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In the absence of any regular reports of the decisions of the superior courts of this country, persons entering upon the practice of the law find it a matter of much difficulty to make themselves acquainted with many of these decisions, settling important principles of law. The dangers to which parties must every where be subjected from the want of reports of judicial decisions, are peculiarly aggravated under a system derived from such various sources as is the law of Lower Canada. Feeling this inconvenience, I was early induced to direct my attention to the collection of the more important cases, and as they increased in number, I was led to believe that the publication of them might not be without use to the profession. I was encouraged to publish them by several of my friends in the profession, and was further induced to make the attempt by the offer which the Honorable the Chief Justice of the Province, MR. SEWELL, was pleased to make, in the most obliging manner, to afford me access to his original minutes. With this aid, and with the cordial co-operation of several members of the profession, I trust, that it will be found that the judgments are reported with strict accuracy as to the chief grounds and substance of them.


Much will, doubtless, yet remain to be done; but if

present humble effort serve only to mitigate the evils incident to the absence of regular reports, and to hasten the period of their publication, I shall not regret the time and labor bestowed upon the present collection.

Quebec, 16th October, 1834.

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