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Of the appropriation for current expenses made by the Legislature in 1839, the balance, $4000, which was in the State Treasury, at the date of the last Report, still remains there; and the Treasurer of the Hospital has in his hands, a balance of account to Nov. 30th, inclusive, of more than two thousand dollars.

This gratifying result was not anticipated, and will render any appropriation for the current expenses of the Hospital unnecessary for the next year.

There appears to be no reason to calculate upon the receipt of a less nor the expenditure of a larger sum for the support of patients the ensuing, than the past year.

Should the Legislature think it wise to purchase more land, or to erect a larger and more convenient barn, both which are desirable, it may be proper to make a specific appropriation, for one or both of those objects.

The Treasurer has pleasure in saying, that with rare exceptions, the bills for the support of patients, have uniformly been paid with great cheerfulness and punctuality, by the towns and individuals liable. The Trustees, some years since, made it his duty, annually, on the first week in January, to submit all the accounts of more than a year's standing, to the District Attorney of the Middle District, for his examination and advice. But, during eight years the Hospital has been open, in only three cases, has it been necessary to resort to legal process, to obtain payment. And no account, except for State Paupers, has been lost to the Hospital, nor is any one, now outstanding, supposed to be insecure of payment.

A memorandum respecting the expenses, and the average price of board, prepared for the Trustees, is, at their request, annexed to this Report.


Treasurer of the State Lunatic Hospital.

Worcester, Dec. 25, 1840.


Respecting the Expenses and Price of Board at the State Lunatic


The price of board from January 1, to December 1, 1833, was arbitrarily fixed by the Trustees at $2 50 per week, it being, of course, impossible to determine the actual cost before it was incurred. From December 1, 1833, to December 1, 1834, the actual cost, according to the average given in the Report, was $2 60+ per week each. This average was made on the whole expenditures, including salaries of Superintendent, assistant Physician, and Steward and Matron. These amounted to $2,173 77, which, deducted from the amount on which the average was made, leaves $13,666 50 to be divided by 117, giving as the average per week, each, a fraction less than $2 25.

From December 1, 1834, to December 1, 1835, the whole cost of supporting the establishment, was $16,576 44; deducting the same salaries as before, $2,200, leaves $14,376 44 to be divided by the average number of patients, 120, which gives a fraction over $2 30 per week, each.

From December 1, 1835, to December 1, 1836, the whole cost of supporting the establishment, taken as before, was


$2 25 per week.


$2 30 per week.

[blocks in formation]

$23,272 61

1,877 33

$21,395 33

the average per week, each, was that year reported to be $3 234, deducting the same salaries as before, then amounting to $2,300, the sum of $19,095 28 is left to be divided by the average number of patients, 127 1-5, which gives a fraction less than $2 89 per week, each. Still the charge was kept down to $2 50 per week, a further allowance being made for articles charged particular patients.


$2 89 per week.

From December 1, 1836, to December 1, 1837, deducting the same salaries as before, the cost of supporting the Institution, was 24,667 65, which sum divided by the average number of patients, 163, gives a fraction over $2 91 per week, each. In their Report that year, the Trustees say, that the average is $2 73 per week each, after deducting the salaries as before mentioned, and the items charged for individuals.

From December 1, 1837, to December 1, 1838, the cost of supporting the Institution, not including salaries paid from the State Treasury, was $28,739 40. The average number of patients was 211, giving a fraction less than $2 62 per week each, as the average cost.

From December, 1, 1838, to December 1, 1839, the cost of supporting the Institution as before, was $29,474 41. The average number of patients was 2234, giving a fraction more than $2 50 per week each, as the average cost.

From December 1, 1839, to December 1, 1840, the cost of supporting the Institution as before, was $27,844 98. The average number of patients this year whose names were borne on the Register, was 229. But, in several instances, individuals were permitted to be absent on visits to their friends, or on trial, and during their absence, no charge was made for their board. These absentees reduced the number by which the cost is to be divided, to 225, and the average cost per week for that number varies only a small fraction from $2 38 each.

For the eight years taken together, exclusive of the first, the average per week for each patient is $2 55.


$2 91 per week.


$2 62 per week.


$2 50 per week.


$2 38 per week.

Av. for 7 years. $2 55 per week.

It is to be remarked, that all these averages are inclusive of the special charges to individual patients. These charges are principally included in the items "clothing, linen, &c.," " cash paid patients," and "elopements." Private patients are charged with "damages." It would be difficult to determine with precision, how much should be deducted, on this account, from the sum of the cost, before the average is made, and I have not attempted to do it. It might, or it might not, for the seven years, be more than five cents per week, each.

It is also to be remarked, that no account is taken of the produce of the land belonging to the Hospital, in ascertaining the cost of supporting the Institution, because so much of the labor of its production is performed by the patients. But, whatever it may amount to, it goes, so far, to diminish the general expenses.

A. D. F.


Of the Superintendent of the State Lunatic Hospital, Worcester, Mass., from December 1st, 1839, to November

30th, 1840.

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