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fire thy Beauty: For be is thy Lord; and worship thou bim. Hearken, O Daughter, and confider what great things I have promis'd to you, and will do for you in that Day: Forget thy People, and all that may be near and dear to thee, besides me; or that may stand in the way as a Hindrance to thy Enjoy ment of my Prefence: Let thy Heart, Mind, and Affections, be upon me, who only deserve to have it, in confideration of my great Love to thee, and what I have done for thee. So shall the King greatly defire thy Beauty, who loves to fee his Children appear before him, in that Beauty and Excellency which he hath put upon them.

And the Daughters of Tyre ftall be there withGifts: Even the Rich among the People shall intreat thy Far vour. This looks, with some other Texts of Scripture, as if the Converted Jews would have thePrecedence of the Gentiles, in that Day of the Meffah's Kingdom: And they shall be there with Gifts; that is, the Rich among the Gentiles: They whose Hearts God hath touched, shall come and intreat thy Love, Favour, and Kindness, to be shewed unto them. The King's Daughter (that is every Convert or true Believer, may be understood) is all glorious within; her Cloathing is of wrought Gold. The Church of God is all glorious, inrespect of the Imputation of Righteousness, and Implantation of Grace: Glorious within; because God the Father, Son, and Spirit, dwell there: Glori us without; because she is clothed with the Righteousness of God. She shall be brought unto the King in Raiment of Needle-work: The Virgins, her Companions, that follow her, ball be brought unto thee; with Gladness and Rejoicing fall they be brought, they shall enter into the King's Palaces. This Raiment of Needle-work doubtless does refpect the pure and spotless Robe of Chrift's Righteousness, imputed by Grace, received by Faith: But yet I humbly conceive that the Garments of Gl ry and Immortality, are signified, which shall be put upon the Saints in that Day, when she shall be brought to the King. Oh with what Joy and Gladness will she enter the King's Palace, or the Gates of the New Jerufalem; when she shall thus shine in Christ's Glory. This can be no less than the perfect Kingdom-State, at Chrift's perfonal Appearance, when bis Wife the Bride shall bare made her self ready.

The 145 Pfalm is full for the Proof of this: You may read the whole, and confider how it treats upon this blessed Time. But I must not take notice of so many Verses, lest I exceed the Bounds that I have designed: Therefore I shal begin at Ver. 10. Al thy Works shall praise thee, OLord, and thy Saints shall bless thee. All thy Works; not only the Works of Creation, Redemption, and Divine Providence, but the Works that God will do, when he comes to set up his Kingdom: And that is to destroy Antichrist, to convert the Jews, and bring them again into their own Land, by drying up the River of Euphrates, or destroying the Turkish Power, and bringing in the Fulness of the Gentiles, the Accomplishing of all the Latter Day Prophefies. These are some of the Works which God will do in that Day; which indeed will declare and wonderfully shew forth his Praise; for which the Saints all of them will bless and magnifie the Lord, that they should be thus deliver'd from all their Enemies, for ever, and be Partakers of that Glory, which then they shall be in full poffeffion of.


It follows in the 11, 12, and 13th Verses, They Shall speak of the Glory of thy Kingdom, and talk of thy Power; to make known to the Sons of Men his mighty Acts, and the glorious Majesty of his Kingdom. Thy Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom, and thy Dominion endureth throughout all Generations. This is not to be limited to the Kingdom of his Grace, under the Dispensation of the Cospel; but must certainly have a respect to the Kingdom-Glory of Chrift, with his Saints, in the Latter Days. Then it is that the Children of God shall speak to each other of the Glory of his Person, of the Glory of his Righteousness, and the Glory of his Kingdom, far beyond whatever they have yet done, or were capable to do, because of Sin, Weakness, and Mortality, which doth attend the Best of the Children of God, in this Life. But when all these Imperfections come to be removed from the Saints, as they shall in that Day; then the Mysteries of the Kingdom will be opened, and Enlargement of Hearts given. Then it is that they shall speak, in a wonderful manner, without Offence, of the Glory of Christ, and his blessed Kingdom; whose Kingdom is said to be everlasting, or throughout all Generations.




CHRIST will reign amongst his Saints in Jerufalam.

1. Great Men, if ungodly, whether Kings of the Earth, or cthers, will be ashamed or confounded. 2. The Lord will perfonally reign with his People, confifting both of Jews and Gentiles.


Shall take notice of 2 or 3 Places in Ifaiah, which hath a Reference to this Time, tho' indeed the whole Prophecy is full of them. And the First is in the 24th Chapter, Verse 23. Then the Moon fhall be confounded, and the Sun ashamed, when the Lord of Hosts shall reign in Mount Zion and in Jerufalem, and before his Ancients gloriously. What a Text is this; which if duely confider'd, one would think none could have a Word to say against Christ's having a visible Kingdom in this World! Tien the Moon, &c. Then! When? When those dreadful Judgments and Calamities shall come upon the Wicked, which you read of in the preceding Verses :

The GLORY of, &c.

15 Verses: Then it is that the Moon shall be confounded. By the Moon I understand in this Place may be meant the World, or Wicked and Ungodly Men, that are ruling in it, be they in never so great Pofts and high Offices; they shall then be confounded to a purpose. By the Sun, carthly Princes and great Potentates may be fignify'd; as they are sometimes call'd in the Scriptures. These will be both afhamed and confounded in that Day, to their eternal sorrow, who shall be found ungodly, when the Lord Jesus Christ shall come to take the Power of Government into his own Hands. But I fee no Absurdity, if we take the Word in the very Letter of the Text; and so understand by it the two great Luminaries of the Heavens, that do enlighten the Earth, both by Day and Night; for they will, as it were, draw in their Beams, when the Sun of Righteousness begins to arife: They will be asham'd and confounded, when Chrift comes to appear in his Glory; he will fo far exceed, as a thousand times to outshine their Brightness ; which will fo eclipse their Light, as that they may be faid to be ashamed.

But when is this to be? When the Lord of Hosts shall reign in Mount Zion, and in Ferusalem, before his Ancients gloriously. By the Lord of Hosts must be understood the Lord Jesus Chrift. By Mount Zion, and Jerusalem, is sometimes meant spiritually the Church of God, under the Gospel; fometimes literally for Zion, that was in Ferufalem, where the Temple stood; and I see no Reason why it may not be so taken in this Place; because it is faid he shall reign before his Ancients. by the Word Ancient is generally meant the People


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