Directory of Delta Gamma Will be forwarded to any address, ELMA ERICH, Chairman Com. on D. G. Directory. 14 AND 16 ST. PAUL STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Official Jeweler of Memo:-Packages sent on application to any Corresponding Secretary of the Fraternity. Special Designs and Estimates on Class Pins, Rings, Medals, Etc. ushing & Company, Booksellers and 34 W. Baltimore St., Opp. Hanover. BALTIMORE. School, Law, Medical, Classical and Miscellaneous Books. Keep constantly on hand the Text The Woman's College of Baltimore, Also a Full Line of STATIONERY, including all the new and fashionable tints and sizes of Fine Writing Papers. Wedding Invitations, Reception Cards, At-Home Cards, Tea Cards, Visiting Cards, Engraved in the Latest Styles. Also Monograms, Crests and Street Address Dies made to order of any style desired. The Directory of Delta Gamma Will be forwarded to any address, ELMA ERICH, Chairman Com. on D. G. Directory. 14 AND 16 ST. PAUL STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Official Jeweler of Memo:-Packages sent on application to any Corresponding Secretary of the Fraternity. Special Designs and Estimates on Class Pins, Rings, Medals, Etc. |