| Richard Baxter - Apologetics - 1667 - 644 pages
...to Ifa. 53. Who hath believed our report, and tt whom is the armoftheLordrevealed? for he Jhall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a. dry ground; he hath no form wr comelinefl; and when we Jhall fee hint, there if no beauty that wejhould... | |
| Samuel Wright - Bible - 1707 - 116 pages
...WHO hath believed our Report? And, to whom, is the Arm of the Lord. Revealed ? For he {hall grow ap before him AS a tender Plant, and as a Root out of A dry Ground : He hath no form nor Come line fs ; And when we fha/l fee him, there is no Beauty that we fhottlddefire... | |
| William Reeves - Apologetics - 1709 - 548 pages
...believed our Report, and to whom is the Arm of the Lord revealed ? For he Jhall grow up before hint as a tender Plant , and as a Root out of a dry Ground^ he hath qo Form or Comelinefs, and when we flail fee him, tksre is no Beauty that m Jbould... | |
| William Nicholls - Apologetics - 1723 - 554 pages
...ivhofe Name is the. Branch, and hejballgrcnv up out of his Plate. ^4nd as Ifa. lu'iz he Jball grow up before him as a tender Plant, and as A Root out of a dry Ground. And David fays of him, Pfal. op. J. Thy Birth is its the Dew of the Morning. So R. Solomon... | |
| Thomas LEWIS (M.A.) - 1735 - 118 pages
...Ifaiah (ever literally underftood by the old Hebrews} was mifapplicd by Abarbinel^ * He fhatf grow «/> before him as a tender 'Plant, and as a Root out of a dry Ground\ he hath no Form nor Comelinefs> and when we fha// fee him, there is no Beauty that we foould... | |
| Thomas Hartley - Sermons - 1754 - 456 pages
...Enemies. The Church which before, under all the Weaknefs and Difgrace of Infancy and Sufferings, grew up as a tender Plant, and as a Root out of a dry Ground, yet bearing much precious Fruit, when tranfplanted into the richer Soil of an Eftablifhment,... | |
| Thomas Hartley - Christianity - 1759 - 180 pages
...The Church which before, fore, under all the Weaknefs and Difgrace of Infancy and Sufferings, grew up as a tender Plant, and as a Root out of a dry Ground, yet bearing much precious Fruit, when tranfplanted into the richer Soil of anEftablifhment,... | |
| John Glas - Sandemanianism - 1761 - 530 pages
...branch fpringing out of the " root of Jeffe," If. xi. i. : fo that when he mould come, he ftiould be " as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry " ground, having nothing of that form or comelinefs" that his defpifcrs were locking after, If. liii.... | |
| Assembly of divines confess. and catech - 1765 - 626 pages
...might be fulfilled. Then all the difciples forfook him, and fled. í Ifa.Miii. 2. For he ihall grow Up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground : he hath no form nor comelinefs : arid when we (hall fee him, there js no beauty that we ibould... | |
| John Witherspoon, William Shenstone - Apologetics - 1768 - 360 pages
...than any man, and " his form more than the fons of men) ;" as alfo, chap. liii. a. " For he fhall grow up before him " as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry " ground : he hath no form nor comelinefs : and " when we fhall fee him, there is no beauty that "... | |
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