1 anthem or ode, adapted to the occasion. The officers and members of the new chapter then form in front of the grand high priest. The deputy grand high priest then informs the grand high priest, that "A number of companions, duly instructed in the sublime mysteries, being desirous of promoting the honour of the art, have applied to the grand chapter for a warrant to constitute a new chapter of royal arch masons, which having obtained, they are now assembled for the purpose of being constituted, and having their officers installed in due and ancient form." The grand high priest then directs the grand secretary to read the warrant, which being done, he asks the members of the new chapter if they still approve of the officers nominated therein; this being signified accord* ingly, the grand high priest rises and says, "By virtue of the high power in me vested, I de form you, my worthy companions, into a regular chapter of royal arch masons; from henceforth you are authorized and empowered to open and hold a lodge of mark masters, past masters, and most excellent masters, and a chapter of royal arch masons; and to do and perform all such things as thereunto may appertain; conforming in all your doings to the general grand royal arch constitution, and the general regulations of the state grand chapter; and may the God of your fathers be with you, guide and direct you in all your doings." Grand Honours. The furniture, jewels, implements, utensils, &c. belonging to the chapter, (having previously been placed in due form, covered, in the centre) are then uncovered, and the new chapter is dedicated, in ancient mannerand form, as is well described in the most excellent. master's degree. The deputy grand high priest then presents the first officer of the new chapter to the grand high priest, saying, "Most excellent grand high priest, "I present you my worthy companion nominated in the warrant, to be installed high priest of this new chapter: I find him to be skilful in the royal art, and attentive to the moral precepts of our forefathers, and have therefore no doubt but he will discharge the duties of his office with fidelity." The grand high priest then addresses him as follows: "Most excellent companion, " I feel much satisfaction in performing my duty on the present occasion, by installing you into the office of high priest of this new chapter. It is an office highly honourable to all those who diligently perform the important duties annexed to it; your reputed masonic knowledge, however, precludes the necessity of a particular enumeration of those duties; I shall therefore onty observe, that by a frequent recurrence to the constitution, and general regulations, and a constant practice of the several sublime lectures and charges, you will be best able to fulfil them; and I am confident, that the companions who are chosen to preside with you will give strength to your endeavours, and support your exertions. I shall now propose certain questions to you, relative to the duties of your office, and to which I must request your unequivocal answer. "1. Do you solemnly promise that you will redouble your endeavours to correct the vices, purify the morals, and promot. the happiness of those of your brethren who have attained this sublime degree? "2. That you will never suffer your chapter to be opened unless there be present nine regular royal archmasons? "3. That you will never suffer either more or less than three brethren to be exalted in your chapter at one and the same time? "4. That you will not exalt any one to this degree, who has not shewn a charitable and humane disposition; or who has not made a considerable proficiency in the foregoing degrees? "5. That you will promote the general good of our order, and on all proper occasions be ready to give and receive instructions, and particularly from the general and state grand officers? "6. That to the utmost of your power you will preserve the solemnities of our ceremonies, and behave, in open chapter, with the most profound respect and reverence, as an example to your companions? "7. That you will not acknowledge or have intercourse with any chapter that does not work under a constitutional warrant or dispensation? "8. That you will not admit any visitor into your chapter, who has not been exalted in a chapter legally constituted, without his being first formally healed? "9. That you will observe and support such by-laws as may be made by your chapter, in conformity to the general grand royal arch constitution, and the general regulations of the grand chapter? "10. That you will pay due respect and obedience to the instructions of the general and state grand officers, particularly relating to the several lectures and charges, and will resign the chair to them, severally, when they may visit your chapter? " 11. That you will support and observe the general grand royal arch constitution, and the general regulations of the grand royal arch chapter under whose authority you act? "Do you submit to all these things, and do you promise to observe and practise them faithfully ?" These questions being answered in the affirmative, the companions all kneel in due form, and the grand high priest, or grand chaplain, repeats the following or some other suitable prayer. "Most holy and glorious Lord, God, the great high priest of heaven and earth ! "We approach thee with reverence, and implore thy blessing on the companion appointed to preside over this new assembly, and now prostrate before thee; fill his heart with thy fear, that his tongue and actions may pronounce thy glory. Make him stedtast in thy service; grant him firmness of mind; animate his heart, and strengthen his endeavours; may he teach thy judgments and thy laws; and may the incense he shall put before thee, upon thine altar, prøve an acceptable sa crifice unto thee. Bless him, O Lord, and bless the work of his hands. Accept us in mercy; hear thou from heaven thy dwelling place, and forgive our transgressions. "Glory be to God the Father; as it was in the beginning," &c. Response, “So mote it be." All the companions, except high priests and past high priests, are then desired to withdraw, while the new high priest is solemnly bound to the performance of his duties; and after the performance of other necessary ceremonies, not proper to be written, they are permitted to return. The grand high priest then addresses the new high priest, as follows: "Most excellent companion, "In consequence of your cheerful acquiescence with the charges and regulations just recited, I now declare you duly installed and anointed high priest of this new chapter; not doubting your determination to support the reputation and honour of our sublime order. I now cheerfully deliver unto you the warrant under which you are to work; and I doubt not you will govern with such good order and regularity, as will convince your companions that their partiality has not been improperly placed." The grand high priest then clothes and invests the new high priest with the various implements and insignia of the order, with suitable charges to each of them. The grand high priest then instals the several subordinate officers in turn; and points out to them the duties appertaining to their respective offices; after which he pronounces a suitable address to the new chapter, and closes the ceremony with the following benediction: "The Lord be with you all; let brotherly love continue; be not forgetful to entertain strangers. Now the God of peace, our supreme High Priest, make you perfect to do his will. "Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace and good will to men. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be," &c. Sect. 2. At the institution of all lodges of mark mas ter masons, under this jurisdiction, the same ceremonies as are prescribed in the foregoing section are to be observed, as far as they will apply to that degree. Sect. 3. Whenever it shall be inconvenient for the general grand officers, or the grand or deputy grand bigh priests, respectively to attend in person, to constitute a new chapter or lodge, and instal the officers, they shall severally have power and authority to appoint some worthy high priest, or past high priest, to perform the necessary ceremonies. Sect. 4. The officers of every chapter and lodge under this jurisdiction, before they enter upon the exercise of their respective offices, and also the members of all such chapters and lodges, and every candidate, upon his admission into the same, shall take the following obligation, viz. "I, A. B. do promise and swear, that I will support and maintain the general grand royal arch constitution." I HEREBY certify, that the foregoing is a true copy of the general grand royal arch constitution for the United States of America, as altered, amended and ratified at a meeting of the general grand chapter, begun and holden at New-York, in the state of New-York, on the 6th day of June, A. D. 1816. WITNESS, JOHN ABBOT, G. G. Secretary. CHAPTER 1V. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts Pursuant to the general constitution, the grand chapter of this state was organized on the twelfth of June, 1798. Its annual meetings are holden alternately at Boston and Newburyport, in the month of September |