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David, that is said to be the Root (in respect of his Divine) and the Offspring of David (in respect of his Human Nature.) This is the Person that the Father bath raised up to be the King of Sion. I have Set my King upon my holy Hill of Sion, Pfal. 2. and Shortly will appear to be King of Nations too.

Then it follows in the 17th and 18th Verses, For I will restore Health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy Wounds, faith the Lord (which shews the Cretainty of the Mercy promised) because they called thee an Outcast; saying, This is Zion, whom no Man Seeketh after. The Church of God hath sometimes, in her own Apprehenfion, and in the Esteem of others, been like one caft ont, and not regarded : Therefore the Lord layeth this Argument down as a Reason why he will restore Health unto her, and heal her of all her Wounds: All Diseases, Wounds, and Maladies among the Saints, shall be perfectly healed, in the Time of Christ's Kingdom.

Thus faith the Lord, Behold (take notice of it) I will bring again the Captivity of Jacob's Tents (tho' carry'd never fo far away as Captives; yet the Lord will bring them back again to himself, and to their Land) and have mercy on his Dwelling Places (which shews the Mercy, Care and Providence of God, not only over them, but all that appertains to them.) And the City shall be builded upon her own Heap; and the Palace shall remain after the manner thereof. The Letter of the Words have a peculiar relation to the Return of the Jews, at the time of their Conversion: Wherefore this is an undoubted Proof that the Glory prophesy'd of, and in these Words, promised to the Fews, upon their Return, will have its Fulfilment in the Land of Caraan,

Canaan, when the City Jerufalem shall be builded again, and beautify'd upon her own Heap: There where the hath a long time lain in her Ruins, there shall she be adorned with splendid Majesty, and remain in that beautiful Glory, after the manner thereof, even in Jerusalem. However this may be expounded by fome, as if it look'd no further than the Return of the Jews out of Babylon's Captivity. It appears evident to me, that the whole of all those Blessings here promised, had not its Accomplishment at that time. Besides, in the latter End of this Chapter we read how the fierce Anger of the Lord shall come as a Whirlwind, upon the Head of the Wicked, in the Latter Days; ye shall confider it: Which must have a respect to the Last Day, Spoke of in the New Testament: And therefore the Glory here prophetically treated of, must be understood of the Kingdom of Christ.

The 37th of Ezekiel is very full to the fame Import; where we have the Resurrection of the dry Bones set forth unto us; by which the whole House of Ifrael is meant, how low foever they were; and ready to say, Our Hopes are cut off for our Parts; thơ' they lay in the Graves, or like dry Bones in the Valley, as indeed they have done for many Hundreds of Tears, yet they shall rife again by the Spirit of Lifeentring into them, which will have its Accomplishment in the glorious Converfion of that People unto Jesus Chrift.

Then we read of the Reunion of all the Tribes; yea, the ten Tribes, which rent themselves off from Judab in the Time of Jeroboam, who was King of Ifrael; and afterwards were carry'd away captive by Piglathpileser, King of Affyria, 2 Kings, xv. 29. long before


before Chrift came in the Flesh; and have not been known to return to this Day. But upon the Fulfilment of this Prophecy, there will be a Return of these, together with the Tribe of Judah ; and they shall be as one People, Nation, and Kingdom. This is fignified by the Two Sticks becoming one in the Prophet's Hands; ver. 19, 20, and 22. And I will make them one Nation in the Land, upon the Moun tains of Ifrael. This looks as if the Land of Canaan, call'd here the Mountains of Ifrael, would be the Place where they shall all meet, and be reestablished again; and one King shall be King to them all. Who this King is, we have expressed v. 24. And they shall be no more two Nations, neither shall they be divided into two Kingdoms any more. Here will be a glorious Reunion, not only of all the Jews, but of all the Converted Gentiles too, into one compleat Body or Kingdom: For the Gentiles shall come to thy Light, and Kings (that is the Converted Kings among the Gentiles) to the Brightness of thy Rifing, Ifa. lx. ver. 3.

Neither shall they defile themselves any more with their Idols, nor with their Detestable things: Eut I will save them out of all their Dwelling Places, wherein they have finned, and will cleanse them. It is certain this has not had its Accomplishment as yet; but will have its Fulfilment in that Day, when the Fountain of Christ's Blood shall be opened unto them for cleanfing. So shall they be my People, and Iwill be their God: And my Servant (that is, Chrift) fhall be King over them; and they shall all have but one Shepherd, &c. This is the great Shepherd of the Sheep, the Lord Jesus, who feeds his People with the Bread and the pure River of the Water of Life Well


Well! This is the King that the Spirit of God points us to; It is this spiritual David that will put Life into the dry Bones, and bring them out of their Graves: It is Chrift that will unite, not only all the Tribes of Ifrael, but all the Converted Fews. and Gentiles, as one Church, People, and Nation: It is he that will cleanse them from all their Filthiness both of Flesh and Spirit: It is the Lord Jesus Chrift that will be their King and Shepherd, both to reign over them, and to feed them. And my Servant David fhall be their Prince for ever. This must be spoken of, and apply'd only to Jesus Christ.



The Name of the City (NEW JERUSALEM) from that Day shall

be call'd, THE LORD IS THERE. 1. From that Day, when all the Prophefies relating to the Kingdom of Christ come to be fulfilled, the City shall be, The Lord is there. 2. This City takes in the whole Wife, Bride, or Spouse of Chrift. 3. The Excellency of this City doth appear, Firft, From the near Union and Relation there is between Chrift and the Saints; Secondly, From the Place where she descends; Thirdly, From ber Walls, which are great and high; Fourthly, From the Gates, which are twelve; Fifthly, From the Length and Breadth of the City; Sixthly, From the Materials of the Walls, which are of Fafpar; Seventhly, From the Foundations of the Walls; Eighthly, From the Streets being all of pure Gold; Ninthly, There being no Temple init; Tenthly, And because it has no need of the Sun. 4. Such a glorious City will be in this World. 5. The Glory of the Mediator will be wonderful among the Saints, at this time.


Cannot easily pass by from taking notice of that Expression in the Last of Ezekiel, and the Last Verie: And the Name of the City from that Day shall be, The Lord is there. After the Prophet

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