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fraternity flags, while from the ceiling hung clusters of lanterns in bronze, pink and blue. Dancing began at ten and lasted until two. The dainty white programmes, bearing the monogram of Delta Gamma in gold, contained a list of twenty dances, waltz and two-step alternating. At one end of the hall lemonade punch was served by the Omega pledglings, while the large stage in the rear was transformed into a bower of roses, in which salads, ices and coffee were served. The chaperones of the evening were the Delta Gamma fathers and mothers present and the Alumnæ of Omega. Among the invited guests were representatives from all the men and women's Greek letter societies in the University.

Thursday noon, between business sessions, a most informal buffet luncheon was served in Guild Hall, when fraternity enthusiasm and talkativeness was at its height. The time from bouillon to coffee seemed to pass with the fleetness of a dream and when the President announced that the hour for the afternoon session was at hand every face was aglow with the pleasures of the past two hours.

Thursday afternoon the Convention adjourned a short business session for a short boat-ride on Lake Monona, from three until five. Miss Miner was the chaperone of the occasion and Mary Stuart Foster, Grand Master of Ceremonies. This ride on the beautiful lake was one of the most restful and delightful events of the busy Convention week. It gave the Delta Gammas one more valuable opportunity for an informal time together.

Thursday evening at half-past eight, the Beta Theta Pi's held a reception at their lodge in honor of Omega and her guests, and Friday afternoon the local chapters of Kappa Kappa Gamma and Chi Omega were also at home to the Delta Gammas. Needless to state the Convention appreciated all these courtesies and was especially glad of such pleasant opportunities to meet so many fraternity representatives from the University of Wisconsin.

The business sessions and the banquet of the thirteenth Biennial Convention of Delta Gamma were held in the beautiful Vilas Memorial Guild Hall adjoining the Grace Episcopal Church of Madison. All the Convention delegates were entertained while in Madison at the Delta Gamma Lodge under the

charming chaperonage of Miss Miner. The other visitors, including members of the Council, were entertained in the many delightful Delta Gamma homes of Madison.

The drives and boatrides which some of Omega's guests were so fortunate as to take while in Madison, were especially restful and enjoyable after the strain of the busy sessions.

Bright spring weather, lovely surrounding of lake and shore with its college campus and happy homes, gave an atmosphere of rare beauty to Convention scenes. Madison, 1903, are magic words which in the years to come will recall the experiences and pleasures of a most happy week for Delta Gamma.


J. A. R., Psi, '94.

To the forethought and management of the following members of Omega Chapter the success of Convention was due:

Arrangement Committee: Daisy Dye, '00, Chairman; Kate Vilas, '01; Ella Gernon, '91; Amy Stevens, '91; Mary Main, '93; Katherine Sanborn, '02; Elizabeth Mills, '95; Mary Foster, '94; Ellen Lamb, '00. Entertainment Committee: Mary Main, '93, Chairman; Mrs. Annie Storer Brown, '89; Mrs. Bertha Cassody Johnson, '93; Mrs. Florence Bashford Spensley, '97; Martha Pound, '97: May Odell, '05. Decoration Committee: Ella Gernon, '91, Chairman; Amy Stevens, '91; Elsie Stevens, Helen Dodge, '97; Alice Jackson, '00; Joyce Hunter, Julia Cole. Transportation Committee: Elizabeth Mills, '95, Chairman; Mrs. Catherine May Clawson Sumner, '94; Florence Nelson, '02; Ellen Lamb, '00, Joyce Hunter. Correspondence Committee: Katherine Sanborn, '02, Chairman: Elsie Thom. Program Committee: Mary Foster, '94, Chairman; Amy Stevens, '91; Mrs. Marie Minor Doyon, '99. Mrs. Eleanor Bardeau Johnson, Alice Jackson, '00; Mary Cunningham, '03.

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Friday evening, May fifteenth, the Thirteenth Biennial Convention Banquet of Delta Gamma was held in the Assembly Room of Guild Hall. At the appointed hour, two by two the bauqueters descended the stairs from the second floor to the banquet hall which was ablaze with music, light and flowers. Three banquet tables extended the length of the room, at the end of which, on a raised platform, was the orchestra. The middle table was composed of three parts, a round one with a longer one at each end. At the round center table sat the

toastmistress, members of the Council, past members of the Council and the chairman of the banquet committee.

The place cards and roses were Wisconsin red and the souvenir programs, of parchment, were beautifully hand illumined in old English lettering of red, gold and black, and contained the following Menu and Toast List:

[blocks in formation]

"Make the parting hour overflow with joy."

Toastmistress:-Mrs. Imogene Hand Carpenter '87, Omega.

Pearl Miller '04,

"Friendship is a word the very sight of which in print makes

College Friendships

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the heart warm.

Margaret Smith '04,

Florence Disten '04,

"Full character'd with lasting memory."



"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long lives this." Mrs. Jane Tracy Fabian 'oo Lambda.

The Outer Circle

In Days of Old

"Where brook and river meets."

Pearl Marty '04,

"O years gone down into the past, what pleasant memories

come to me.


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