Burge's Commentaries on Colonial and Foreign Laws Generally: And in Their Conflict with Each Other and with the Law of England, Volume 4, Issue 1Sweet & Maxwell limited, 1914 - Colonies |
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Common terms and phrases
acquired alienation Andr apply appointed belonging Burge C. C. of St Civil Code Code Civil Colony condition contract Court creditors Crown lands curator Dalloz death debt deed Dict disposition emphyteusis English law entail entitled Ersk executors family council favour fee simple feudal fideicommis fideicommissary fideicommissum fiduciary Fock German Government granted Grot Grotius guardian guardianship heir heritable hypothec Ibid immovable property inheritance Inst institute interdiction interest Introd Keessel landlord lease lex situs Lucia lunatic minor mortgage nominated obschina Ordinance owner ownership Pand payment person possession prohibition propre provisions purchase purposes Quebec quit-rent real property recognised regards registered rent Rettie Roman law Roman-Dutch law rule Scots Law settlement Shaw Sirey statute substitution tailzie tenant tenure testamentary testator tion transfer trust unless usufruct Vict Voet ward xxxvi
Popular passages
Page 970 - ... of and in such like estates as they had or shall have in use trust or confidence of or in the same.
Page 974 - ... during the minority or respective minorities only of any person or persons who under the uses or trusts of the...
Page 722 - Descent; and when any Land shall have been limited, by any Assurance executed after the said Thirty first Day of December One thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, to the Person or to the Heirs of the Person who shall thereby have conveyed the same Land, such Person shall be considered to have acquired the same as a Purchaser by virtue of such Assurance, and shall not be considered to be entitled thereto as his former Estate or Part thereof.
Page 962 - Vested remainders (or remainders executed, whereby a present interest passes to the party, though to be enjoyed in futuro} are where the estate is invariably fixed, to remain to a determinate person, after the particular estate is spent.
Page 183 - Chancellor, or other person intrusted by virtue of the Queen's Sign Manual with the care and commitment of the custody of the persons and estates of lunatics...
Page 623 - Goods" include all chattels personal other than things in action and money. The term includes emblements, -industrial growing crops, and things attached to or forming part of the land which are agreed to be severed before sale or under the contract of sale.
Page 722 - when any land shall have been devised by any testator who shall die after the 31st day of December, tator' 1833, to the heir, or to the person who shall be the heir of such testator, such heir shall be considered to have acquired the land as a devisee, and not by descent...
Page 157 - Nothing is an offence which is done by a child above seven years of age and under twelve, who has not attained sufficient maturity of understanding to judge of the nature and consequences of his conduct on that occasion.
Page 929 - A base, or qualified fee, is such a one as hath a qualification subjoined thereto, and which must be determined whenever the qualification annexed to it is at an end. As, in the case of a grant to A and his heirs, tenants of the manor of Dale...
Page 386 - At any time after the expiration of ten years from the date of entry into force of this Convention, any...