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ple of the Jews. Here it is that the Lord will reign in a glorious, visible, personal Manner; which cannot be understood of his Reigning in Heaven, because it is faid he shall reign in Jerufalem; neither must it be meant of his Reigning Ly his Spirit in the Hearts of his People; for so he always reigned ever fince he had a Church in the World. Besides this Interpretation would be a downright forcing of the Text, contrary to the Sense it expresseth it self in; Therefore it must be understood, as it is in the Words, That Christ will reign in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, before bis ancient People the Jews, not excluding but including the convertedGentiles; yet I do not understand that the whole Extent of this Prophecy will have its Fulfilment, immediately upon the Converfion of the Jews, and bringing in of the Gentil Nations; because there will be some time for that Spiritual Glory to continue: But when the whole myftical Body of Chrift is compleated; then it is that he will reign, when he shall come to be glorified in bis Saints, and to be admired in all them that believe, as it is 2 Theff. Ch. i. ver. 10.



The Sun shall give a Sevenfold Light, as the Light of Seven Days, in the time of CHRIST's Personal Reign.

1. A wonderful Plenitude of Gospel-Grace, which will overflow many Nations. 2. The great Mysteries of the Kingdom, like high Mountains and Hills. 3. The Lord will destroy his Enemies, when he comes to fet up his Kingdom. 4. By the Number 7, a Number of Perfectionis fignify'd, to shew that when the Sun is Sevenfold, it will be a Perfect State. 5. All Wounds and Breaches shall then be healed. 6. In the Kingdom of Christ will be the Time of a vifible Blotting out of all Sin. 7. These Words have a respect, First, Unto the Spirit; Secondly, To Chrift's Perfonal Coming.


GAIN, look into the 30th Chapter of Ifaiah, and the 25 and 26th Verse; And there shall be upon every high Mountain, and upon every bigh Hill, Rivers and Streams of Waters; in the Day of the great Slaughter, when the Towers fall. Moreover, the Light of the Moon shall be as the Light of the Sun; and the Light of the Sun shall be sevenfold, as the Light of the Seven Days: In the Day that the Lord bindeth up the Breach of his People, and healeth


healeth the Stroke of her Wound. Upon every high Mountain and Hill I conceive fometimes Kingdoms and Nations are understood; and so the Meaning may be, that Rivers and Streams of Water (by which a Plenitude is signify'd) shall overflow them. Or thus; There shall be a Plenitude, an Overflowing Fulness of Gofpel-Grace, in the Kingdom-State (which will begin to have its Appearance in the first Branch of that Spiritual Glory) as shall cover many Nations and Kingdoms; according to those Words in Hab. ii. ver. 14. For the Earth shall be filled with the Knowledge of the Glory of the Lord, as Waters cover the Sea.

Sometimes Mountains and Hills may fignify the great, high, and mysterious Things of God; which our weak Light is not able to penetrate into. But then when this Prophecy comes to be fulfilled, there will be fuch an overflowing Fulness of divine Grace and Light, that will be like Rivers and Streams of Water breaking out: So that the Saints shall have a clear Sight into those great Mysteries, which now seem (like high Mountains and Hills) to be out of the Reach of their Apprehenfion; then they shall wade into the deep Things of God, from the Ancles to the Knees, and from the Knees to the Loins, until at last they come to swim in the River; Ezek. xlvii. 3, 4.

In the next Place, the Time when these great Things are to be done, and that is in the Day of the great Slaughter, when the Towers fall. By which I understand that when the Lord comes to take upon him his great Power and Reign, he will work the Way to his Kingdom through a Sea of Blood; deftroying Millions of ungodly Men, as you may


see in Ifaiah Ixiii. ver. 1, 2, 3. where it is faid, Who is this that cometh from Edom (these Edomites Signify God's Enemies) with dyed Garments from Bozi rah, &c. Wherefore art thou red in thy Apparel this respects the Lord Jesus Chrift, the Manner how he will appear unto his Enemies in that Day, Ver. 6. I will tread down the People in my Anger, and, make them drunk in my Fury, and I will bring down their Strength to the Earth. This is a Frophecy of the latter Day. And in the last of Ifaiah, ver. 15, 16. For bebold the Lord will come with Fire, and with his Chariots, like a Whirl-wind, to render his Anger with Fury, and his Rebuke with Flames of Fire; for by Fire and by his Sword, will the Lord plead with all Flesh; (that is all those who are deftitute of Grace, Enemies to Christ) and the flain of the Lord shall be many. Again, Rev. xix. Ver, 13, 14, 15, does fufficiently prove this; and be (that is Chrift) was cloathed with a Vesture dipt in Blood; and his Name is called, The Word of God. This is fpoke by Way of Allufion concerning Warriors when they return from great Slaughters, that have their Garments sprinkled with the Blood of the flain. The Armies which are in Heaven, (by which the Saints are meant, that are said to be called Chosen and Faithful) followed Chrift upon white Horses, in fine Linnen clean and white; which fets forth the Beauty, Strength, Agility, and Glory that will th n be put upon them; and out of bis Mouth goeth. a sharp Sword, that with it he should Smite the Nations; and he shall rule them with a Rod of Iron; and he treadeth the Wine-Press of the Fierceness and Wrath of Almighty God. All which, with Abundance of other Places, shews what a terrible Day this


this will be to the wicked and ungodly; when the Lord Jesus Chrift will come to fet up his Kingdom in the World, for he will work the Way through it, in the Destruction of his Enemies; and therefore called the Day of the great Slaughter. Oh what a Day of Slaughter will this be, when Antichrist shall be destroy'd, and thousands of thoufands of Sabbath-breakers, Swearers, Liars, Whoremongers, and prophane Persons, (who now by their Wickedness proclaim War against the Majesty of Heaven) shall call to the Rocks and Mountains to fall apon them, to hide them from the Face of him that fits upon the Throne, and from the Wrath of the Lamb? For (this will be their Cry) the great Day of his Wrath is come, and who shall be able to ftand? Rev. vi. Ver. 16, 17.

Then it is that the Towers shall fall, by which, not only Babylon, the Mother of Harlots, is understood, but all Towers and high Places that wicked Men now endeavour to flee to, hide and shelter themselves in: Then their Pride and lofty Looks will fall. Yea all their Idols of Gold and Silver hall be crush'd down to the Moles and to the Bats; they shall go into the Clefts of the Rocks, and into the Tops of the ragged Rocks, for fear of the Lord, and for the Glory of his Majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the Earth; then it is that the Lord alone hall be exalted. This is the Time that the Lord will arife as be did in Mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the Valley of Gibeon, that he may do bis Work, his strange Work; and bring to pass his Act, bis ftrange Act. Ifai. ii. ver. 12.20, 21. Ifai. xxviii. ver. 81.


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