| Booksellers and bookselling - 1800 - 306 pages
...diffufad through a community, being eflential to the prefervation of a free government : and fpreading the opportunities and advantages of education through...country, being highly conducive to promote this end ; it (hall be the duty of the Legiflators and Magiftrates, in all future periods of this government, to... | |
| Constitutions - 1804 - 372 pages
...originating a civil action. ENCOURAGEMENT OF LITERATURE, Ecc. KNOWLEDGE and Learning, generally difiused through a community, being essential to the preservation...highly conducive to promote this end ; it shall be ths duty of the Legislators and Magistrates, in all future periods of this government, to cherish the... | |
| Ignatius Thomson - Chronology - 1810 - 220 pages
...piefervation of a free government ; and Ipreading the opportunities and advantages of education threugh the various parts of the country, being highly conducive to promote this end ; 2. It fhall be the duty of die legislators and magiftrates, in all future periods of this government,... | |
| David Bailie Warden - Indians of North America - 1819 - 630 pages
...The cask for flax seed contains seven bushels. Education. — The Constitution has declared, " that it shall be the duty of the legislators and magistrates, in all future periods of the government, to cherish the interests of literature, and the sciences, and all seminaries, and public... | |
| Constitutions - 1828 - 494 pages
...duly convicted. ARTICLE. 9. 5 1. Knowledge and learning generally diffused through a community, heing essential to the preservation of a free government, and spreading the opportunities aml advantages of education through tl.e various parts of the country heing highly conducive to this... | |
| John Cain - Forms (Law) - 1832 - 360 pages
...for the punishment of crimes, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted. ARTICLE IX. SEC. I: Knowledge and learning, generally diffused through...various parts of the country being highly conducive to this end, it shall be the duty of the general assembly, to provide by law for the improvement of such... | |
| Education - 1833 - 632 pages
...THKMSELVF.S on the subject of education, expressed in the form of government of their own adoption. " Knowledge and learning, generally diffused through...magistrates, in all future periods of this government, to cherUh the interests of literature and the sciences, and all seminaries and public schools, to encourage... | |
| William Russell, William Channing Woodbridge, Fordyce Mitchell Hubbard - Education - 1833 - 658 pages
...THEMSELVES on the subject of education, expressed in the form of government of their own adoption. " Knowledge and learning, generally diffused through...advantages of education through the various parts ot the country, being highly conducive to promote this end ; it shall be the duly of the legislators... | |
| Pennsylvania. Constitutional Convention - Constitutional conventions - 1838 - 696 pages
...attention of the convention, they did no more than declare in general terms, as in Massachusetts, that : " It shall be the duty of the legislators and magistrates...all future periods of this government to cherish the interest of literature and the sciences, and all seminaries and public schools, to encourage private... | |
| New Hampshire. General Court. Senate - Legislative journals - 1841 - 604 pages
...able to lay before the Leeislature their reports on the condition of nil the banks in the State. " Knowledge and learning generally diffused through a community being essential to the support of a free government," it is made the duty of the Legislature, by the Constitution, " to cherish... | |
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