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75. Definitions.-76. Distribution of Wealth Precedes and

Causes Production.-77. Is Economic Distribution Just?

-78. Dispersion of Capital is a Mode of Destroying It.—

79. How Distribution of Wealth Attends its Accumulation

and Getting Rich is Doing Good.-80. The Greater the

Accumulation of Reproductive Wealth, the More Equal

the Diffusion of Enjoyable Wealth.--81. Capital_as
Laborer.-82. Forms of Capital.-83. Capital as an Eman-
cipator.-84. Re-distribution of Ill-used Wealth.-85.
Distribution by Luxury-86. Its Humanity Arraigned.
87. Society's Gain by Economy.-88. Society's Gain by
Large Accumulations.--89. Large Capitals Lessen Con-
sumption.-90. Effects of Large Capitals on Rates of
Wages.--91. Constancy of Returns.-92. What Makes
High Profits?-93. Malthus' So called Law.-94. Fewer
Producers--Less Production.-95. Wages are Also Capital.


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131. What is Money?-132. Origin of Money.-133. The Form

of Money.-134. The Substance of Coins.-135. Changes

in British Coinage.-136. The Standard.-137. The Ratio

between the Money Metals.-138. Exchangeable Credit as

Quasi Money.-139. Bills of Exchange and Notes.-140.

Money of Account.-141. Bank Deposits and Checks.

142. Bank Notes.-143. Government Notes and Debts.

144. The Volume of Credit.-145. Relative Cost and

Economy of Coin and Credit-Fiat Money.-146. Variations

in the Volume of Money.--147. The Single and Double

Standard.-148. Rate of Production of Gold and Silver.


149. Crises Defined.-150. Crises Produced by Excessive Im-

portation of Competing Products.-151. Competing Im-

ports Again the Cause.-152. Exhaustion of Capital.-153.

Great Wars Seldom, if Ever, Produce, but Often Avert or

Remedy Crises.-154. The American Crisis of 1837.-155.
Crisis of 1857.-156. The Crisis of 1866.-157. The Crisis
of 1873-9.-158. The Balance of Trade.-159. Doctrine
of the Balance of Trade.-160. Are Crises Useful or Penal?


161. Government Is Natural.-162. Interest Organizes Indus-

try.-163. The Motive Force in Industry.-164. Forms of

Government Dependent on the Evolution of Occupations.

-165. Governments Classified.-166. Parliamentary and

Representative States,-167. Diversity of Form in Repub-

lics.-168. Diversity of Functions and Objects.-169.

Local Govern ment.-170. The State as Related to

Industry.-171. Coercion and Attraction in the State.-

172. Government by Force.-Voting by Males.-173.

Armies and Their Cost.-174. Crime and Its Punishment.

-175. Social Crimes and Insanities.-176. The Recent

Growth of Debt.

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187. France. Conditions. 188. France. - Revenues. - 189.

France, as Discussed by Smith.-190. Taxation as a Cause

of Production. Beet Sugar. 191. The Sophisms of

Bastiat.-192. Modern Germany.-Protective Taxation a

Source of National Unity.-193. Germany's Present System
of Taxation. 194. Revenue System of Russia.-195.
English Colonies.-196. China and Japan.

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