Four Sigma girls went to Wisconsin at the time of the Wisconsin-Northwestern game, and were royally entertained at the Delta Gamma house there. We are now anxiously looking forward to the time when Omega can return the call. Every Monday afternoon we have fraternity meeting followed by supper. We have just moved into our new fraternity rooms, which we think are very fine. After the holidays we expect to have a Donation Party, at which each guest is supposed to give something suitable for our new rooms. Our Hallowe'en Party, which was held at the home of Josephine Haskell, was decided by all to be very successful. The only objection was that the hours slipped away too quickly. We regret very much the loss of Loraine Goar, an initiate of November 19th, who unexpectedly returned to her home in the South. While her stay with us was very short she made many friends here, and will be missed very much. Sigma sends most cordial greetings and best wishes for a Happy New Year to all. dede EFFIE THOMPSON, '06. TAU: UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, IOWA CITY. By the time this issue of ANCHORA reaches us we will have entered upon a new year-one full of brightest hopes for the future of Delta Gamma. Just now we are all alive with new inspirations and resolutions for next year's campaign, which we wish to have as successful as this past year's has been. Since our last letter we have had the pleasure of initiating our three pledges, Ethel Elliott, Ann Bollinger and Ruth Fleming. We gave the "Living" and Mock Initiation at the home of Harriett Holt. Jessie Robinson, '98, of Des Moines, was present and helped greatly in introducing the candidates to his majesty, the Delta Gamma Goat. Later in the evening our hostess treated us to a hot supper served by the initiates. The following Saturday night we gave the ritual at Esther Swisher's home. Nearly all of our town alumnæ were present, and they were unanimous in their praise of the beautiful new ritual. It is these secret and sacred occasions that make us old girls realize what Delta Gamma really means, and help us to renew our bonds more closely. Everytime we hear the ritual it im presses us quite as strongly as the new pledgling who takes the vows for the first time. After the initiation a banquet was enjoyed. Dainty maiden hair fern plate cards, the work of Ruth Fleming, marked each place. Short toasts were given by the alumnæ, and Mrs. Samuel Hayes contributed much to the pleasure of the evening by her sweet singing. Faith and Bertha Willis entertained us at an informal spread on Saturday evening. It has been our annual custom for the past three years to entertain its football team at the close of the season, and this year while we have not had a winning team we entertained as usual. Ann Bollinger opened her home to us. We had old gold pennants and bunting draped everywhere, while in the dining room, when luncheon was served, great streamers of pink, blue and bronze were festooned from the chandeliers to the four corners of the room. Yellow chrysanthemums decorated the table, and water color souvenirs of a Delta Gamma and Iowa pennant crossed, were given to all. Progressive ping-pong was played, and prizes of Iowa pins, pennants, tiny foot balls, etc., were given. A mandolin orchestra furnished music during the evening, and college songs were sung with enthusiasm. To show their appreciation the football team took all the Delta Gammas to the Missouri game in the large tally-ho which they had decorated in our colors with a canopy of old gold on the top. Last week we had the pleasure of meeting Miss Jane Butts, Omega, of the Otis Skinner Company, which was in Iowa City. We gave a little dinner for her in a private dining-room of the Berkley Hotel, and the girls one and all agreed that she was a most charming Delta Gamma. A Chapter of Kappa Sigma was installed here in October, Alpha Chi Rho being absorbed by it. The University has this year been holding Chapel, or Assembly, once a week, which seems to be greatly enjoyed by the student body. It is a thing heretofore unknown at Iowa, and it seems to find the student interests closer and bring a more successful unity to college undertakings. We have had a number of eminent speakers addres us, among them, Leslie Shaw, Secretary of the U. S. Treasury. Tau joins in wishing one and all a very Happy New Year. BLANCHE GARDNER, SPINNEY, '05. PHI: UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, BOULDER. The first thing that Phi has to record is the initiation, which took place on October eleventh. The names of our initiates are in the last Anchora, and all we have to add is that the girls are becoming better Delta Gammas every day. Our initiated members were entertained at the chapter house in November. We have adopted the plan of doing this every month, and find it a very pleasant method of promoting unity of spirit in the fraternity. The twenty-first anniversery of the founding of our university was celebrated about November fifteenth. For three days we forsook the class-room, and devoted ourselves to thinking over past events and prophesying greater ones for the future. Delta Gamma assisted in every way possible, and tried to be a real help to the university. We are in the habit of giving an annual dance to our freshmen, a sort of after-initiation into the social side of college and fraternity life. This year, as in the past, we enjoyed the event thoroughly, and hope the same may be said of our guests. Another social function was especially pleasant because our sister fraternities shared it with us. The active members of Pi, Beta Phi and Kappa Kappa Gamma came to the chapter house one night last week, and we had a good, informal time. The evening was closed with a number of college songs, and then we listened to one another's fraternity ditties. A Happy New Year is Phi's greeting to every Delta Gamma in the country, and out of it too, if we could reach them all with our messages. MARCIA CHIPMAN, '05, CHI: CORNELL UNIVERSITY, ITHACA, N. Y. Winter has really come again, and University students are enjoying all the plasure of an Ithaca winter-skeeing, coasting, skating and sleighing. We are also working hard these crisp, cold days, for many examinations come before the holidays, and in January we have our finals. In the midst of all our work, however, we have found time for some social relaxation. Just before Thanksgiving we gave a tea at Mrs Elmer's to the ladies of the Faculty, and some of our town and University friends. At Thanksgiving time, when Kate Cosad, 'or, and Helen Brown, '02, were back visiting, Mrs. Gardner Williams and Mrs. Walter Williams both entertained us. A week ago to-night we gave a dance at Mrs. Walter Williams'. Her house is admirably adapted for a small dance, and if our guests had half as good a time as we girls did, the affair was certainly a great success. Our next festivity will come soon, for we have decided to celebrate Christmas with a tree. Some of our Chapter-room furnishings are getting rather shabby, and other things which we really need, and would enjoy greatly, we do not own. So we have written to all the Chi girls asking them to remember the Chapter-room when they are doing their Christmas shopping. Chi girls were saddened last month by the death of T. Ethelbert Doubleday, Ednah Doubleday's brother, who was married only a few months ago to Blanche Woodworth. Mr. Doubleday was ill but a few days, and his death was a great shock to his many friends and acquaintances. Since the last ANCHORA letter we have had our initiation, and have helped in another. At least, two of our girls, Harriet Dodge and Alice Owsley, went to Syracuse to Rho's initiation banquet. They reported a splendid time, and were especially enthusiastic about the pleasant Chapter house. Confident that Delta Gamma everywhere will enjoy a Merry Christmas, we wish for every Chapter a new year full of fraternity, happiness and prosperity. JESSIE GILLIES SIBLEY, '05. de de PSI: THE WOMAN'S College, Baltimore Psi chapter mourns the death of one of its dearest friends and Delta Gamma mothers, Mrs. Mary Fisher Goucher, wife of Dr. John F. Goucher, President of our college. We feel sure that all the chapters will understand the absence of our regular chapter letter by the pen of Elizabeth Goucher, '05. JOE ANNA Ross, '94. OMEGA: UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, MADISON. Christmas vacation for the town girls means not only a time of pleasure, but a time of lonliness as the out-of-town girls go home and leave the sorority house desolate. The foot-ball season gives the boys an opportunity of gaining glory and receiving immortal wounds, while we girls are having the pleasure of entertaining our sisters from other colleges, and forming delightful friendships. One of our games recently held here, gave us the opportunity of becoming better acquainted with the Evanston girls. A few nights ago the senior class had its annual "swing out." When the senior girls returned to the chapter house they found that the lower classmen had prepared a spread for them and had prepared a song for each girl. Much as the celebration pleased them it made them feel sad to realize how soon their college days would be of the past. We are glad to announce that we have pledged a new girl, Maud Lee, from Iron River, who is to be in the university next year. Omega wishes all the girls a Happy New Year. de de MARION JONES, 1905. PSI OMICRON ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION, BALTO., MD. In writing the present history of Psi Omicron the slang phrase, "Nothing doing," comes forcibly to mind. But this is a mere personal opinion. One member, Louise Willie Tull, married on the nineteenth of November to Mr. J. Henry Baker, would probably not agree with me. Apropos of a wedding, there is a very widespread sentiment about the loss of a girl when she marries. "New ties, severing of old friendships, new duties, etc., etc.," are the themes harped upon, and all very true, no doubt. But when Mr. Baker was introduced last week, his personel brought up the other side of the question, and promised a decided gain. To-morrow night there is to be a Christmas Party at fraternity rooms given by Evelyn Hewes and Alice Graham. The time of the year is suggestive. Of course it is only guess work, but one member strongly suspects that a donation to those rooms will be very much in order. Last year the active chapter Psi sent us the following: |