Daboll's Schoolmaster's Assistant, Improved and Enlarged |
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100 dollars annuity annum answer Anthony Billings Arithmetic arithmetical series barter Bought bushels cloth common difference compound interest contain cube root cyphers decimal Deduct demand denominator diameter dimes divide the product dividend divisor dols equal EXAMPLES farthings federal money Find the value gain or lose gallon geometrical series given number given sum hundred improper fraction inches least common multiple left hand merchants miles mills milreas mixed numbers months Multiply the given neat weight New-England currency New-Jersey New-York currency NOTE number of shillings number of terms paid payment pence pound present worth principal quotient rate per cent ratio ready money remainder Required the interest right hand rods Rule of Three sell separatrix shillings simple interest sold solid feet Sqrs square root Sterling subtract subtrahend tare third Thomas Grosvenor trett VULGAR FRACTIONS whole numbers wine
Popular passages
Page 80 - ... from the right hand of the quotient, point off so many places for decimals, as the decimal places in the dividend exceed those in the divisor.
Page 173 - RULE. 1 . Separate the given number into periods of three figures each, by putting a point over the unit figure and every third figure bejond the place of units. 2. Find the greatest cube in the left hand period, and put its root in the quotient. 3.
Page 183 - The first term, the last term (or the extremes) and the ratio given, to find the sum of the series. RULE. Multiply the last term by the ratio, and from the product subtract the first term ; then divide the remainder by the ratio, less by l,and the quotient will be the sum of all the terms.
Page 188 - If the errors are alike, divide the difference of the products by the difference of the errors, and the quotient will be the answer. .5. If the errors are unlike, divide the sum of the products by the sum of the errors, and the quotient will bo the answer.
Page 210 - Ixos being given, to find how many bushels it will contain. RULE. Multiply the length by the breadth, and that product by the depth, divide the last product by 2150,425 the solid inches in a statute bushel, and the quotient will be the answer. EXAMPLE. There is a square...
Page 190 - To find the number of Permutations or changes, that can be made of any given number of things, all different from each other RULE.
Page 121 - Cast the interest on the several payments, from the time they were paid, to the time of settlement, and find their amount ; and lastly deduct the amount of the several payments, from the amount of the principal.
Page 147 - CASE II. , To reduce a mixed number to its equivalent improper fraction. RULE. Multiply the whole number...
Page 165 - COMPUTE the interest on the principal sum, from the time when the interest commenced to the first time when a payment was made, which exceeds either alone or in conjunction with the preceding payments (if any) the interest at that time due: add that interest to the principal, and from the sum subtract the payment made at that time, together with the preceding payments (if any) and the remainder forms a new principal ; on which, compute and subtract the interest, as upon the first principal: and proceed...
Page 176 - Alligation alternate is the method of finding what quantity of any number of simples, whose rates are given, will compose a mixture of a given rate ; so that it is the reverse of Alligation medial, and may be proved by it. RULE 1.* 1. Write the rates of the simples in a column under each other.