The Reports of Sir Edward Coke, Knt: In Thirteen Parts, Volume 4J. Butterworth and son, 1826 - Law reports, digests, etc |
Common terms and phrases
acres act of Parliament action adjudged afterwards alien amended amerced Angliĉ anno appeareth appurtenances assise award Brownl Bulst charter common law condition Court death debt deed defendant descend dict divers doth duchy duchy of Cornwall Duke of Cornwall Dyer Earl Edward Eliz England feoffment Fitz Formedon fuit grant hath heirs held Henry husband inheritance Inst issue John Judges judgment Justices King of England King's kingdom of England land lease letters patent ligeance London lord the King manor ment Moor parcel party person plaintiff pleaded Plowd prĉd quĉ quam Queen quod reason record Regis regni release remainder rent resolved reversion Roll saith scil Scire facias seised seisin Sheriff shew stat statute sunt tail tenant tenements thereof therewith agrees Thomas Nash tion Trelowia Vide void warranty wife words writ
Popular passages
Page 372 - That if an act of parliament should ordain that the same person should be party and judge, or, which is the same thing, judge in his own cause, it would be a void act of parliament; for it is impossible that one should be judge and party, for the judge is to determine between party and party, or between the government and the party; and an act of parliament can do no wrong, though it may do several things that look pretty odd...
Page 30 - But if a Christian King should conquer a kingdom of an infidel, and bring them under his subjection, there ipso Jacto the laws of the infidel are abrogated, for that they be not only against Christianity, but against the law of God and of nature, contained in the decalogue...
Page 434 - This Book of Articles before rehearsed is again approved, and allowed to be holden and executed within the realm, by the assent and consent of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth, by the Grace of God, of England, France, and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c.
Page 430 - ... pay him as much for making, and all necessaries thereto, as he should deserve, and that for making thereof, and all necessaries thereto, he deserves so much, for which he brings his action of debt: in that case, the putting of his cloth to the tailor to be made into a gown, is sufficient evidence to prove the said special contract, for the law implies it: and if the tailor overvalues the making, or the necessaries to it, the jury may mitigate it, and the plaintiff shall recover so much as they...
Page 329 - Courts have for a very considerable time very much inclined to lay hold of any words in the will to tie up the generality of the expression " dying without issue," and confine it to " dying without issue living at the time of the person's decease.
Page 122 - That from and after this present session of parliament, no dispensation by non obstante of or to any statute, or any part thereof, shall be allowed, but that the same shall be held void and of no effect, except a dispensation be allowed of in such statute, and except in such cases as shall be specially provided for by one or more bill or bills to be passed during this present session of parliament.
Page 6 - ... by the wisdom of the most excellent men, in many successions of ages, by long and continual experience, (the trial of light and truth) fined and refined, which no one man, (being of so short a time) albeit he had in his head the wisdom of all the men in the world, in any one age could ever have effected or attained unto.
Page 204 - ... the guest lets them lie in an outer court, where they are taken away, the innkeeper shall not be charged, for the fault is in the guest.
Page 200 - ... it is no excuse for the innkeeper to say, that he delivered the(^) guest the key of the chamber in which he is lodged, and that he left the chamber door open; but he ought to keep the goods and chattels of his guest there in safety ; and therewith agrees, 22 Hen.
Page 87 - ... for, he hath no property in them, but they do belong to him ratione privilegii for his game and pleasure, so long as they remain in the privileged place...