The Time when God did arise in Mount Pera zim, was when the Lord made a Breach upon the Philistines (that were Enemies to the Children of Ifrael) as the Breach of Water; 2 Sam. v. ver. 20. the Time when he was wroth in the Valley of Gibeon, was when the Lord poured out his Wrath upon the Canaanites in the dismal Slaughter of that wicked People; such a Time as was never known before nor fince; when the Sun did not move out of its Place for a whole Day, as it is in Joshua x. ver. 12. Then spake Joshua to the Lord, in the Day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the Children of Ifrael, Sun ftand thou till upon Gibeon, and thou Moon in the Valley of Aialon; ver. 13. and the Sun ftood still, and the Moon stayed until the People had avenged themselves upon their Enemies. Now as the Lord did arife in Mount Perazim, and was wroth in the Valley of Gibeon, for to destroy his and his People's Enemies, to deliver Ifrael, and gave them the Land of Canaan for a Poffeffion; fo will the Lord arife again, and make a Breach upon wicked Men; he will be wroth as he was in the Valley of Gibeon, when all the Earth shall be devoured with the Fire of his Jealousy; then will the Lord do his Work, bis strange Work, and bring to pass bis Act, his strange Act; the Work that God will do in this Day will be fo strange and wonderful, that wicked Men and Devils will be astonished at it; yea it will be wonderful and amazing to the People of God themselves, such a Work that now is not only out of the Reach of their Faith, but out of the Reach of their Apprehenfions. Well, Well, then it is, That the Light of the Moon will be as the Light of the Sun; and the Light of the Sun shall be sevenfold as the Light of seven Days. This does not only respect the clear Discovery of Divine Grace under the Dispensation of the Gospel, which is as the Light of the Sun to us, in Comparison of that Light which the Saints had under the Mofaical Administration. But in that Day, this Light will be so wonderfully increased, as to appear for Brightness, like the Light of seven Days. This Number seven we find in Scripture to be a holy mystical Number, which the Spirit of God often makes use of, to set forth the Perfection of a Thing by. The seven Pillars, Wisdom had hewn out, which bears up and fupports the House or Church of God; fets forth that Perfection of Strength and Divine Power, that always stands engaged for the Safety and Preservation of the Saints; Prov. ix. 6. Again in Rev. v. 6. and I beheld, and lo in the midst of the Throne, and of the four Beafts, and in the midst of the Elders stood a Lamb as it had been lain, having seven Horns, and seven Eyes, which are the Seven Spirits of God font forth into all the Earth. By this Lamb in the Midst of the Throne can be no other than the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. By the Seven Horns, fignify the Almighty Omnipotent Power of Chrift. By the feven Eyes, his Immensity and Omniscience; or the Perfection of his Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding; nothing is, nor can be hid from him. And Rev. i. Ver. 4. Grace and Peace (is said to flow) from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the Seven Spirits which are before the Throne, Throne. Here we have the Trinity of Persons set forth in this and the 5th Verse; from whom it is that Grace and Peace, through this blessed Mediator the Lord Jesus Chrift, is communicated unto the Saints. From him which is, was, and is to come, the Immutability, Eternity, and Unchangeableness of the Father is meant; and from the seven Spirits which are before the Throne; must be the Spirit of God, though express'd here before Chrift who is the second Person. The Reason of which, I humbly conceive may be, because the subject Matter of the following Discourse does more largely treat about Chrift, and therefore mention'd in the last Place. Now, if by the Seven Spirits is meant the Spirit of God, as certainly it must, becaufe Grace and Peace does come from him as well as the other Persons, and cannot be faid to come from Angels, nor no meer Creature: Then I understand, by this Number seven, the Seven Spirits, to hold forth not only a Plenitude, but the Perfection of those Graces that proceed from, or are wrought by the Spirit of God in the Saints. Many other Places of the same Import I might take Notice of, but this is fufficient to prove that by the Number feven, in the Language of the Holy Ghost, a Number of Perfection is signified. And therefore by the Light of the Sun, being sevenfold as the Light of seven Days, must mean that Perfection of Light and Divine Knowledge, which will shine forth, and shall by the Lord Fefus, that Sun of Righteousness, be communicated unto the Church; when all Clouds and Darknesses shall be done away. And he will destroy in this Mountain (that is the Mountain of Chrift's Kingdom) the the Face of the Covering caft over all People, and the Vail that is spread over all Nations; Ifai. xxv. ver. 7. O what a Perfection of Light, and spiritual Understanding will there be upon the Children of God at this Time? Then all those great and wonderfnl Mysteries that now we are so much at a Loss about, will shine forth in their naked Beauty, Glory, and Excellency. We shall understand that deep Mystery of the Holy Trinity better than now we do; we shall then come to the full Affurance of Understanding, to the Acknowledgement of the Myftery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; Col. ii. ver. 2. Again, the Mystery of Christ's Incarnation, or the Union of those two distinct Natures divine and human, in the blessed Person of the Mediator; (whereby we are brought as near to the Enjoyment of God as possibly could be, both in Grace and Glory) will shine forth unexpressibly glorious in the Kingdom of Christ; the Mystery of Creation, Redemption, and divine Providence, with a thousand other Mysteries, shall be unfolded in their Beauty and Excellency, as bright and clear as Chrystal; Which Mysteries we have now but a weak, dark, short Sight into at the best. There will be no Differences in Judgments among the People of God; and fure I am there will be none in Affections; no Heats, Disputes, nor Divifion among the Saints any more: Then they shall be of one Heart, and one Mind, and serve the Lord with one Consent: They shall speak freely the pure Language of Canaan to each other without Offence; Zeph. iii. ver. 9. Then all those controverted Points amongst the Godly, which now causes us to stand at so far a Distance from each other, as as not to have communion together, will be open'd (that is the Divine Truth which is in them) in fuch Brightness, Glory, and Lustre, as will give infinite Content and Satisfaction to all those who shall be counted worthy to partake of that Glory; which can mean no other than a Sinless Ferfect State, at the Time of Christ's personal and glorious Appear ance, with all the Saints. L Ofure, say some, this will not be until the Saints come to Heaven. If by Heaven they mean the Imperial Heavens, the Place of Ultimate Glory, where they shall dwell for ever, after the Laft Judgment; I dare be bold to affirm, that the Time here spoken of, will be before; because God in his Word doth affirm it: Thơ' it is true, theSaints at this time will be in Heaven; but it will be Hea ven upon the Earth, not in this corrupt sinful Stateas now it is in; but when it shall be refived and purged, by the Fire and Conflagration of that great Day spoke of in the 2d of Peter, ch. iii. ver. 10, 12. Then the holy City, New Jerufalem, shall come down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a Bride adorned for her Husband, Rev. xxi. ver. 2, This will be a Perfect Sinless State, tho' upon Earth: It will not be earthly, but only in respect of Place. Then the Lord will bind up the Brea bof bis People, and heal the Stroke of her Wound: There will not be a Breach found among all the Inhabitants of the New ferufalem. Oh what a Sight will a Gracious Soul have! How the Lord himself hath healed the Breach that Sin had made betwixt him and us! The Sight which the Saints and Children of God have of this, is sweet to Faith now: But oh how fweet will the Sight of this be to the Soul then! And he |