TO PROMPT THE SPIRIT OF RESEARCH, AND DIFFUSE RELI I make it my rule to lay hold of light, and embrace it, wherever I see it, though held "Too many are to be found in all countries, like the Italian Philosopher, who was un- VOL. III. PUBLISHED UNDER THE INSPECTION OF A COMMITTEE OF CONGREGATIONAL * UTICA: PRINTED FOR CORNELIUS DAVIS. 1816. Utica ZD ii Associate Reformed Church..... Report of the State of Religion, &c. Associate Reformed Church. At the late meeting of the General Synod of the Associate Reformed Church, the Rev. Dr. Mason stated, that in consequence of ill health he had determined to resign his office of Provost in Columbia College, and that intending to take a voyage to Europe, he should be prevented from officiating any longer as Professor in the Theological Seminary The Synod expressed their deep sense of the value of the services which Dr. M. had gratuitously rendered the institution, and voted him 500 dollars, as a token of their disposition to remunerate him more liberally if they had the means. The number of Students who attended at the Theological Seminary the last term was 21. The expences of the institution for the year ending the 30th of April last, was as follows : Synodical Treasury, 1100 98 $3313 96 Report of the state of Religion, [The Reformed Dutch Church in this coun- That on an examination of the minutes of the particular Synods of NewYork and Albany, (the only sources of their information) they rejoice to find that the Lord still continues to bless the means of grace, and to animate his servants by causing his work to prosDuring the year per in their hands. past, not only have vacant congregations, some of which had long been destitute of the stated ministry of the word and ordinances, been furnished with pastors, but a rich measure of divine influence also has been imparted to many of your societies. Within the Total on account of the Seminary $2789 98 bounds of the particular Synod of AlBy the Statistical Table of the Associate Re- bany, the state of religion appears to formed Church in North America, it ap- be improving. The truths of the Gospears that there were, on the 30th of A-pel are heard by increasing numbers, and with solemn attention. In the pril last, Expences of Superintendents, Students board, Contingences of Seminary, In the Synod of Ministers 65 1300 1384 98 40 gations. Congre- congregation of Wynant's Kill, the Di- Total | Vacant 53 7 of the Redeemer, to promote the inter2311 ests of his kingdom, have been owned 55 28 and blessed in a measure which calls for our special gratitude. The church of Poughkeepsie has enjoyed a season 14 108 52 The receipts into the Treasury of unusually refreshing; many have been the General Synod, from 30th April, 1815, to 30th April, 1816, according to || the Treasurer's account current, were as follows: awakened; more than a hundred persons, and those principally from among the young, have been added to the church. The revival has been powerful, and extended its happy influence to the souls of not a few blacks. Among the congregations under the juNew-York, your Committee feel hap 1. Donations to the permanent fund, $988 2. Contributions to the Seminary for current expences, 1323 98 risdiction of the particular Synod of 3. General Contributions to the py to state, that a growing attention || ful preaching of the word, and the esbas been paid to the Gospel ordinan-tablishment of praying Societies; a due ces, and that a considerable number of attention to all of which your commit persons have been added to the church tee beg leave earnestly to recommend of such, we trust, as shall be saved. to the ministers and congregations unAmong the means, which appear to der the care of this judicatory, as have been rendered effectual to the means appointed of God for the consalvation of sinners, are family visita-version of sinners and the edification tions, catechetical instruction, and in- of his people. creased attention to discipline, the faith-|| Abdool Messee 233 Clark, Governor 2 118 Address on education of young men 29 53 Commandment 4th, Prohibitory part of 201 of American Bible Society ✔ Adam, sin of connected with his pos 282 Commandment 4th, Exceptions to the 145 What is forbidden in 149 terity 139 Contradictions, seeming reconciled 88 100 Conferences, Subjects for 228 280 Constitution of Amer. Bible Society 281 on ransporting mail 18 22 Death, Daniels Reflections on 124 Fanny M'Clure 73 59 Deacon Merrell 146 Belief and Disbelief Beecher on building waste places Bellamy on the Gospel Benevolence, feelings of 137 Duty of Minister 36 Bible 160 Distressed old Man 44 |