some of our DePauw friends were our guests, and at the same time we enjoyed a visit from our much-loved Verna Darby, '02. We gave an informal dance in their honor. A littte later, Edith Martin, 'oo, and some Franklin College girls made us a visit, only too short to satisfy us. May Hurst, ex-'03, who is now teaching, was with us during the Thankgiving recess. One of our merriest times was the Hallowe'en party, which Rosetta Clark gave us at her home. We played all sorts of Hallowe'en games, told fortunes, and ate pop-corn, candy, apples and nuts in astonishing quantities. On the Monday evening after Thanksgiving, we gave our annual kitchen party. Some of our girls had received boxes of goodies from home, and those who went home brought back all sorts of good things to eat. Like Chancer's Franklin, we had a "table dormant" standing "ready covered" all the evening, and while it scarcely "snewed alle deyntees that men coude thinke," yet the home food, together with the preparations by our special chafing-dish artist, seemed acceptible to our guests, who, like true college men, entered heartily into the spirit of the affair, and helped us clear up that table with right good-will. We are now preparing our Anchorette, our chapter paper, which is always read at the last meeting of each term. Our edtiorials, our joke column, our poetry would surprise you by their literary art. One of our girls of last year, Florence Ensle, has heen very ill with typhoid fever at her home in Evansville, Ind. You will rejoice with us in the news that she is recovering. We are looking forward eagerly to next term, for we expect to have again with us some of our girls who have been at home this term. Theta sends heartiest wishes that 1903 may bring happiness to every Delta Gamma. dede EMMA R. MUnger, '03. KAPPA: UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN. The most important event in Kappa chapter since ANCHORA'S last publication has been the election of Blanche Garten to fill the place vacated by Mrs. Edna Polk Wilson's resignation. Through reason of added cares we have lost an able president, but by unanimous vote we have elected a most excellent suc cessor. And we feel sure that the other chapters with whom Blanche Garten has been associated will join us in pride and congratulation. The past semester has been a busy one for Kappa chapter. Not only have we been busy with school work, but it seemed that the social calendar was also unusually large. Fraternity circles have entertained quite generally, but there has also been a movement of consolidation among the Greek letter societies. There are reports that the men's fraternities sent representatives to a sort of Pan-Helenic conference, and that the general resolve was "to eschew feminine society." But as there has been no visible change in this particular, the whole affair was probably more or less rumor. The girl's fraternities, however, have seriously met in Pan-Helenic assembly at Delta Gamma's invitation. The questions enumerated for discussion were those adopted by the Inter-fraternity conference and reported in ANCHORA. The girls of all the fraternities here met (after discussing the questions at their own meetings), and talked matters over among themselves. No definite action has been made, but the general effect of the meetings has been a united effort on the part of fraternity girls to do away with the objectionable phases of rushing and high-school pledging. Kappa Chapter and Kappa Theta have held two joint meetings, which have been of great pleasure and assistance. The very genial co-operation of the alumnæ girls is a source of encouragement and pleasure to the younger girls, who sincerely appreciate it. The University has made a record for itself in football this year, and, to the delght of the athletically inclined, she has prevented any team from scoring against her this year. Of course it was hard to be denied admittance to the " Big Nine" of the West after such a record, but we are still very proud of the team which upholds the "Scarlet and Cream." Several of our girls went up to Omaha to attend the luncheon, which Herberta Jaynes gave, announcing her engagement to William B. Fonda, of Omaha. But the alumnæ letter will probably give full particulars of this. On Thursday, the eleventh, the University Dramatic Club will play in "David Garrick" for the benefit of the College Settlement. Their presentation of "A Pair of Spectacles" last year was a great success. Kappa Chapter has reserved twenty seats, and expects to attend "en masse,” which means a jolly time, as it did at the production last year. The There has been the usual amount of social life here. Freshman and Sophomore classes gave their hops, and the various fraternities have entertained. Kappa Alpha Theta freshmen entertained all the sorority freshmen at a very enjoyable party. We have given no formal entertainments, but the fraternity house has been the scene of a number of quiet little functions. On Halowe'en the active girls, a few of the alumnæ, and a number of masculine escorts took a straw ride, which ended in an old-fashioned barn party at a farm house not far from town. It was a typical Halowe'en "jollification," with canvassed hayloft, pumpkin jack-o'lanterns, apples, cider and the rest. In a little more than a week we will have our Christmas tree at the fraternity house, the last celebration before the girls disperse to their homes for the holidays. At this annual event each girl receives some more or less appropriate toy, and it is an entirely informal reunion of the girls who wear the anchor. "As the yule-log blazes higher, our hearts glow merry with the flame o' love." RUTH BAIRD BRYAN, '05. de de LAMBDA: UNIVERSITY, OF MINNESOTA, MINNEAPOLIS. This is a time of year when there seems to be nothing decisive happening in a fraternity way. The freshmen are initiated and everything has settled down to at least a semblance of order and routine. Initiation was held at Lois Tennant's, October thirteenth, with the usual banquet and toasts. We had an unusually nice time and were especially glad to have several of the alumnae with us. The foot-ball season ended Thanksgiving day, and the last couple of weeks have seemed sadly to lack something. We hardly realized how much interested we were in foot-ball until now, when we don't have anything over which to be ecstatically anxious. We were woefully disappointed that the Wisconsin girls couldn't come, but I suppose they are glad now they didn't with an exasperating 11-0 in the air and everywhere. I am sure we will never forget the 18-0 which we heard about at Madison last year. We have set apart the third Saturday of the month for fraternity work and discussion and call it Delta Gamma afternoon. The alumnae come in, and we sew and sing, have a little something to eat, and a cozy time generally. We hope to have something beautful and surprising to tell you all next time, if our fondest hopes do not fail. We have just heard today that Jane Butts, an Omega girl, is in town, playing with Otis Skinner, in "Lazarre." We are going to hear her and do what we can to make it pleasant for her while she is here. Two of our girls who are in Dramatic Club got very good parts this year, and, of course, we are all delighted with the prospect. We are just getting out cards for a New Year's reception and then we will have to put aside all thoughts of anything like levity as semester examinations are looming up already. Convention is being discussed and we are hoping to send a large delegation, as we are so near it seems a shame to miss these golden opportunities. With a Happy New Year for every one of you. ALICE ANETTE BEAN, '04. XI: UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Ann Arbor. Since our last number of ANCHORA, Xi has taken in three more freshmen. We had our initiation November first, when we initiated the eight whose names are as follows: Alice Perry, Alice Reynick, Elizabeth Prall, Rebecca Crittenden, Georgia Tilden, Martha Wolf, Myrtle Elliot and Nina Goodnow. There were forty at the Initiation Banquet, including our ladies and quite a few old girls. Michigan is extremely proud of her football team and the splendid scores that have been made this fall. Of course the most interesting was the game with Minnesota, which made us champion of the West. We were sorry not to have a visit from some of our Lambda sisters at that time. Last Friday night occurred the "Freshman Spread," an annual dancing party for the girls in college, held in the woman's gymnasium. It was a particularly pretty party this year in the number of pretty gowns. This party is given by the Sophomores in college, and as far as possible each junior and senior is given some freshman to take. It is an admirable way of becoming acquainted with the new girls. Well, it will not be long before we will be in the midst of Fraternity Examinations. With best wishes for all. HELEN M. STEVENS, '04. RHO: SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, SYRACUSE, N. Y. Rho has two more pledglings to introduce, Mary Benjamin, '06, and Frances Tallman, '06. Miss Tallman is a daughter of an Eta sister, Miss Potter, '81, so seems very dear to us already. On the evening of November nineteenth, Rho gave a dancing party at the Yacht Club-House. The decorations of the building are very unique, and it made an ideal place for an entertainment. Mrs. Morgan and our patronesses, Mrs. McChesney and Mrs. Ayers received. On the afternoon of December eleventh, Rho was invited by Mrs. Mitchell, one of our patronesses, to a meeting of the Round Table, a literary society of the city. Representatives were sent and were very pleasantly entertained. On Thanksgiving Day Syracuse played her last football game with Columbia, and tied her with a score of six to six. Only two of our girls were able to attend, but they gave such descriptions of it that we all felt as if we had been there. Rho wishes to announce the birth of its first nephew, Clyde Rescott, who is the son of Josephine Warren, ex-'03. He was born last week, and we feel very proud of him. The Juniors entertained recently at the Chapter-house and had a very informal and pleasant time. Edna McKinley, 02, who has been very ill, is improving slowly, but has been obliged to give up her position in Fayetteville for a time. Rho wishes all Delta Gammas a very Happy New Year. SIGMA: NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, EVANSTON, ILL. On October twenty-sixth Sigma initiated Florence Flannery, Josephine Haskell, Helen Ney, Ella Trelease, Marguerite Blair, Eleanor Hillman, Elsie Williams, Margaret Morris and Hazel Spencer. The initiation was followed by our usual banquet, which was most successful. Elsie Dewar presided as toastmistress, and a number responded to toasts. |