Quilibet scriptor adeò anxiè sit solicitus, ut ad veritatem dicat, perinde ac si PRÆF. 6 REP. THIRD EDITION, WITH CONSIDERABLE ADDITIONS. LONDON: Printed for W. CLARKE and SONS, Law Booksellers, - ADVERTISEMENT TO THIS THIRD EDITION. iii ANOTHE NOTHER impression of this work having been called for, the Compiler has embraced the opportunity to insert two new Chapters, under the titles of Mandamus and Quo Warranto, in which he has endeavoured to treat those important subjects in as full and comprehensive a manner as the nature of an abridgment will permit. The cases which have been decided since the publication of the second edition, are inserted under the proper heads. An Appendix, containing some practical forms, which may be useful at the sittings and assizes, has been subjoined; and the Index to the principal matters has been enlarged. In other respects, this edition corresponds with the former. Lincoln's Inn, July, 1812. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. THE HE object of the following work is to investigate and explain that branch of jurisprudence, which teaches the nature and extent of the remedies prescribed by the law of England for the redress of private wrongs, or, as they are frequently termed, civil injuries. Considering the utility and importance of the subject, it cannot fail to excite the surprise of the reader, when he is informed that a well-digested treatise on the law of actions remained for so great a length of time a desideratum in the profession, that it was not until the year 1767, that an anonymous compilation, (the first deserving any notice) entitled "An Introduction to the Law relative to Trials at Nisi Prius," was published. The same work was republished by the late Mr. J. Buller, in the year 1772. Though the title page is silent as to this being a second edition, yet, from an examination of the contents, it appears very clearly that Mr. J. Buller's book is merely a republication of the anonymous trea |