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Some of the girls entertained their men friends at whist the other evening at the chapter house and had a very pleasant time. The Sophomore Reception, which is given each year by the sophomores to the freshmen, has been the only social event of the college thus far.

Rho wishes all Delta Gamma's a successful college year. EDITH SNYDER, '94.

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The college year has opened and only we who are old girls realize how happy we are to be together again after the summer's separation. A number of our girls were not able to be back this year, and that made rushing season all the more strenuous. Our festivities consisted of a chafing dish party at Lena Roach's, a spread at Edith Preston's, a dinner at the Berkley Imperial, and a delightful Banquet at the Berkley, at which thirty were present. Dainty water-color programs were given out, and dancing enjoyed later in the evening.

The next week an elaborate dinner was given us by Mabel Swisher, a town girl. We attended "When Knighthood was in Flower," and also enjoyed a musical at Clem Ashley's, another town girl, whose home is always open to us.

As a result of our work we are proud to introduce to you our three pledges, Ruth Fleming, '04, of Omaha, Neb.; Ethel Elliott, '03, of Marshalltown, Iowa, and Anne Bollinger, of Council Bluffs, Iowa. We are also very glad to have with us this year for an attractive member, Harriette Holt, Tau, 93, recently of Omega, who is one of the French instructors in the University.

Helen Moulton, '02, has been with us all through rushing, and we feel greatly indebted to her for her help. Her marriage to Ben Swisher, Phi Kappa Psi, takes place next month. They will live in Waterloo.

Louise Brockelt, '94, has been back on a short visit, and we hope to have her with us again later in the winter.

Nina Paisley, nee Benge, of Winterset, came down to attend our banquet.

Effie Thompson, '04, is living in Evanston this winter, and writes very enthusiastic letters of Sigma, for she is a sophomore at Northwestern.

Social life at the University has been as gay as usual. Beta Theta Pi, Phi Kappa Psi, Delta Tau Delta, Phi Delta Theta, and Sigma Nu have given dancing parties, and Beta Theta Pi gives its large party of the year at the Armory, October twentyfifth.

We are very fortunate in having this year as last, a Delta Gamma table at the Berkley Cabaret, where most of us board. Not having a frat house it furnishes the means of our seeing more of each other than would otherwise be possible.

Tau sends greetings to all her sisters, and best wishes for a happy, prosperous year.


UPSILON; LELAND STANFORD UNIVERSITY, PALO ALTO, CAL. Upsilon has again settled down to calm college life after three weeks of the hardest rushing ever known to Stanford.

We began the year with nine of last year's girls in the house, and two in Palo Alto. But Stella Rose, a 'oo girl, Gertrude Weaver, from Lambda, and Connie Smith from Eta, have helped to swell our numbers.

Four from our eight seniors have taken up the burdens of life and are teaching, Vivian Bailey, Jule Waters, Aida Rademaker and Clare Ellerbeck.

Most of us came back early, in order to make the best of our short rushing season. We have emerged therefrom triumphantly with four strong freshmen, Susan Welcker Carpenter, Harriet Severence, and Julia Boyton, all from Marborough School of Los Angeles, and Jessie McGilvray, who lives on the campus.

The whole season was a whirl of festivities. The poor rushed freshmen had all their meals engaged ahead as well as their nights. We gave three dances, a German where no men were allowed, our annual foot-ball dinner, a drive and a picnic combined, and an afternoon affair at which we offered a variety of attractions, namely: a play written by one of our girls, an auction, a fortune-teller's booth, and refreshments which were sold at counters around for beans.

We had almost no time for personal rushing. When we did we loved Stanford anew for the beautiful drives around it and the new chapel, where every afternoon at five o'clock we could stray in with a freshman and listen to the organ recitals.

The University is spreading out amazingly; new buildings are coming up on all sides; in fact, the second quadrangle is almost complete. Tourists pour in every day to see our new memorial chapel, which we have been happy to show to a few of our Delta Gamma sisters from other chapters and look forward to more opportunities to show others.

Upsilon sends to all her sisters, greetings.




The second week of September found us back once more at college, and very glad to be together.

Last June Phi launched several girls upon the matrimonial sea, and this autumn, to our joy, they came sailing back to greet us. Indeed, we had become so bewildered by the frequency with which we helped our sisters down the aisle that we were in the gravest danger of breaking into Lohengrin every time we sang Delta Gamma songs.

The rushing season has come and gone, and we were most happy that these wedded sisters came back to help us start off the year. They looked so natural, sitting in their usual places that it would have seemed just like the old days, had it not been for a stray husband now and then haunting the Chapter house.

On October fourth the sons of Nebraska came to play football, and the whole college, beside many outside visitors, were there to watch the battle. We regret very much that upon this occasion the Kappa sisters could not make us a hoped-for visit, but trust that fortune will be kinder next time. We met the guests from Nebraska the evening of the fourth at an informal reception, and certainly hope to see them here again, though we cannot promise always to let them go away with the honors of victory.

On October eleventh we are to initiate Elizabeth Whitehill, Sarah Elwell, Helena Newman and Minnie Daley, and will then be ready to begin the year together.

We are enjoying a visit from Elizabeth Hutchingson, formerly of Phi, who drops in upon us every year or two from her home in Michigan.

Mrs. Culbertson gave a delightful lawn party at the beginning

of the season, and we have had informal spreads, tally-ho rides and other functions for the freshmen.

The Woman's League entertained all freshmen in the University on September twenty-seventh, and we are sure that, through the efforts of upper-class women, the incoming girls were duly impressed. The minds of under-graduates were so fertile in devising methods of this kind that no freshmen could possibly have felt neglected or even conceited after the evening

was over.

We can picture the re-united groups in our sister chapters, and know that they must be as glad as we are, to be together again. To them all Phi sends most cordial greetings, and best wishes for a happy and successsul year.



Only nine girls have come back to work this year, and we feel keenly the loss of our five seniors and two juniors.

Grace Gibbs, '02, is teaching in the Baptist Female University at Raleigh, N. C. Helen Brown is teaching in Savona, N. Y. The other '02 girls are at their homes for the winter, and we are looking forward to visits from all of them.

Gladys Hobart, '03, is out this year teaching, but expects to come back next year.

The announcement of the marriage of Blanche E. Woodworth, '03, to Mr. T. Ethebert Doubleday, Delta Tau Delta, which took place at Buffalo about the the middle of September, came as a complete surprise to us all.

The chapter is, however, strongly re-enforced this year by two new Delta Gammas, Mrs. Gardiner Williams and Mrs. Walter Williams, wives of two of our University professors, and now honorary members of Chi. We had the honor and pleasure of initiating them into the secrets of the fraternity at Mrs. Elmer's last Monday night.

We are indeed glad to have with us Alice Omsley, from Sigma. Finding a ready-made Delta Gamma, right in the midst of strenuous rushing, was one of the most pleasant surprises which we have had in a long time.

Harriet and Charlotte Dodge, who were abroad this summer, returned in September. Harriet is here at Cornell, doing graduate

work, and Charlotte has gone to Chicago to enter a Kindergarten Training School.

In our rushing this year, we have tried to do a great deal of personal work, and have not attempted many elaborate rushing "stunts." A heart party at Elsie McCreary's, a theatre party, to see Wm. Crane as David Harum, some drives, and informal spreads in the girl's rooms, have been some of our amusements. One "stunt" which we found quite successful was the acting in pantomime of some old college songs, while the words were sung by two of the girls. In this way we gave The Dude Who Couldn't Dance, The Quilting Party, Vive L'Amour, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Over the Bannister, and Good-Night, Ladies.

With an idea of keeping the best until the last, we have delayed a very important announcement, that is, the introduction of our six splendid pledglings, Bess Beardsley, '03; Elsie Waters, Sylvia Ball, Helen Coffin, Fannie Dudley and Josephine McCorkle, all '06 girls.

Our best wishes for the other chapters are that they may find as nice freshmen as Chi has.



College opens this fall with seven girls in Psi, seven of the happiest girls one could find.

We have started the year with a loyalty to our college and a deeper loyalty to our Delta Gamma than was ever ours. This promises a successful year.

We greatly miss our four seniors who went out from us last year, but are glad to have two of them living in the city, Agnes Murdock, studying medicine at the Johns Hopkins Medical School, and Virginia Caughey, teaching in one of Baltimore's best secondary schools.

Jeannette Ostrander, Psi, '02, surprised us all early in August by the announcement of her marriage. It was unexpected and so like Jean. We are happy to introduce to you a loyal brother in Jean's husband, Dr. John Campbell Palmer, of Wellsburg, West Virginia. Helen Bull, '02, who travelled abroad all last summer, is planning to visit us next week. How glad we will be to see her again!

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