Understanding Old Age: Critical and Global PerspectivesProviding a comprehensive overview of issues of ageing from a global perspective this ambitious text introduces the reader to a wide range of issues and policies on ageing. Topics examined include: theoretical perspectives on ageing in society; demographic trends; roles played by older people as political actors; migration; health; pensions; family and institutional care; and elder abuse. This will be an essential text for students of social gerontology, as well as an invaluable resource for students of nursing, social work, social policy and development studies. |
From inside the book
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Ageing across cultures | 17 |
demography and old | 29 |
Older people as political actors | 45 |
Globalization structural adjustment and ageing | 67 |
Material resources in later life | 86 |
Health and illness in later life | 101 |
Family and community in later life | 115 |
Services for elders | 131 |
Institutional living in later life | 145 |
Ageing in context | 160 |
177 | |
187 | |
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Common terms and phrases
AARP abuse active Africa age groups ageing population ageist America aspects become benefits better birth-rate burden caregiving carers cent Chapter choice cohorts contributions costs cultures defined demographic demographic transition dependency developing countries disability discourse dominant economic elder abuse elderly ethnic Europe example expected frail elders funds gender gerontologists globalization growing HelpAge International ideologies important income increase individual institutional institutionalization intergenerational intergenerational equity International Monetary Fund Japan Jeopardy theories labour large numbers later less living London long-term means move Newly Industrializing Countries numbers of older nursing homes OECD old age older migrants older voters older women Open University paid PAYG pension schemes pension systems political poor population ageing Population Pyramids poverty problems relatives residential retirement sheltered housing Social Policy societies status structures theory users vote welfare workers World Bank young younger