Dec. 27, 1769. - The festival of the evangelists was celebrated in due form. When the brethren were assembled, a commission from the right honourable and most worshipful George, Earl of Dalhousie, grand master of masons in Scotland, dated the 30th of May, 1769, appointing Joseph Warren to be grand master of masons in Boston, and within one hundred miles of the same, was read; and he was, according to ancient usage, duly -installed into that office. The grand master then appointed and installed the other grand officers, and the grand lodge was at this time completely organized. Between this period and the year 1791, this grand lodge granted warrants of constitution for lodges to be holden in Massachusetts, New-Hampshire, Connecticut, Vermont and New-York. In the year 1773, a commission was received from the right honourable and most worshipful Patrick, Earl of Dumfries, grand master of masons in Scotland, dated March 3, 1772, appointing the right worshipful Joseph Warren, Esq. grand master of masons for the continent of America. In 1775, the meetings of the grand lodge were suspended, by the town of Boston becoming a garrison. At the battle of Bunker hill, on the 17th of June, this year, masonry and the grand lodge met with a heavy loss, in the death of grand master Warren, who was slain, contending for the liberties of his country. Soon after the evacuation of Boston by the British army, and previous to any regular communication, the brethren, influenced by a pious regard to the memory of the late grand master, were induced to search for his body, which had been rudely and indiscriminately buried in the field of slaughter. They accordingly repaired to the place, and by direction of a person who was on the ground at the time of his burial, a spot was found where the earth had been recently turned up. Upon removing the turf, and opening the grave, which was on the brow of a hill, and adjacent to a small cluster of sprigs, the remains were discovered, in a mangled condition, but were easily ascertained;* and being decently raised, were conveyed to the state house in Boston; from whence, by a large and respectable number of brethren, with the late grand officers, attending in procession, they were carried to the stone chapel, where an animated eulogium was delivered by brother Perez Morton. The body was then deposited in the silent vault, "without a sculptured stone to mark the spot; but as the whole earth is the sepulchre of illustrious men, his fame, his glorious actions, are engraven on the tablet of universal remembrance; and will survive marble monuments or local inscriptions." 1777, March 8.- The brethren, who had been dispersed in consequence of the war, being now generally collected, they assembled to take into consideration the state of masonry. Being deprived of their chief by the melancholy death of their grand master, as before mentioned, after due consideration they proceeded to the formation of a grand lodge, and elected and installed the most worshipful Joseph Webb, their grand master. 1783, January 3.-A committee was appointed to draft resolutions explanatory of the power and authority of this grand lodge. On the 24th of June following, the committee reported as follows, viz. "The committee appointed to take into consideration * By an artificial tooth. the conduct of those brethren who assume the powers and prerogatives of a grand lodge, on the ancient establishment, in this place, and examine the extent of their authority and jurisdiction, together with the powers of any other ancient masonic institution within the same, beg leave to report the result of their examina 1 tion, founded on the following facts, viz. "That the commission from the grand lodge of Scotland, granted to our late grand master Joseph Warren, Esq. having died with him, and of course his deputy, whose appointment was derived from his nomination, being no longer in existence, they saw themselves without a head, and without a single grand officer; and of consequence it was evident, that not only the grand lodge, but all the particular lodges under its jurisdiction, must cease to assemble, the brethren be dispersed, the pennyless go unassisted, the craft languish, and ancient masonry be extinct in this part of the world. "That in consequence of a summons from the former grand officers to the masters and wardens of all the regularly constituted lodges, a grand communication was held, to consult and advise on some means to preserve the intercourse of the brethren. "That the political head of this country having destroyed all connexion and correspondence between the subjects of these states and the country from which the grand lodge originally derived its commissioned authority, and the principles of the craft inculcating on its professors submission to the commands of the civil authority of the country they reside in, the brethren did assume an elective supremacy, and under it chose a grand master and grand officers, and erected a grand Jodge, with independent powers and prerogatives, to be 1 1 exercised however on principles consistent with and subordinate to the regulations pointed out in the constitutions of ancient masonry. "That the reputation and utility of the craft, under their jurisdiction, has been most extensively diffused, by the flourishing state of fourteen lodges, constituted by their authority, within a shorter period than that in which three only received dispensations under the former grand lodge. "That in the history of our craft we find, that in England there are two grand lodges independent of each other; in Scotland, the same ; and in Ireland, their grand lodge and grand master are independent either of England or Scotland. It is clear that the authority of some of their grand lodges originated in assumption; or otherwise, they would acknowledge the head from whence they derived. "Your committee are therefore of opinion, that the doings of the present grand lodge were dictated by principles of the clearest necessity, founded in the highest reason, and warranted by precedents of the most approved authority." This report was accepted, and corresponding resolutions entered into by the grand lodge, and recorded. 1791, Dec. 5.-A committee was appointed, agreeably to a vote of the second of March, 1790, "to confer with the officers of St. John's grand lodge upon the subject of a complete masonic union throughout this commonwealth." On the 5th of March, 1792, the committee brought in their report, and presented a copy of the laws and constitution for associating and uniting the two grand lodges, as agreed to by St. John's grand lodge, which, being read and deliberately considered, was unanimously approved of. June 19, 1792. -The officers and members of the two grand lodges met in conjunction, agreeable to previous arrangements, and installed the most worshipful John Cutler grand master; and resolved, "that this grand lodge, organized as aforesaid, shall forever hereafter be known by the name of The Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts." In addition to the powers vested by charter in the two grand lodges before mentioned for instituting subordinate lodges, the grand lodge of England appointed provincial grand masters in several of the states, and invested them also with authority to grant warrants for holding lodges. The revolution, which separated the American states from the government of the mother country, also exonerated the American lodges from their allegiance to foreign grand lodges; because the principles of masonry inculcate obedience to the governments under which we live. The lodges in the several states, therefore, after the termination of the war, resorted to the proper and necessary means of forming and establishing independent grand lodges, for the government of the fraternity in their respective jurisdictions. CHAPTER III. Grand Lodge of New-Hampshire. The Grand Lodge of New-Hampshire was first formed the 8th of July, A. L. 5789. A number of lodges in |