16 Paris Union, Paris. 26 Maysville, Maysville. 17 Russelville, Russelville. 27 Columbia, 18 St.Andrew's, Cinthiana. 28 Union, 19 Washington, Washing ton. Columbia. Madison T. CHAPTER XVIII. Grand Lodge of Ohio. The Grand Lodge of Ohio was instituted by a convention of delegates from all the lodges within the state, assembled at Chillicothe, on the first Monday of January, A. D. 1808, and elected their grand officers on the 7th of the said month. The first communication of the grand lodge was holden at Chillicothe on Monday, the 2d day of January, A. D. 1809. No. No. 10 Meridian Orb, Paines- 30 Ohio, ville. Columbus. 31 Golden Rule, Fairfield. 11 Centre Star, Granville. 32 Friendship, St. Clairs 12 Unity, Ravenna. ville, Co. of Adams. 13 St. John's, Dayton. 33 Ebenezer, Wooster. 14 Franklin, Troy. 34 Middlebury, Middlebu Mansfield. Atwater. 15 Concord, Cleaveland. ry. 16 Belmont, St. Clairsville. 35 Mansfield, 17 Washington, Hamilton. 36 Portage, 18 Hiram, 19 Jerusalem, 20 Farmers', Delaware. 37 Mount Moriah, Water Vernon. ford. Belpre. 38 Highland, Hillsboro'. 21 Western Star, Canfield. 39 New-Haven. 22 Rising Sun, Ashtabula 40 Northern Light, 23 Pickaway, Circleville. 24 Army. 25 Paramuthia, 26 Lebanon, Athens. Waynesville. 41 Harmony, Brookville, Indiana. Lebanon. 42 Western Phoenix, Park 27 Morning Star, Spring- man, G. 29 Clermont Social, Will-45 Steubenville, Steuben 3 Greenville, Greenville. 8 Cumberland, Nashville. CHAPTER XX. Grand Lodge of Upper Canada. M. W. William Jarvis, Esq. grand master. Grand Lodge of Lower Canada. M. W. His Royal Highness Prince Edward, &c. &c. G. M. R. W. George Lewis Hamilton, D. G. M. No. Subordinate Lodges. No. 9 In the 4th Bat. R. Artil- 2 Royal Rose in the 7th lery, at Quebec. 40 Quebec. Regt. of foot. 3 St. John's, L. Canada. 4 2d Bat. 60th Reg. 5 Royal Edward, Edwardsburg, U. C. No. 6 Richlieu, at Wm. Henry, L. C. No. 354 Quebec 49th Regt. of foot, Registry of Ireland. 7 Fidelity, 7th Reg. of foot. | 816 98th Reg. do. 14 Nelson Lodge, Cald well Manac, Lake Cham plain. Detroit. Montreal. Eastern townships. CHAPTER XXII. Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, &c. M. W. John George Pike, Esq. grand master. 9 Chester, Chester. 31 Midian, Kingstown, do. 11 St. George, Cornwallis. 32 Wentworth, Yarmouth. 19 St. George, Mauger- 33 Royal Welch Fusiliers, ville. 23d Reg. |