the speedy payment of existing indebtedness, and that the finances of the State would be placed on a firm basis. By the timely and judicious appropriation of those vast means which the liberality of Congress, and the unequaled resources of this young State have placed immediately within our reach, this undoubtedly might have been accomplished, and the State of California prepared to meet any future exigency that might arise. These just hopes and expectations, however, I regret to say, have not been realized; and now, at the close of a session of four and a half months, without any provision having been made for the payment of an increased State Debt, the people must, another year, bear oppressive and exorbitant taxation to meet the wants and requirements of a government, whose expenditures, under existing circumstances, necessarily exceed the receipts into the Treasury. Having, as I believed, fully discharged my duty as required by the Constitution, and, from time to time, even at the risk of being considered importunate, directed your attention to these various subjects, it only remains for me, in conclusion of this, my last communication with your honorable body, respectfully, to inform you that I have now no "further communication to make." JOHN BIGLER. Mr. De La Guerra asked and obtained leave to withdraw a substitute for Assembly Bill in relation to Common Schools. Mr. Sprague submitted the following report: Resolved, That the thanks of the Senate be tendered to the Hon. John Y. Lind, Secretary of the Senate, and John H. Stewart, Assistant Secretary, for the able, efficient, and highly satisfactory discharge of their respective official duties during the present session. The resolution was unanimously adopted. Mr. Leake requested and obtained leave to have his name entered upon the Journal in favor of the Joint Resolutions in relation to the Nebraska Bill. Mr. Kurtz was also granted leave to have his vote similarly recorded. Resolved, That the thanks of the Senate be tendered the Hon. Samuel Purdy, President of the Senate, for the able and impartial manner in which he has presided over the deliberations of this body during its present session. The resolution was unanimously adopted. The President spoke as follows: Senators: I thank you, from my heart, for this kind expression you have given me of your kind feelings. As the presiding officer of the first branch of our State Legislature, I feel, and my conscience tells me, I have, on every occasion, acted faithfully and impartially. When I entered upon my duties, a controversy was pending much excitement prevailed, and was continued until near the present time, during which 1 received from you every indulgence and courtesy; and it is my duty now to express the deep sense I entertain of the confidence you have reposed in me. Accept, gentlemen, this brief but sincere acknowledgment for the politeness I have had the pleasure of receiving at your hands, and also my warm wishes for your future prosperity and welfare. I now declare the Senate adjourned, “sine die." SAM. PURDY, President of the Senate. I hereby certify the foregoing pages contain a true and correct copy of the proceedings of the fifth session of the Senate of the State of California. 82 JOHN Y. LIND, Secretary. |