establishment of Seminaries for Teachers, both male and female- the propositions for others, and the strong expressions of opinion in their favor, are not less cheering. Surely there cannot be a greater inconsistency, than in attempting to promote education, to neglect to provide qualified educators. The multiplication of school books, while it has been attended with some serious evils, indicates equally an increased demand, and urges the necessity of more full preparation for the office, that teachers may be enabled to appreciate, and to use, the valuable improvements which have thus been elicited. Then, and not till then, can the chaff be separated effectually from the wheat; and the publication of poor or useless works be checked. In addition all these omens for good, the prominent place which education occupies in numerous public addresses, and the frequent notices on this subject in our newspapers, furnishes perpetual evidence, that there is a great and growing inerest on the subject. To embody the feelings and wishes thus exhibited, and to bring them into action, in the right direction, is now the important point. To this we have devoted our imperfect efforts; and to this we are prepared to devote them, if others are willing to aid us in discharging the obligations incurred by our past labors. Our general views we have expressed in various ways. The past volumes of the work will show, that while we would not recklessly destroy, we are anxious to see great and extensive reforms that while we deprecate premature and irregular measures, whose results can only be abortive, we believe active and zealous efforts are necessary, in organizing and employing the friends of the cause; and that we consider moral and religious instruction an indispensable part of that education which prepare any youth to be men and citizens.* In this view, no single indication is more promising, to the best interests of our country, than the progress of Sunday Schools, and the enlistment of 100,000 of our fellow citizens in teaching moral and religious truth gratuitously. The amount of zeal and talent engaged in this cause, affords good security that the system will be improved where it may yet be defective; and it will certainly give an impulse to common education. We have given but a hasty sketch of the general progress of education, but it is enough to encourage its friends; and the interest which is awakened will, we believe, support one who could enter, unincumbered, on the publication of a work like the present, even if we are obliged to leave it. Should we be sustained in proceeding with the Annals, it is our intention, as we have formerly intimated, to devote less of the work to the records of education and the discussion of principles, and more to the application of these principles to the family, and the school, and the social institutions for improvement, which abound in our country. We shall need the aid of the friends of the cause in this important task. * On this point we quote the following from the Editor's Address of 1830: • Nor is that freedom worth the name which leaves a people in bondage to their passions and in dread of one another. The meridian splendor of science may only serve like the blaze of noon-day, on the summit of the Alps - to display a scene of desolation beyond the power of man to revive. In the language of a late eloquent discourse, 'Man may master nature to become in turn its slave.'' Civilization, so far from being able of itself to give moral strength and elevation, includes causes of degradation, which nothing but the religious principle can withstand. This gives life, strength, elevation to the mind. It has accomplished more; has strengthened man to do and to suffer more than any other principle. And in speaking of religion, we mean Christianity- the religion of the Bible. In the language of the same writer, We know no other religion; for whatever of truth we find in other systems is but a faint anticipation or reflection of this. It is in the Bible we find the only permanent charter of liberty: the only principle which makes us truly free in teaching us to disregard all the vain promises and threatenings of man in view of the protection of an Almighty hand, and the retributions of another world. He whose hopes end fears terminate in anything short of Deity, or rest on anything but the assurances of his word, is ever in slavery to the influence of man, and the uncertainties of time. If our country is to be maintained in its blessings and privileges, it is by combining sound instruction with the training which will form the character, and founding both upon the religion of the Bible.' CONTENTS OF VOLUME III. Bartlett's School Manual, 570. Blind, Instruction of, in Boston, 93, 577, Boston Academy of Music, 144, 373. Brigham's Remarks on the Influence of Cold Bathing, as a Branch of Physical Colleges at Athens (Georgia) 92 Lafayette College 91 - South Han- Common Schools-in Connecticut, 42, 43 Connecticut Baptist Literary Institu- Conventions of Teachers at Andover, of the American Ly- ceum, 430. Early Intellectual Instruction, 219. Education, Remarks on, by Dr Switzer- Dwight, 304. Education, in Virginia, 63 51* - Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1833, BY WILLIAM C. WOODBRIDGE. in the clerk's office of the District Court of Massachusetts. PREFACE. In closing the third year of our labors, we can forget our own affairs, in review ing the rapid progress of the cause of Education. The first month of the Annals" was the era of the formation of the first association we have known in our country, for the improvement of education, which promises to be permanent - the 'American Institute of Instruction.' Since that period we have had the pleasure of announcing kindred institutions, in North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Kentucky, and one for the Western States. These have been commenced and organized chiefly by instructors; and are at once an indication, and a means, of advancement in that profession, by whose labors alone education can be effectually improved. Strong additional proofs of interest in this subject have been exhibited, in the meetings of several Literary conventions, and of the American Lyceum, in which Education is a prominent topic; and while some of these have not presented visible and tangible evidence of their utility, scarcely one has failed to give pleasure and profit to many who attended it. The mere disposition to unite for such a purpose, is, in our view, a ground of great encouragement. The recent formation of an association to afford aid to authors, is another striking evidence, that the whole subject of letters is gaining interest in the minds of the community. The formation of a society, whose sole object is to explore the wants of our country, and spread abroad the improvements which other institutions and individuals have made the American School Agent's Society,' we regard as another important step in the progress of improvement. The desultory efforts of a single year have excited much interest, both local and general; and the plans for its reorganization promise much for the future. This period has been also remarkable for the establishment of numerous local Lyceums, many of which are highly useful. But experiment has proved that the public, generally, are not yet prepared to sustain them, and we fear cannot be, until there is a central body, with efficient agents, devoted to the subject of social education. Numerous High Schools have also arisen, some of great merit; but many have failed, from the same want of preparation in the community. The attempts to render Infant Schools mere hot houses for the precocious devel. opment of intellect, have happily failed, and have brought unmerited suspicion upon the original plan of providing asylums for infancy, where it could receive that care and culture, which the character or circumstances of its parents render impossible at home. Much has been done, however, in showing that instruction may be connected with happiness, and that the infant mind may be trained, earlier than we have been led to suppose, to right habits and correct principles of action. The progress of Manual Labor Schools, in every direction, has been a cheering indication of the times to those who have sighed in secret for knowledge which their poverty rendered inaccessbile, and to those who have mourned over the difficulties of giving a proper education to every American citizen. Some of these have failed; but the success of others has proved, that where they are properly situated and organized, they can render education accessible to all classes. The facts that they have been officially recommended in the speeches of public men, even at the South, and that 'universal education' based on these, has even become the watch word of a political party, are to us, cheering evidence that the subject will command the attention and labors of statesmen, as well as of private individuals. The late presentation of this subject before our national legislature, is calculated to excite the deepest interest and to produce the most important effects. The * August, 1830. C 3 establishment of Seminaries for Teachers, both male and female- the propositions for others, and the strong expressions of opinion in their favor, are not less cheering. Surely there cannot be a greater inconsistency, than in attempting to promote education, to neglect to provide qualified educators. The multiplication of school books, while it has been attended with some serious evils, indicates equally an increased demand, and urges the necessity of more full preparation for the office, that teachers may be enabled to appreciate, and to use, the valuable improvements which have thus been elicited. Then, and not till then, can the chaff be separated effectually from the wheat; and the publication of poor or useless works be checked. In addition all these omens for good, the prominent place which education occupies in numerous public addresses, and the frequent notices on this subject in our newspapers, furnishes perpetual evidence, that there is a great and growing inerest on the subject. To embody the feelings and wishes thus exhibited, and to bring them into action, in the right direction, is now the important point. To this we have devoted our imperfect efforts; and to this we are prepared to devote them, if others are willing to aid us in discharging the obligations incurred by our past labors. Our general views we have expressed in various ways. The past volumes of the work will show, that while we would not recklessly destroy, we are anxious to see great and extensive reforms - that while we deprecate premature and irregular measures, whose results can only be abortive, we believe active and zealous efforts are necessary, in organizing and employing the friends of the cause; and that we consider moral and religious instruction an indispensable part of that education which prepare any youth to be men and citizens.* In this view, no single indication is more promising, to the best interests of our country, than the progress of Sunday Schools, and the enlistment of 100,000 of our fellow citizens in teaching moral and religious truth gratuitously. The amount of zeal and talent engaged in this cause, affords good security that the system will be improved where it may yet be defective; and it will certainly give an impulse to common education. We have given but a hasty sketch of the general progress of education, but it is enough to encourage its friends; and the interest which is awakened will, we believe, support one who could enter, unincumbered, on the publication of a work like the present, even if we are obliged to leave it. Should we be sustained in proceeding with the Annals, it is our intention, as we have formerly intimated, to devote less of the work to the records of education and the discussion of principles, and more to the application of these principles to the family, and the school, and the social institutions for improvement, which abound in our country. We shall need the aid of the friends of the cause in this important task. On this point we quote the following from the Editor's Address of 1830: Nor is that freedom worth the name which leaves a people in bondage to their passions and in dread of one another. The meridian splendor of science may only serve like the blaze of noon-day, on the summit of the Alps - to display a scene of desolation beyond the power of man to revive. In the language of a late eloquent discourse, 'Man may master nature to become in turn its slave. Civilization, so far from being able of itself to give moral strength and elevation, includes causes of degradation, which nothing but the religious principle can withstand. This gives life, strength, elevation to the mind. It has accomplished more; has strengthened man to do and to suffer more than any other principle. And in speaking of religion, we mean Christianity-the religion of the Bible. In the language of the same writer, We know no other religion; for whatever of truth we find in other systems is but a faint anticipation or reflection of this. It is in the Bible we find the only permanent charter of liberty: the only principle which makes us truly free in teaching us to disregard all the vain promises and threatenings of man in view of the protection of an Almighty hand, and the retributions of another world. He whose hopes end fears terminate in anything short of Deity, or rest on any thing but the assurances of his word, is ever in slavery to the influence of man, and the uncertainties of time. If our country is to be maintained in its blessings and privileges, it is by combining sound instruction with the training which will form the character, and founding both upon the religion of the Bible.' |