be erected a complete grist-mill and saw-mill, in a situation to serve the present principal settlements of these nations. Or if such one convenient situation cannot be found, then the United States will cause to be erected two such grist-mills and saw-milis, in places where it is now known the proposed accommodation may be effected. Of this the United States will judge. ARTICLE III. The United States will provide, during three years after the mills shall be completed, for the expense of employing one or two suitable persons to manage the mills, to keep them in repair, to instruct some young men of the three nations in the arts of the miller and sawer, and to provide teams and utensils for carrying on the work of the mills. ARTICLE IV. The United States will pay one thousand dollars, to be applied in building a convenient church at Oneida, in the place of the one which was there burnt by the enemy, in the late war. ARTICLE V. In consideration of the above stipulations to be performed on the part of the United States, the Oneida, Tuscorora and Stockbridge Indians aforementioned, now acknowledge themselves satisfied, and relinquish alf other claims of compensation and rewards for their losses and services |