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Jehovah, or God in Christ, is the Heaven of the


Yet fome may further object and say, If this be so, that the Lord Jesus Christ, with all the Saints and Angels shall come down from Heaven, to live and reign for a thousand Years upon the Earth: What then must that glorious Place called the Third, or the Imperial Heaven, be left empty for so long a Time? Such needless Questions as these may be fooner asked than they can be answered by Seven Men that can render a Reason. We ought not to be wise above what is written: And therefore not too curioufly search into that which is a Secret. As for the Imperial or Third Heaven (if I may modeftly give my Thoughts) I believe will not be left empty in this time; because the way between Earth and Heaven, will be so wonderfully opened in that Day, by the Coming of the Lord Jesus Chrift, with all the Saints and glorious Angels, (the Impediment of Sin, Weakness, and Mortality, being wholly removed) there will be, (upon all Occafions) a continual egress and regress, by the Saints then (as well as now there is by the Angels) from Earth to Heaven, and from Heaven to the Earth, by the Appointment of Christ, during the Time of that glorious Reign. But let this be how it will, we must leave that until the Day comes, which will make these Mysteries more plain and confpicuous. This is certain that Christ will have a Kingdom, in which he will reign with the Saints, or they shall reign with him, in that blessed Millenium, or thousand Years Glory, according to the Scriptures.

As to the fecond Thing treated upon, touching the Manner of the Kingdom, I have indeed given


my Thoughts; but with as much Humility and Moderation as possible I could. And that because I believe the Manner of that Kingdom, how it shall be in all the particular Parts and Branches of it, will not be known by any of the Saints, nor those who have the greatest Light into it, until that glorious Time comes. But what then? That should be no Discouragement unto us from believing or searching into this Kingdom, which the Word is so full in proving the Certainty thereof. Something we may know of the Manner, and the more we search into it (which is but our Duty) the more I believe we shall know how this Kingdom shall be. As for those who do speak, or write upon this glorious Time, each one have the Liberty of Speaking or Writing according to what their Light is: If so be that they are not too positive in asserting their Opinions. We cannot make others see with our Eyes; no more then we can fee with theirs. In this therefore it is good to be moderate; and to let our Moderation be known unto all Men; the Lord is at hand, who will when he comes put all Things into rights, Phil. iv. 5.

As to what I have faid, with respest unto the first Branch of Christ's Kingdom, in his spiritual Glory, it is no more than what most believe (excepting a few) we all look for a greater pouring down of the Spirit of God; for Anti-chrift to be destroyed, and the Jews to be converted: A greater Glory to come upon the Churches of Chrift, than has yet been, before his coming to Judgment.

Again, 2dly, As to what hath been said, concerning the 2d Part of the Kingdom of Christ in his Personal Reign, as running contemporary with the Time of the Judgment. Something of these are believed by all who profess Faith in the Lord Jesus. We all believe that the Lord Jesus Chrift will come again from Heaven, the the second Time, without Sin, unto Salvation. And that his Coming will be Personal, in the Clouds of Heaven with Power and great Glory. We all believe that at this Time of his Coming the dead Saints shall be raised and the living Saints shall be changed in a Moment, ins the Twinkling of an Eye, at the Sound of the last Trumpet. We all believe that the Change of the Saints, both living and raised, will be into a State of Incorruptibility and Immortality, like the glorious Body of Chrift: And that they shall be caught up in the Clouds to meet the Lord in the Air, and so shall be for ever with the Lord. We all believe that the Coming of Christ will be in flaming Fire, rendring Vengeance upon the wicked, who know not God, nor have obeyed the Gofpel. We all believe that there will be a Day of Judgment both amongst the Godly and Ungodly; and that we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Jesus Chrift, to give an Account of what we have done in the Body, whether it be good or bad. We all believe that Christ must reign, until all his Enemies are put under his Feet, and that after the last Judgment is over he will deliver up the Kingdom to the Father, That God may be all in all; and that then the Wicked must go away into everlasting Punishment, but the Righteous into Life Eternal. Herein I think with some other thing, we are all agreed, who believe the Scriptures to be the Word of God. And tho' we do differ in some other particular Point, in relation to the Personal Reign of Christ with the Saints, in the Glory of his Kingdom for a thousand Years; yet I defire that this may not hinder thee from Reading, nor take off thy Mind from a ferious Confideration of the Matter contained in the Book: But that thou wouldest patiently Read, and beg of God to give thee Understanding.

Thirdly, As to what I have expressed concerning the Nearness of this Time. I have given thee undeniable Proof out of the Word of God; Ist, From plain Scripture Affertion. 2dly, From Scripture Arguments. 3dly, From Scripture Signs: With an Observation of he


the Providence of God, concurring in their Fulfilment; and so confequently shewing the Time to be near, even at the Door: Which should stir each one of us up to a greater Diligence, to fee that we are found ready, having Oyl in our Veffels with our Lamps, that so we may enter in with Christ into the Marriage.

But it may be fome will be ready to say, Seeing that so many great and learned Men have writ upon this Subject, there was no need for me to write about fo mysterious a Point. I must acknowledge, (and the Lord hath made me sensible in some Measure) that I am a poor, weak, nothing Creature. But that hath been some Encouragement to me, the Confideration that the Lord blessed Barley Bread for the Feeding of many thousands. Now if the Lord will be pleased to bless my weak Endeavours, how despicable soever it is in it self, yet with his Divine Blessing it may be made of Use to fome, which is, and hath been my Cry unto the Lord.

And now Christian Reader, this I earnestly beg of thee, that what Weakness thou mayest find in this little Piece, thou wouldst cover it with the Mantle of Christian Love; and also if thou findest any thing that is not agreeable to thy Judgment, or if thou thinkeft it is not according to the Mind of God in his Word be not too hasty in condemning it; but give thy felf a little Thought of Confideration, whether thefe Things may be so, or no. And if thou thinkest they are not, yet thou oughtest to forgive me, or at least be favourable in thy Censure; because I do not affert these Things as an Article of Faith, or that the believing of them is absolutely neceffary to Salvation, but have only given my Thoughts upon such Places wherein the Kingdom of Christ is afferted, with all Humility and Moderation, leaving thee to thy Liberty, either to accept or refuse as thou shalt see Occafion.

That which has made me the more earnest in the Proof of the Kingdom of Christ, that fuch a glorious State and Time will certainly be in this World, was first, from the full Satisfation which I had, in my own Mind, of the Reality and Visibility of such a Kingdom to be upon this Earth, from many undeniable Scripture Promises and Prophecies. Secondly, From the Comfort and Consolation which my Soul hath found in it, and the Hopes of the near Approach of that promised Glory. Thirdly, The Opposition which I have met with in this Cause, from some good People, hath kindled in my Affection, a greater Earnestness to vindicate those Truths of Christ, (according to my Light) wherein the Glory of God, and the Comfort of the Saints is so much concerned: And therefore my End and Defire in this, has been the Instruction and Spiritual Consolation.

In the mean Time, my earnest Cry unto the Lord is, that thou and all the sleepy Virgins may be awakened into a due Preparedness to meet the Bridegroom, whose coming must be near at hand; that we may not fleep as others do, but watch and be sober: Coming behind in no Gift, waiting for our Lord, and be found both in an habitual and practical Readiness, that so we may lift up our Heads with Joy in the Day of Christ, saying, This is the Lord we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his Salvation.

And if thou findeft any good, or spiritual Comfort from any of these Things, I shall have my defire; only that which I further beg of thee is, that I may be remembred by thee at the Foot of God; for the Affection of the true Spouse of Chrift, continually crying out, Make haft my beloved, and be thou as a Roe, or a young Hart upon the Mountains of Bether. Therefore - not to detain thee any longer; but that the Father of Mercy, the God of all Comfort, may give a divine Blessing upon the whole, that he may have the Glory, and thy soul the Benefit, is the Prayer and earnest Defire of him, who remains (candid Reader) thine unworthy Servant, in the Kingdom and Patience of our Lord Jesus Chrift,


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