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norance. Dr. Fortin's Sermons, vol. vii, charge 1; Mrs. H. Moore's Hints to a Young Princess, vol. i, p. 64; Cooke's Miss. Ser. on Matt. vi, 3; Dr. Stennett's Ser. on Acts xxvi, 24, 25.

course of eight sermons preached annually at the University of Oxford, set on foot by the Rev. John Bampton, canon of Salisbury. According to the directions in his will, they are to be preached upon either of the following subjects: -to confirm and establish the Christian faith, and to confute all heretics and schismatics; upon the divine authority of the holy scriptures; upon the authority of the writings of the primitive fathers, as to the faith and practice of the primitive church; upon the divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; upon the divinity of the Holy Ghost; upon the articles of the Christian faith, as comprehend

creeds. For the support of this lec

LECTURES RELIGIOUS, are discourses or sermons delivered by ministers on any subject in theology. Beside lectures on the sabbath day, many think proper to preach on week-days; sometimes at five in the morning, before people go to work, and at seven in the evening, after they have done. In London there is preaching almost every forenoon and evening in the week, at some place or other. It may be objected, however, against week-day ed in the Apostles' and Nicene preaching, that it has a tendency to take people from their business, ture, he bequeathed his lands and and that the number of places open on a sabbath day supersedes the necessity of it. But in answer to this, may it not be observed, 1. That people stand in need at all times of religious instruction, exhortation, and comfort?-2. That there is a probability of converting sinners then as well as at other times?-3. That ministers are commanded to be instant in season and out of season?-And, 4. It gives ministers an opportunity of hearing one another, which is of great utility. After all, it must be remarked, that he who can hear the truth on a sabbath day does not act consistently to neglect his family or business to be always present at week-day lectures; nor is he altogether wise who has an opportunity of receiving instruction, yet altogether neglects it.


estates to the chancellor, masters, and scholars of the University of Oxford for ever, upon trust that the vice-chancellor for the time being take and receive all the rents and profits thereof; and, after all taxes, reparations, and necessary deductions made, to pay all the remainder to the endowment of these divinity lecture sermons. He also directs in his will, that no person shall be qualified to preach these lectures unless he have taken the degree of master of arts, at least, in one of the two Universities of Oxford or Cambridge, and that the same person shall never preach the same sermons twice. A number of excellent sermons preached at this lecture are now before the public. LECTURES BOYLE'S. See BOYLE'S LECTURES.


a lecture set up in the year 1672 || in prayer, and the other in a suit

by the Presbyterians and Independents, to shew their agreement among themselves, as well as to support the doctrines of the reformation against the prevailing errors of popery, socinianism, and infidelity. The principal ministers for learning and popularity were chosen as lecturers; such as Dr. Bates, Dr. Manton, Dr. Owen, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Collins, Jenkins, Mead, and afterwards Mr. Alsop, Howe, Cole, and others. It was encouraged and

able exhortation to the people. When the heat of the war was over, it became a casuistical lecture, and was carried on till the restoration of Charles II. These sermons were afterwards published in several volumes quarto, un der the title of the Morning Exercises. The authors were the most eminent preachers of the day: Mr., afterwards archbishop Tillotson, was one of them. It appears that these lectures were held every morning for one month only; and,

supported by some of the princi- from the preface to the volume,

pal merchants and tradesmen of the city. Some misunderstanding taking place, the Presbyterians removed to Salter's-hall, and the Independents remained at Finner'shall, and each party filled up their numbers out of their respective denominations. This lecture is kept up to the present day, and is, we believe, now held at Broadstreet Meeting every Tuesday morning.

dated 1689, the time was after-
wards contracted to a fortnight.
Most of these were delivered at
Cripplegate church, some at St.
Giles's, and a volume against po-
pery in Southwark.
Mr. Neal
observas, that this lecture was af-
terwards revived in a different
form, and continued in his day.
It was kept up long afterwards at
several places in the summer, a
week at each place; but latterly
the time was exchanged for the


LECTURES MORNING, certain casuistical lectures, which were preached by some of the most able divines in London. The occasión of these lectures seems to be this:-during the troublesome times of Charles I, most of the citizens having some nearrelation or friend in the army of the earl of Es-the Christian in particular, from

LECTURE WARBURTONIAN, a lecture founded by bishop Warburton to prove the truth of revealed religion in general, and

the completion of the prophecies in the Old and New Testaments which relate to the Christian church, especially to the apostacy of papal Rome. To this foundation we owe the admirable discourses of Hurd, Halifax, Bagot, and many

sex, so many bills were sent up to the
pulpit every I.ord's Day for their
preservation, that the minister had
neither time to read them, nor to
recommend their cases to God in
prayer; it was, therefore, agreed
by some London divines to sepa-
rate an hour for this purpose eve-others.
ry morning, one half to be spent

LECTURES, in the church of trically opposite to that of the true Christian, whose sentiment corresponds with that of the apostle, who justly observes, " By grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast," Eph. ii, 8, 9.

LEGATE, a cardinal, or bishop, whom the pope sends as his ambassador to sovereign princes.

England, are an order of preach-the Legalist; a character diameers distinct from the rector, vicar, and curate. They are chosen by the vestry, or chief inhabitants of the parish, supported by voluntary subscriptions and legacies, and are usually the afternoon preachers, and sometimes officiate on some stated day in the week. Where there are lectures founded by the donations of pious persors, the lectures are appointed by the founders, without any interposition or consent of rectors of churches, &c., though with the leave and approbation of the bishop; such as that of Lady Moy er's, at St. Paul's. But the lecturer is not entitled to the pulpit without the consent of the rector or vicar, who is possessed of the freehold of the church.

LEGEND, originally a book, in the Romish church, containing the lessons that were to be read in divine service: from hence the word was applied to the histories of the lives of saints, because chapters were read out of them at matins; but as the golden legend, compiled by James de Varase, about the year 1290, contained in it several ridiculous and romantic stories, the word is now used by Protestants to signify any incredible or inauthentic narrative. Hence, as Dr. Jortin observes, we have false legends concerning the miracles of Christ, of his apostles, and of ancient Christians; and the writers of these fables had, in all probability, as good natural abilities as the disciples of Christ, and some of them wanted neither learning nor craft; and yet they betray themselves by faults against chronolo

LEGALIST, strictly speaking, is one who acts according, to or consistent with the law; but in general the term is made use of to denote one who expects salvation by his own works. We may farther consider a Legalist as one who has no proper conviction of the evil of sin; who, although he pretends to abide by the law, yet has not a just idea of its spirituality and demands. He is ignorant of the grand scheme of salvation by free grace: proud of his own fancied righteousness, he sub-gy, against history, against manmits not to the righteousness of ners and customs, against moraGod; he derogates from the ho-lity, and against probability. A nour of Christ, by mixing his own works with his; and, in fact, denies the necessity of the work of the Spirit, by supposing that he has ability in himself to perform all those duties which God has required. Such is the character of

liar of this kind can never pass undiscovered; but an honest relater of truth and matter of fact is safe: he wants no artifice, and tears no examination.

LEGIONTHEBEAN, aname given, in the time of Dioclesian,

to a whole legion of Christians, to his Ægyptiaca, in defence of consisting of more than six thou- this miracle; as also, what is al

sand men, who were said to have suffered martyrdom by the order of Maximian. Though this story hath never wanted patrons, yet it is disbelieved by many. Dr. Jortin, in his usual facetious way, says, that it stands upon the authority of one Eucherius, bishop of Lyons, and a writer of the fifth century, who had it from Theodorus, another bishop, who had the honour and felicity to find the reliques of these martyrs by revelation, and perhaps by the smell of the bones!

leged against it by Dan Lauroque, in a discourse upon that subject, subjoined to the Adversaria Sacra of Matt. Lauroque, his father. The controversy between Sir Peter King and Mr. Moyle upon this subject is also worthy of attention.

LENT, a solemn time of fasting in the Christian church, obser ved as a time of humiliation before Easter. The Romish church, and some of the Protestant communion, maintain, that it was always a fast of forty days, and, as such,

LEGION THUNDERING, of apostolical institution. Others a name given to those Christians think that it was of ecclesiastiwho served in the Roman army of cal institution, and that it was Marcus Antoninus, in the second century. The occasion of it was this:-when that emperor was at war with the Marcomanni, his army was enclosed by the enemy, and reduced to the most deplorable condition by the thirst under which they languished in a parched desert. Just at this time they were remarkably relieved by a sudden and unexpected rain. This event was attributed to the Christians, who were supposed to have effected this by their prayers; and the name of the thundering legion was given to them, on account of the thunder and lightning that destroyed the enemy, while the shower revived the fainting Romans. Whether this was really miraculous or not, has been disputed among learned men. They who wish to see what has been said on both sides, may consult Witsius Dissertat. de Legune Fulminatrice, which is subjoined

variously observed in different churches, and grew by degrees from a fast of forty hours to a fast of forty days. This is the sentiment of Morton, bishop Taylor, Du Moulin, Daille, and others. Anciently, the manner of observing Lent among those who were piously disposed, was to abstain from food till evening: their only refreshment was a supper, and it was indifferent whether it was flesh or any other food, provided it was used with sobriety and moderation. Lent was thought the proper time for exercising more abundantly every species of charity: thus what they spared of their own bodies by abridging them of a meal, was usually given to the poor: they employed their vacant hours in visiting the sick and those that were in prison; in entertaining strangers, and reconciling differences. The Imperial laws forbad all prosecution of men

ticular chapters in other books, either because they contain the names of persons, places, or other matters less profitable to ordinary readers. The course of the first lessons for Sundays is regulated af

in criminal actions that might || nicles, which are for the most bring them to corporal punishment | part the same with the books of and torture during the whole sea- Samuel and kings; and other parson. This was a time of more than ordinary strictness and devotion, and therefore, in many of the great churches, they had religious assemblies for prayer and preaching every day. All public games and stage-plays were prohi- ter a different manner: from Adbited at this season, and also the vent to Septuagesima Sunday, celebration of all festivals, birth-some particular chapters of Isaialt days, and marriages. The Chris- are appointed to be read, because tians of the Greek church observe that book contains the clearest

four Lents; the first commences on the fifteenth of November; the second is the same with our Lent; the third begins the week after Whitsuntide, and continues till the festival of St. Peter and St. Paul; and the fourth commences on the first of August, and lasts no longer than till the fifteenth. These Lents are observed with great strictness and austerity, but on Saturdays and Sundays they indulge themselves in drinking wine and using oil, which are prohibited on other days.

prophecies concerning Christ. Upon Septuagesima Sunday, Genesis is begun; because that book, which treats of the fall of man, and the severe judgment of God inflicted on the world for sin, best suits with a time of repentance and mortification. After Genesis follow chapters out of the books of the Old Testament, as they lie in order; only on festival Sundays, such as Easter, Whitsunday, &c., the particular history relating to that day is appointed to be read; and on the saints' days the church appoints lessons out of the moral books, such as Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, &c., as con

LESSONS, among ecclesiastical writers, are portions of the holy scriptures read in churches at the time of divine service. In the an-taining excellent instructions for

the conduct of life. As to the second lessons, the church observes the same course both on Sundays and week-days; reading the Gospel and Acts of the Apostles in the morning, and the Epis

cient church, reading the scriptures was one part of the service of the catechumen, at which all persons were allowed to be present, in order to obtain instruction. The church of England, in the choice of lessons, proceeds astles in the evening, in the order

they stand in the New Testament; excepting on saints' days and holy days, when such lessons are appointed as either explain the mys

follows:-for all the first lessons on ordinary days, she directs to begin at the beginning of the year with Genesis, and so continue till the books of the Old Testamenttery, relate the history, or apply are read over, only omitting Chro- the example to us.

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