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To mention but one more; it is worth our onfideration, in observing what is expressed in at general Catechism made by the great Martyr formers, in King Edward VI. time, to be used oughout the Nation, at leaft by all the Latin olars, and should now be so decried by this preGeneration, who so much efteemed that Time Reformation, is a Thing to be wonder'd at. to give a few Hints.


weft. How is God's Name sanctified? Answ. will tell thee. Then is this done, when omitall those who borrow the Name of God, whe r in Heaven, or in Earth, and we pray to the te God, and his Son Jesus Chrift, &c. Thou tot well faid: Go on I pray thee. In the fead Place, we pray thy Kingdom come. For as ST we fee not all Things subject to Chrift. We ut of the Moun

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• Meek and Humble shall tread upon it, Ifa. xxvi. 6. This being the Opinion of the whole Ortho' dox Christian Church, in the Age immediately • following the Death of St. John when yet Poly'carp, and many of the Apostles Disciples were living) 'as Fustin Martyr exprefly affirms. A Testimony ' without all Comparison, to perswade such as 'rely upon Authority and Antiquity. And there'fore it is to be admired (Jaith Mr. Mede) that 'an Opinion, once so generally received in the • Church, should ever be so cried down and buried.

Secondly, Justin Martyr who flourished about the Year after Chrift's Birth, 140. (many of those who was conversant with the Apofiles were then living) was of this Opinion of the Millenarians, with many others, as he affirms, beside himself. I shall give you fome of his own Words as quoted by Dr. Homes.

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'Jesus (faith he) commanded us to love our Ene' mies, which is by Isaiah published in many Words, ' in which is the Mystery of our Renovation, and ' of all absolutely, that expect Chrift to appear in Ferufalem, and do endeavour to please him by 'their Works. And in another Place, this Jesus ' is he of whom we know Heaven and Earth was : made, and by whom the Father will make new 'the Heaven and Earth. This is he that shall 'shine in Ferufalem as an eternal Light.

Again, freaking in Oppofition to the Saducees who denied the Resurrection, Mark xii. 18. If 'there be any that are in all things Orthodox Christians in Opinion; we all know well the Refurrection of the Flesh, and the thousand Years ' in ferufalem built again, and beautified, and en

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larged, as the Prophets Ezekiel, Ifaias, and others declare. And


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And furthermore, a certain Man among us (Speaking of him as living in bis Time) whose 'Name is John, one of the 12 Disciples of Chrift, ' hath foretold in that Revelation that was given to him, that those that believe in our Chrift, • shall finish a thousand Years in Jerusalem. Justin Martyr writing unto one Trypho faith, That many, who are not of the Pure and Pious Judgment of real Christians, deny this Opinion of the thousand Years; but all Christians who were 'Sound and Orthodox did believe it. And so, according to Justin Martyr's Opinion, All those ' who denied such a Kingdom to be in this World, were looked upon by him as Heterodox, and of an unfound Judgment.

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Again, one Ireneus famous for Piety and Learning, who flourished about the Year of Chrift, 178. hath these Expressions, ' in how many Days this 'World was made, in so many thousand Years it ' is perfected: For if the Day of the Lord be as it


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were a 1000 Years, and in fix Days those Things 'that were made, were finished, it is manifeft ' that the perfecting of those Things is the fix ' thousand Year. When Anti-chrift reigning 3 Years, and 6 Months, shall have wafted all Things in the World, this must mean the Latter End, or just upon the Expiration of his Reign, in which time he will be more desperate, and in which 3 Days and an Half the Witnesses are to be flain) then shall the Lord come from Heaven ' in the Clouds in the Glory of his Father, caft

ing Anti-rift, and them that obey him into 'the'l akelite; but beingin to the Fust the • Times of De Pingdom, that is the Ref, or Sabbath,


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• Meek and Humble shall tread upon it, Ifa. xxvi. 6. This being the Opinion of the whole Ortho• dox Christian Church, in the Age immediately following the Death of St. John when yet Poly'carp, and many of the Apostles Disciples were living) as Fustin Martyr exprefly affirms. A Testimony without all Comparison, to perswade such as rely upon Authority and Antiquity. And there'fore it is to be admired (Jaith Mr. Mede) that an Opinion, once fo generally received in the 'Church, should ever be so cried down and buried. Secondly, Justin Martyr who flourished about the Year after Chrift's Birth, 140. (many of those who was conversant with the Apofiles were then living) was of this Opinion of the Millenarians, with many others, as he affirms, beside himself. I shall give you fome of his own Words as quoted by Dr. Homes.

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'Jesus (faith he) commanded us to love our Ene' mies, which is by Isaiah published in many Words, in which is the Mystery of our Renovation, and of all absolutely, that expect Christ to appear in Ferufalem, and do endeavour to please him by 'their Works. And in another Place, this Jesus ' is he of whom we know Heaven and Earth was : made, and by whom the Father will make new 'the Heaven and Earth. This is he that shall 'shine in Ferufalem as an eternal Light.


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Resurrection, Mark xii. 18. If

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