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to read, and search the Prophecy of this Book (how deep foever the Mysteries thereof be) wherein the Glory of Christ's Kingdom is so confpicuoufly held forth unto us.

Therefore it is (candid Reader) that I have, in these insuing Sheets, presented thee with a short Expofition of many Texts of Scriptures out of the Old and New Testament; which do treat so much upon that glorious Subject, of the Kingdom of Chrift.

The Method which I have used, in the Explanation of those Texts, is, (as you may find) First, To prove the Certainty; Secondly, The Manner; Thirdly, The Nearness of this blessed Time: Each one of which does greatly concern all those, who love the Lord Jesus Chrift, to be acquainted about.

As to the Certainty of fuch a Kingdom to be in this World, I would appeal unto all (who are not bigotted to a contrary Opinion) and do defire them to tell me, whether there be any one Point of DoCtrine, which the Holy Scriptures treateth upon more than this glorious Kingdom.

And if fo; Why should any of the dear Saints call this precious Truth into question? Why then should it by others be so much oppofed and quarrelled againft?

As to the Truth of such a glorious State to be in this World, you have here a Cloud of Witnesses bearing Teftimony unto the Reality thereof, as it were on every Side. If the Lord hath recorded nothing in vain, or fuperfluous in his Word (as none without Blasi bemy dare Say there is) than the Glory of Chrift's Kingdom, which is founded upon fuch a Multitude of Divine Promises and Prophe

cies, stands as an unmoveable Rock (against all the battering Rams of Oppofition) in the Holy Scriptures of Truth.

Besides the Account which we have given us in the Word of God, I find that there has been some eminent Perfons in the Church, who have believed the Truth of Chrift's Kingdom to be in this World, from the Time of the Apoftles.


I shall mention three or four.


First, The Council of Nice was for the Opinion of the Millenarians (as it has been reproachfully called) which Council was by the Appointment of Conftantinus the Great, wherein they did fet forth certain Forms of Ecclefiaftical Doctrines; according to which, all Teachers in the Church were to frame their Difcourse: Some of which Forms are recorded by Gelafius Cyzicemus. Among which there is this Form for the Doctrine of the Resurrection, which is, That the World was made more minute, or viler, because of Fore-knowledge; for 'God faw that Man would Sin: Therefore we expect

new Heavens, and a new Earth, according to the Holy Scriptures, when shall shine forth the Appearance and Kingdom of the Great God, and our Saviour Jesus Chrift. And then, as Daniel faith, the Saints of the most High shall take the Kingdom, Chap. vii. 18. And there shall be a Pure Earth, Holy, a Land of the Living, not of the Dead; which David foreseeing, by the Eye of Faith, cries out, Pfal. xxvii. 13. I believe to See the Goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living; a Land of the Meek and Humble: For, faith Chrift, Matt. v. 5. Blessed are the Meek, for they shall possess the Earth; and the Feet of the Meek




• Meek and Humble shall tread upon it, Ifa. xxvi. 6. This being the Opinion of the whole Ortho• dox Chriftian Church, in the Age immediately • following the Death of St. John when yet Poly'carp, and many of the Apostles Disciples were living)

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as Fustin Martyr exprefly affirms. A Testimony ' without all Comparison, to perswade such as 'rely upon Authority and Antiquity. And there'fore it is to be admired (Jaith Mr. Mede) that an Opinion, once fo generally received in the • Church, should ever be so cried down and buried. Secondly, Justin Martyr who flourished about the Year after Chrift's Birth, 140. (many of those who was converfant with the Apostles were then living) was of this Opinion of the Millenarians, with many others, as he affirms, beside himself. I shall give you fome of his own Words as quoted by Dr. Homes.

Jesus (faith he) commanded us to love our Ene' mies, which is by Isaiah published in many Words, ' in which is the Mystery of our Renovation, and ' of all abfolutely, that expect Christ to appear in Ferufalem, and do endeavour to please him by ' their Works. And in another Place, this Jefus ' is he of whom we know Heaven and Earth was : made, and by whom the Father will make new 'the Heaven and Earth. This is he that shall 'shine in Jerufalem as an eternal Light.

Again, freaking in Opposition to the Saducees who denied the Resurrection, Mark xii. 18. If ' there be any that are in all things Orthodox 'Christians in Opinion; we all know well the • Refurrection of the Flesh, and the thousand Years * in ferufalem built again, and beautified, and en' larged, as the Prophets Ezekiel, Ifaias, and others declare. And And furthermore, a certain Man among us

*(Speaking of him as living in bis Time) whose Name is John, one of the 12 Disciples of Christ, ' hath foretold in that Revelation that was given

to him, that those that believe in our Chrift, • shall finish a thousand Years in Jerusalem. Justin Martyr writing unto one Trypho faith, That many, who are not of the Pure and Pious Judgment of real Christians, deny this Opinion of the thousand Years; but all Christians who were 'Sound and Orthodox did believe it. And so, according to Justin Martyr's Opinion, All those ' who denied fuch a Kingdom to be in this World, ' were looked upon by him as Heterodox, and of

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an unfound Judgment.

Again, one Ireneus famous for Piety and Learning, who flourished about the Year of Chrift, 178. hath these Expressions, ' in how many Days this World was made, in so many thousand Years it ' is perfected: For if the Day of the Lord be as it were a 1000 Years, and in fix Days those Things ' that were made, were finished, it is manifeft 'that the perfecting of those Things is the fix ' thousand Year. When Anti-chrift reigning 3 Years, and 6 Months, shall have wafted all Things in the World, this must mean the Latter End, or just upon the Expiration of his Reign, in which time he will be more defperate, and in which 3 Days and an Half the Witnesses are to be flain) then shall the Lord come from Heaven ' in the Clouds in the Glory of his Father, cafting Anti-rift, and them that obey him into 'the'l ake Wire, but bringin to the Just the • Times of the Raagdom, that is the Ref, or Sab

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bath, the Seventh Day sanctified, and restoring ' to Abraham the Promise of his Inheritance. Thus Ireneus.

What wonderful Things hath Tertullian exprefsed concerning this blessed Kingdom? who flourished about the Year 181. Take his own Words. 'For, we also confefs, that a Kingdom again is promifed us on Earth, but before that in Heaven, ' and in another State; to wit, after the Refur'rection, for a thousand Years, in the City of Di' vine Workmanship; Ferusalem brought down from Heaven: Which the Apostle also Points out to be our Mother above. And pronouncing our foliteuma, that is our Traffick to be in Heaven, ' doth indeed assign the fame to fome heavenly City; and this Ezekiel knew, and the Apoftle John faw. This we say was provided of God, for the receiving of the Saints at the Refurrection, and the refreshing of them, with all spiritual good Things, in Recompence of those Things ' which in the World we either despised, or loft; ' for it is both just and well beseeming the Lord, ' that there also his Servants should triumph, ' where they have been afflicted for his Name. This is the Manner of the Heavenly Kingdom. 'After the thousand Years, whereof within which ' is included the Refurrection of the Saints. Rifing fooner or later, according to their deserts, then also the Destruction of the World, and the Burning of the Day of Judgment being executed; we being in a Moment changed into an angelical • Substance (to wit, by that incorruptible Cloathing upon) shall be translated into the Cœleftial

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Kingdom. Thus far Tertullian.

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