To mention but one more; it is worth our Confideration, in observing what is expressed in that general Catechism made by the great Martyr Reformers, in King Edward VI. time, to be used throughout the Nation, at leaft by all the Latin Scholars, and should now be so decried by this present Generation, who so much efteemed that Time of Reformation, is a Thing to be wonder'd at. But to give a few Hints. 6 Quest.How is God's Name sanctified? Answ. 'I will tell thee. Then is this done, when omiting all those who borrow the Name of God, whether in Heaven, or in Earth, and we pray to the ' true God, and his Son Jesus Chrift, &c. Thou 'haft well faid: Go on I pray thee. In the se'cond Place, we pray thy Kingdom come. For as yet we fee not all Things subject to Christ. We 'see not yet how the Stone is cut out of the Moun'tain without human Help, which breaks small, and reduceth to nothing that Image, defcribed by Daniel. How the Rock only, which is Chrift, doth possess and obtain the Empire of the 'whole World, given him by his Father. Anti'chrift is not yet flain, whence it comes to pass, * that we defire and pray, that that at length may come to pass, and be fulfilled; that Chrift alone may reign with his Saints, according to 'the divine Promises, and that he may live and rule in the World, according to the Decrees of the Gospel, and not according to the Traditions of Men, and the Will of Tyrants. ، But the Holy Scripture doth call the End of the World by the Names of the Confummation, and Perfection of the Kingdom and Mystery of Christ, ' and of the Renunciation of all Things, 2 Pet. 111. 13. And it seems agreeable to Reason, that Corrup tion : 'bath, the Seventh Day fanctified, and ८ Ireneus. yod fuch a King many undeniable Secondly, From What wonderful Things hath Tertulli. sed concerning this blessed Kingdom? wh ed about the Year 181. Take his och my Soul hath ८ ، ८ For, we also confefs, that a Kingdon. promifed us on Earth, but before that it menear Approach of that Opolion with e good People, agreater Earneftnels to according to my od and the Comfort And therefore my aftution and unto the Lord is, gs may be awakened the Bridegroom, whole teuma, that is our Traffick to be i 'for the receiving of the Saints at the and both in an ha we may not fleep as Camang behind in no ८ on, and the refreshing of them, with found 'good Things, in Recompo of th 'which in the World we efpi we may lift up Arift, faying, This will be glad emi 'that there also hi ' where they hav : toal Comfort delive 'This is the M |